German Carrots


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
This recipe comes from one of my Red Hat ladies who is 87 years old. She makes 60 pounds of the carrots for roast beef dinner fundraisers at a Masonic Lodge in a little teeny village in Ohio.

I don't normally care for cooked carrots (I hide them in soups and stews), but I LOVE these. I hope you like them, too.



1 pound carrots
1 medium onion, chopped
3 strips bacon
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt

Cut carrots into medallions or thin strips.
Cook in water to tender-crisp.
Drain, leaving about 1 cup of the water with the carrots.
Set carrots aside.

Cook bacon until crisp, and crumble into the drippings.
Add sugar, vinegar, and onions.
Cook at low heat until onions are tender.

Add the carrots with their water and simmer for 10 minutes. "Toss ever so often."

Measurements For 100 People:

20 pounds carrots
3 pounds onions
3 pounds bacon
3 cups sugar
3 cups vinegar
3 teaspoons salt
I love carrots and these sound terrific...I will definitely give this a try...Thanks...!!!
Cut down the salt...?????????????? Are you nuts....?????????? :D :D :D
I told Esther that I posted her recipe. After she told me how honored she felt, she said that she forgot to tell me something. If you use the short cut baby carrots, you have to cut them in half lenghtwise. The dressing needs to be able to penetrate the core of the carrot.

Debbie, I was thinking of Alex when I included the measurements for 100 people. :D I thought he might like to make the carrots if he has to provide a dish for one of his events.