He's Back...

Part 19: The Trial - Part 1

A week had gone by in Salem. Things seemed to be moving quicker than they had before. Billie and Kimberly had already returned for the funerals, and Tony was on his way to the airport to get Carrie and Austin. He had decided that, to keep Silver safe, she had to be with someone at all times. So, she had gotten a job at the Brady Pub. She spent all day busing tables and waitressing. One evening, she and Caroline were getting ready to close up for the night.
"Great job, Silver," said Caroline. "I've never seen the Pub look so clean."
"Thanks, Mrs. Brady," smiled Silver.
"You know," continued Caroline. "You are probably one of the best waitresses I ever had."
"Oh, stop," laughed Silver.
"I serious," she said. "You're very good. I'm glad I let you have a job here."
"Thank you," said Silver. "I'm glad I got this job, too. It's helped keep my mind off of..."
Her voice trailed away.
"If you ever need to talk, I'm a good listener," said Caroline.
"I know," she said. Thanks for helping me out, and letting me get the job. That was really great of you."
Then, a car pulled up.
"That's my dad," said Silver. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"All right, dear," said Caroline. "Like I said, if you ever need anything, you know where I am."
And Silver walked out to the car...
The gabel slammed down.
"Hattie Adams," said Judge Fitzpatrick. "You have been accused of twelve counts of first degree murder as well as conspiring to murder. How do you plead?"
"Not guilty!"
"Oh, spare us some time, will you?" asked a voice. Hattie wasn't sure, but it sounded suspicously like Bo's.
"Silence," ordered the Judge. "And do you have any reason of saying this, Hattie?"
"You bet I do, bub," replied Hattie. I never killed all of those people. Okay. Yeah, I thought of killing a number of people. Yeah, I killed that daughter of Roman and Kate, but she's the only one."
"Objection," said Peter Alfonso, the prosecuting attourney. "We have evidence that suggest Hattie had a hand in the murders of Victor Kiriakis, Henderson, and Samantha Evans."
"And what evidence would that be?" asked the Judge.
"I call to the stand," continued Alfonso. "John Black."
Hattie took a seat, and John took the stand.
"Mr. Black," said the attourney. "Is it true that you were hiding out near the Kiriakis Mansion on the night of the three murders in question?"
"Did you see Ms. Adams walk in to the DiMera Mansion and start a fire?"
"Would you care to share your memories of the events of the night?"
"Hattie walked into the mansion and lit a fire," said John. "She then proceeded to dump a blot of oil on the fire, to make the flames rise. Fearing that she would die in the process of killing Victor, she ran. Samantha Evans then came, and wacked Victor upside the head, knocking him out cold. She then dragged him into the fire. Eventually, the whole mansion was engulfed in it, including Samantha, who had been burned by the fire herself."
"No further questions," said Alfonso.
Several hours later, the jury came out.
"Hattie Adams," said one of the jurors. "We find you guilty of one count of first degree murder, three counts of being an accomplice to murder, and one count of conspiring to murder. Your sentance: Two consecutive life sentances in prison."
"But what about the other three?" asked Hattie.
"What other three," asked the Judge.
"That sister of Blondie's," said Hattie. "Pricness Gina, and André DiMera. If I'm going down, how come they aren't?"
"Samantha Evans was found murdered at the Kiriakis Mansion," said Bo. "As for the other two, we'll look for them. We must thank you for giving us leads on the other suspects. Now, get out of my sight."
And with that, Hattie was taken off to prison.
Justice had finally started being served.
Andre Dimera. I am glad that they got Hattie for the murders. I was hoping she would be found guilty. I smiled when she complained about the others going free. Sam is already dead what bigger price could she pay for what she had done? At the same time she showed that she knew the others had killed people as well. I wonder if they will make a deal with her to get the Andre and Princess Gina.
Dear god don't leave me hanging here... I am hooked and can't wait for part 20!!!!Hurry Hurry Hurry Please Please Please:clap:
Part 20

All right, all right. Here's Part 20:

