

Active Member
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
After following this board for several years, I've finally decided it's time to join in the fun. I've enjoyed and appreciated the thoughts you all share, whether I agree with them or not, and look forward to participating with the group.

I've been a Days fan for about 20 years, though there were some spans of time where I "tuned out" for awhile if other life things were going on. It's been a comfort, an escape and an enjoyable time of the day. I work outside the home, so I usually catch up with episodes in the evening or on weekends.

Like many, I'm having a tough time as of late (well, maybe for longer than that) with how disjointed the storylines have been. While I understand that they wanted to speed up the "action", I really do miss and crave a good, gradual discover and build romance storyline or two. But, I'm keeping the faith and am hoping for good things from yet another set of writers in the future.

Thanks for creating such a great place for us Days fans to share.
Welcome to the board, teaspoon. I find this board to be an open forum to share ideas and opinions while respecting the right of other members to disagree. So glad you've decided to join in the fun!:)
A big welcome to you! Looking forward to your thoughts & opinions on this show we all love, even at its worst! (Sort of like Lexie & Stefano LOL)