Great news re Ariana Faith

the look of love

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Nov 2, 2007
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Yesterday (12-11 2013) Our little sweetheart came home from the hospital!! Still on meds and the Dr. said we are taking it one day at a time. God has shown us all again how awesome He is. I wish I could send a pic of her but I cant get it from my phone to the computer.
Her Grandma Jan is so happy to be able to snuggle her. Thank you all for your prayers
My heart is so full of Thanksgiving for little Ariana, and now at Christmas time, let us all give thanks to our Father in Heaven for His answering of Prayer. I Thank You Dear Lord, for bringing Ariana home in time for Christmas time, and may your Son Jesus Christ have a wonderful Birthday in a couple of Weeks.... I know He is so busy with all the people of the world that need a hug, reassurance, tears wiped away, and most certainly, listening to the sweet songs of the Angels, sung to the multitudes, to this end I brought a piano and another angel.....Baby 12.gif....