Horton Family Criminals!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At least he has some company with cousins Steven Olson (Julie's brother), Jeremy Horton and Julie's darling Nicky in smearing the Horton family name.
Lucas the Kidnapper is lamenting not living up the Horton name? His solution is simple and would please Kate -- change his surname back to Roberts, a name that's long been associated with backstabbing, scheming, and assorted acts of criminality.
The Hortons are the Day 1 family, so their list of crimes is long. They're not a crime family like the DiMeras, but they aren't innocent either.

I'll need help listing their crimes. Some of those listed by JustSamantha are just the tip of the iceberg!
Hope: Robbery (Who can forget the "night Hope" saga?), murder, and conspiracy
Julie: Theft
Ciara: Blackmail

Bill: Rape; also convicted of manslaughter (though he was innocent)
Abigail: Stalked Austin, murdered André, framed Gabi
JJ: Dealt and consumed illegal narcotics
Mickey: Shot his brother Bill. Granted the gun went off as they struggled over it, but Mickey brought the gun with the express purpose of killing Bill.
Sarah went off the rails as a teenager, after finding out Maggie had an affair with Neil Curtis. She drugged Neil, slipped into bed with him, took pictures to make it look like they had sex, and anonymously sent them to the newspaper with the intention of ruining Neil's career.

Mickey blew a gasket that Neil would have sex with Sarah, but Maggie assured Mickey that didn't happen (since Neil had privately told her he was Sarah's biological father). Eventually the truth came out that Neil was Sarah's bio father and she left Salem shortly after, to join Melissa in Tennessee.
Fugitive Jeremy who ran the sketchy Touch the Sky Airlines, dealt in hot goods with the DiMeras and may or may not have been involved with Las Vegas criminal Rawlings and his army of pistol-packing Eastern European hotties. With hunky Jett Carver, he was also guilty of repeatedly letting Nick know that he was regarded as a hopeless dork. Perhaps his greatest offense was not keeping in touch with Grandma Alice, an offense that she called him on at a Bo Brady Fourth of July burger fest.
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Sarah went off the rails as a teenager,
I knew she went awry, but didn't know what she did (I could only watch when school was out - I remember her having a lot of fits... and later, she left LOL).
Jeremy who ran the sketchy Touch the Sky Airlines
I was waiting for this one!
Jessica (Marie's daughter) was involved with many sketchy doing indirectly both as a result of her DID (her alter's lover was the Salem Strangler) and her father Alex Marshall. She did nasty things to Marie while she had DID - although none rose to the level of Abby's activities. I don't think she ever faced charges, either.

Tommy's branch is pretty clean - mainly because most writers have forgotten it existed.

Julie's grandson, Scotty, had some sort of sketchy business involving her club, too... I've only read about it - by the time I was watching, he was mostly-reformed.
When Scotty arrived in Salem, he insisted he owned the land upon which Wings was built, & made Nick give him a job there. He then fell in love with singer Faith Taylor, but singer Eve Donovan wanted him for herself. so told Faith how Scotty was not on the up & up in the record deals he was making. However Scotty & Faith left Salem when he decided to attend med school. His crimes were mostly minor ones.
Gabi has cheated in business, etc. She shot Nick.
Gabi isn't a Horton, though. If we include spouses and baby-mamas/daddies the thread would never end. :)

TinaY: I don't think they burned the building - if I recall correctly, and honestly I could be wrong, they put him in a building that was slated to be demolished.