Guests of


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
Hello and it's good to see you looking at this website. Would you be so kind to throw in a tidbit of opinion once in a while? It seems that people look to see what is written on this website, but rarely leave a sentence or too about their thoughts.

I love this website and look forward to hearing any thoughts you'd like to share!

Please consider chiming in. I am sure it would be appreciated. This is just a friendly invite.
Great point.

Guests who come on please join our discussions. We would love to read your views.
We have a great number of members who never post, and even more guests who visit the board, but hesitate to join up even if they have an opinion one way or another. (You do have to join to post! )What is wonderful about posters here is the respect they all have for each other, and for the varying viewpoints. The show has it's ups and downs, the characters within Salem have their ups and downs. We all like some stuff, don't like other stuff, (whether character, actor, storyline, set design, wardrobe, you name it) and it definitely is not the same. Bring it on!
Heck, I go thru periods where I just love a character, and then, I don' idea if it is the writing, or the actors, or maybe just my mood and life situation. LOL,
Thanks, soapkitty, for this thread, and for thinking of those guests.