It was late in the evening. Silver had already gone up to bed. Tony was on the courch talking to Carrie and Austin.
"So," said Carrie. "How did Mom die?"
"André," said Tony. "My evil, look-alike cousin."
"Didn't know you had a look-alike cousin," said Austin.
"Well, I do," continued Tony. "You see, for twenty years now, André is been in Salem, pretending to be me. He had everyone fooled, too. Even Anna. That's how Silver came about. She's technically André's daughter, but I adopted her to keep her safe from him. Unfortunately, it hasn't worked all that well."
"How do you mean," asked Carrie.
"André found somehow found out that Silver was his daughter," Tony went on. "He came over to the house, demanding that I give her to him. I refused. Anna came down, and also refused. Niether one of us wanted André to have Silver. Anna told us to run, and André shot her."
"Wow," said Carrie. "So, she died trying to save her daughter from André."
"Yes," said Tony. "Anna and I both knew that if André were ever to get close enough to Silver, the consequences would be deadly for her."
"Well," said Austin. "Not to break the mood or anything, but it's late. I'm going to bed."
"I will too," added Carrie.
"Night, Tony," said Austin. "Thanks for letting us stay with you."
Austin headed upstaris. Carrie was about to aswell, when Tony called her back.
"Carrie," said Tony. "May I speak with you for a moment?"
"Sure," replied Carrie. "What's up?"
"I want you to promise me," said Tony. "That if I were to...go anywhere that you and Austin would take care of Silver."
"Are you planning on going somewhere, Tony?" asked Carrie.
"Well," continued Tony. "You never can tell with André still running around. I just need you to promise me that if anything happens to me that you'll take care of Silver."
"I'd be happy to," said Carrie.
"Thank you," said Tony.
"Well, good night."
"Good night, Carrie," said Tony.
Shawn was walking around Salem Place, drinking a cup of coffee. He needed to spend some time just doing something, but at the same time, doing nothing at all. So, walking around Salem Place was the best idea he could come up with. And then, it happened. Then, he saw the one face he hoped he'd never see in his entire life. He saw Jan Spears.
"Hello, Shawn," said Jan.
"Jan," said Shawn. "I thought you were suppsed to be in a coma."
"I got out of it."
"Oh," said Shawn. "How unfortunate...I mean good for you."
"Shawn," said Jan. "You know you want me."
"No, actually, I don't," replied Shawn. "I'm married to Belle. We have a child. We're quite happy. To be quite honest, I want nothing to do with you. Especially after what you did to me."
"Oh, you don't know half of what I've done," said Jan.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Don't you wonder how Chelsea died that night, while she was asleep under that statue?" asked Jan.
"I know how she got killed," said Shawn. "The ghost of the statue killed her."
"Oh, Shawn," sighed Jan. "Shawn, Shawn, Shawn. You really aren't a very bright one are you?"
"Waht does that mean?" asked Shawn.
"I killed Chelsea," said Jan. "The day I came out of my coma, I was released from the hospital. I knew that you were out there, somewhere, and I was going to do whatever it takes to get you. So, I killed your little sister. I choked her. I tried to strangle her. When that didn't work, I took that knife that she laid there out of the ground and stabbed her in the chest. I made sure that she was dead."
"Why would you do that, Jan," asked Shawn.
"Because," continued Jan. "I did it for you. Only for you. Everything I do, I do for you. Don't you see? Chelsea was just another stupid, annoying, bratty, twerpy member of your family who would have tried to keep us appart! But not if I could say anything about it. Oh, no, sir. I made sure she died. I watched her struggle as I choked her. I watched her bleed to death as I stabbed her. And I would do it all again just for you, Shawn."
"You're insane," replied Shawn.
"You know you love it," said Jan.
Shawn grabbed Jan by the arms.
"What are you doing?" asked Jan.
"You're coming with me," said Shawn.
"Where are we going?"
"We're gonna make a little visit," said Shawn. "A visit to the Salem PD. You're going down, Jan. I'm gonna make sure of it."
And she was, too...
Thanks for part twenty Andre Dimera. It was a nice surprise to come home to. I get the feeling that Tony is going to kill Andre to save Silver. Where else would he be going that he would ask Carrie to look after her when he is gone.
I was right about Jan she was the one to kill Chelsea. She confessed to Shawn but could always claim she did not say that to Shawn it would be his word against hers. Should be interesting to see if Shawn gets her to the police station and if he does will she repeat her confession.
oooh. . . . totally love this story!!! Can't wait for the next part to be posted!!
So Carrie promises to watch over her sister, Silver. I wonder if she & austin will become victims. hmmmm.
Part 21

