SPOILER !! How would a judge decide?

The problem with the Allie letter is that it mentions "caring" for the child, but is silent about a possible adoption. Also, at this point, it's too soon to declare than she has "permanently abandoned" her child. In a normal family, caring for the child pending a possible permanent custody arrangement would be worked out amicably by Allie's relatives. Unfortunately, Sami is involved so nothing is going to be normal. Thanks to her nonsense, custody arrangements are going to end up in the last place they should be -- the Salem courts. Given the ineptitude of Salem's lawyers (this means you too, Belle) and the stupidity of Salem's so-called judiciary (calling Judge Thorpe), the poor baby could end up in the care of protective services or even with the Forest Preserve Bear.
Given the ineptitude of Salem's lawyers (this means you too, Belle) and the stupidity of Salem's so-called judiciary (calling Judge Thorpe), the poor baby could end up in the care of protective services or even with the Forest Preserve Bear.
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