

Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
So let's see. Gina has been living in the townhouse with John for 7 months, while Marlena was gone. She makes no inroads on John in all that time. Marlena returns home, and her conceit is such she doesn't leave, still thinks she will get him to cave into her charms. She can tell Marlena is not wanting her there, & yet she persists. If she made no headway when having John to herself, why does she think she can still do it, after all this time, and now Marlena is back??

John is a smart man, has been a cop, private eye, has foiled many a bad guy, yet he listens to her prattle on, making excuses for her missteps.

When & why has John been dumbed down so badly? I know other characters have lost some smarts, but with John, it is HUGE! And why is he constantly home doing nothing? Black Patch must no longer Steve, no Paul, and no John either.

Is Rafe the only cop left on the P.D. now? Even he doesn't seem to be as sharp as he once was. Both he & Eli, former FBI, detectives, just continue to stumble all over the place.
Trashy, awful writing.

So much was skipped in the time jump but barely a year's worth of stories. I agree it's hard to believe that John's been so dumb for so long. Then again, if Gabi's run DiMera for a year and well, why should we want her ousted? She's done fewer evil deeds than Chad the "Dimera when it's convenient" brain-injury-faking assaulter and borderline sex criminal (which still makes him the least criminal DiMera).

Answer: Trashy writing.
This Gina storyline is infuriating. She isn't a villain you could love to hate. Just pointless to have her. Well, she does provide John a storyline now, be as it may. To have the wine guzzling princess serve as police commissioner is laughable. I wonder if all the cases she's been part of will get thrown out, once she's revealed not to be Hope?

Black. John Black. Double O nothing. I hope he gets a clue soon.
I also cannot believe that it hasn't occurred to one person (especially John and Marlena!) that Hope is acting like Gina. This is a person they've known for over 30 years for crying out loud, and after all of the nonsense with Gina and John before, do you think the light bulb might go on in someone's head? Even Jennifer should have caught on by now. It really is insulting the way they've been writing for most of the characters. John has been relegated to moving his eyebrows up and down while doing his best Clint Eastwood impersonation, sitting on the couch drinking wine, and not much else. The writers have really been slacking. :confused:
Although I agree with all of the above, how about Ciara?????!!!!!! She hasn't seen her mother in the whole year or notice a difference in her etc.? They have barely had any screen time together since the time jump. THIS is BAD writing