In no time at all, Shawn and Jan made it to the Salem PD.
"Why are you doing ths, Shawn?" asked Jan.
Then, Shawn laughed.
"Don't be so thick, Jan," he laughed. "Like I was ever going to turn you in."
'You mena you aren't?"
"Of course not," Shawn continued. "I love you. I was just making all that stuff up. Besides, I never liked Chelsea anyway."
"Oh," said Jan. "Well, that's a relief."
"However," continued Shawn. "I just want to hear you say it again. I want you to tell me what you did, how you did it, and why you did it. Just tell me one more time, and then we can leave."
"I killed Chelsea," said Jan.
"How?" asked Shawn.
"I tried to choke her," siad Jan. "As she was sleeping, I tried to choke her, I treid to strangle her. But she woke up and started to struggle. She just wouldn't die! So, I saw that Chelsea had left a knife in the ground at the foot of the statue. I picked up the knife, and stabbed her in the chest. I did it! And I'd do it again! I did it for you, Shawn. All for you! I would kill your entire family if it meant we could be together! Only for you Shawn, only for you."
"We'll take that as a confession," said a voice.
Jan turned around, standing right behind her were Bo and Roman.
"Good work, Shawn," said Bo.
"Thanks, dad," replied Shawn.
"What?!" yelled Jan. "Shawn, what's going on here?"
"You're being arrested for murdering my sister, Jan," said Shawn. "I told you you were going down. I just set you up."
"Jan Spears," said Bo. "You are under arrest for the murder of Chelsea Brady. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law..."
André and Princess Gina met up on top of a hill.
"So," said Gina. "You have a plan, yes?'
"Of course I have a plan," replied André. "When don't I?"
"What is the plan?"
There was silence.
"So, I was thinking we split the murders 50/50," said Gina.
"50/50?" asked André.
"Yes," Gina continued. "I kill half the people in Salem, you kill half the people in Salem."
"You're joking, right," laughed André. "This is some kind of joke, isn't it? You can't possibly be serious. This has got to be a joke. Well...it's not funny."
"It's not a joke," said Gina.
"I don't make deals on murders," said André. "I kill who I want to kill when I want to kill them. And I don't let other people murder for me, either."
"What about Hattie and Samantha," asked Gina.
"They murdered who they wanted to murder," said André.
"Oh, whatever," said Gina. "If I had known you were going to be this selfish, I would never have let you join me in my killing spree."
"You're killing spree?!" shouted André. "Need I remind you that you are the one who joined my circle of killers! I so gracefully let you join! And now you say this was all your idea?! I led this group of killers! I am your leader! Without me, you'd be nothing!"
"Don't talk to me like that," said Gina.
"Don't tell me how to and how not to talk to you," said André. "I will do whatever I wish with you."
"And what is that supposed to mean?" asked Gina.
André got out a machette.
"What do you plan to do with that?"
"I'm going to show you the plan, my dear Gina," said André. "And the plan is murder."
And with that, André sliced Gina's head off, and proceeded to stab her in the chest, twice.
"Glorious murder," laughed André...
Andre Dimera, I have been reading your stories and they are so different I have become a fan. Please keep them coming. So glad that Jan went down and of course Gina. :clap::wine:
What a grisley end for Princess Gina.....I actually shuddered while reading of her demise. Does this just leave Andre the last of the killers now?
What a great way to get Jan to make a confession to the murder. I wonder if it would hold in a court of law. Shawn did set her up and she could later say that she was only saying what Shawn wanted to hear in order to get Shawn's love. He also promised that they would walk away after she said it. Wonder if Mickey will defend her?
What a way for Princess Gina to die. Andre killed her. So far Jan and Hattie are in jail. Samantha, Princess Gina are dead. That just leaves Andre as the last killer on the lose. I am really enjoying this story. Thank you for the chapters. Anxious to find out what happens next.
Omgoodness! Andre will somehow have to be caught or a bunch more people will be murdered. I guess it would leave things open for a fresh cast though. :D
I can not wait to see the meeting of Andre' and Tony. I am so sure you are going to have some twist involving Silver. I can't wait. Kudos:clap:
Well, all, I'm here to say taht I probably won't be on much for the next couple of weeks. I have some relatives whom I haven't seen in quite a while coming out, so I'll be spending most of my time with them. So, this means that the story will be taking a bit of a break. Don't worry, I will go back to writing eventually. So, keep waiting. It's fun writing this story and reading your comments. Hope you all have a great day, and I'll be back with more of the story in a couple weeks!
How Did I Miss This

