How do I know when it is ok to quote someone or it is inappropriate?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
I see that a quote was deleted from one of my responses.
How do I determine if it is an unnecessary quote?
When you're posting directly under someone, you don't need to use "reply" button (which creates the quote) and quote the post that's directly above yours. You can just type what you want to say.
Or If it was a spoiler that you quoted and it was in a non spoiler forum that is why it was well as the original post . We are not allowed to post spoilers in a non spoiler forum :)
Or If it was a spoiler that you quoted and it was in a non spoiler forum that is why it was well as the original post . We are not allowed to post spoilers in a non spoiler forum :)

This is an instance where the quote is not needed, because it just quotes the post that is above it.
I agree with Myst. Quoting is SO unnecessary! It irritates me.
Quoting is SO unnecessary! It irritates me.

Same here, sunny and myst.

This software is different from the last one and doesn't offer both "quote" and "reply" so people may not know that when they press "reply," it automatically quotes the poster. As JS said, if you only want to reply, just start typing.
Rules about the quote feature are the first thread under in the Daily Days forum, though some of the info needs to be reworded as it applied to the old format. Another thing to keep in mind is when you want to reply to a long post, that was several posts ago, to avoid confusion, you can hit "reply and then delete all but the relevant portion you are responding to. If responding to multiple sections of another person I'll delete the non-relevant portions and put [snip] to indicate that I've cut a portion out. I saw someone else do that and liked it, so I use it too. You can also quote multple posts in one post by just hitting the reply button in each post you wish to respond to.
Rules about the quote feature are the first thread under in the Daily Days forum, though some of the info needs to be reworded as it applied to the old format.

For example, if my post was several posts away from b2curious' post and I only wanted to reference this part of it (above), I'd hit "reply" then delete everything except the part I was referring to. (just used the first sentence of the post as an example)
Oh, my goodness, thanks for the reminder about the are right!
For example, if my post was several posts away from b2curious' post and I only wanted to reference this part of it (above), I'd hit "reply" then delete everything except the part I was referring to. (just used the first sentence of the post as an example)
Oooooohhhhh! OK...... I did wonder how people just quoted parts of a post. DUH!!! Makes total sense now!! LOL!
Really?? I thought that was the main reason for not quoting. Thanks for the update KL!
It is what Wayne always told me, however, this new software, and he upgraded the site, so has lots now. But that is not the only reason. Pages do take longer to load, plus many just won't even read a post with a long quote, and then only one line comment.
Ahhh, so that was the case before the board changed? I thought that had been the case. Thanks for clarifying Barb!