I absolutely love this story!! I just found the thread and read it straight through...comments and all. I just realized that I missed the first half of Days to read this...and I don't care.

This has been better than Days has been in a long time. Will be checking back for the next installment!

Part 22

I'm BAAAAAAACK! Well, after my nice little break, I'm here with another part of my story:

A week or so had gone by in Salem, and people were hoping that everything had gone back to normal. Jan had been put in jail for Chelsea's murder. She tried to plead innocent, claiming that she only said it because it was what Shawn wanted to hear, but the evidence against her was insurmountable. A DNA test had come back, showing that the handprints on the knife and Chelsea's neck were Jan's.Maybe things in Salem could finally go back to normal.
But, of course, Salem is never a normal place...
It was evening in Salem, and Silver was just helping Caroline close up the Brady Pub for the night. Tony walked in.
"Well," siad Caroline. "I've haven't seen you in here for a while, Tony."
"Hello, Caroline," siad Tony. "Are you ready, Silver?"
"Almost," said Silver. She glanced over at Tony. Something didn't seem right about him. It was definately him, but he seemed...different. She couldn't exactly explain how he seemed different, he just did. Silver finished wiping down a table, and then she and Tony turned to leave.
"See you tomorrow, Mrs. Brady," said Silver.
"Good night, Silver," called Caroline.
As the Silver and Tony were about to walk out of the Brady Pub, someone came in the door. It was Tony.
"What are you doing here?" asked the first Tony.
"What am I doing here?" the other Tony replied. "What are you doing here? And why are you about to take my daughter home with you, André."
"She is not your daughter, Antony," said André. "She is mine!"
"No, she isn't," retorted Tony. "She is my daughter!"
André pulled out a revolver.
"Don't make me use this," said André. "You do not want me to use this. Just give me the girl, and I won't have to use this."
"Over my dead body," yelled Tony.
"Fine," chucked André. "I can arrange that."
André aimed the revolver and shot Tony in the chest. He fell to the ground.
"Tony!" yelled Silver, but it was too late. Tony was dead by the time he fell.
"André," said Caroline, who had seen the whole thing. "Get out. Get out of here, now, before you do even more of something you'll regret."
"Oh, shut it," yelled André, and he shot Caroline in the chest.
Then, he turned to Silver.
"Now," he siad to her. "You. You, my pretty, are going to come with me."
"Never!" yelled Silver.
"Excuse me?" said André.
"I said never!" shouted Silver. "I'll never go with you!"
"Silver," said André. "I am your father and you WILL do as I say!"
"No," continued Silver. "I'm tired of being scared of you! I'm tired of what you've done to us! There's no way in hell that I'd ever come with you! Ever! Over half of the people in this town, the majority of the people in Salem are dead because of you!"
"Listen to me!" barked André.
"No!" Silver went on. "You listen! I am never going with you! Your killing spree has gone on long enough! It's over! This ends...tonight!"