How Would You .... No. 8 .... Dr. Jonas's Exit


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Annapolis, MD
Since the untimely death of the Love Doctor, many posters have complained about how long Salemites have been mourning his passing. This could have been avoided by altering the circumstances of the wonder surgeon's exit from Days. For starters, Nicole never marries him. She finds the unshaven surgeon attractive, but realizes that he's a confirmed ladies man and not marriage material.

Instead she decides to wait for somebody suitable to appear with whom, though another Salem medical miracle, she can finally have her baby. :)To avoid all the unseemly tears, Dr. McScruffy doesn't die -- he isn't even injured. Although all those who hold Dr. Jonas in low esteem might enjoy watching him flee Salem one jump ahead of medical malpractice lawsuits and/or angry husbands and boyfriends, it's unreasonable to expect TPTB to allow such an unseemly exit.

Instead, he's offered a position at a major research hospital where he can take his medical genius to a larger stage and his "luv" skills to big-city bars and clubs. Super Jonas then fades from the collective Salem memory and Maggie mentions him as rarely as she does her daughters. In this scenario, the hapless sourpuss Eric doesn't go to prison.

Instead, he returns to the priesthood and is sent to the Vatican to study at the Pontifical Gregorian University so he can later become Bishop of Salem and make his parents proud. And since there's no New Year's Eve traffic accident, Brady never gets the Love Doctor's heart, which means he never goes to California, and the viewers are thereby spared the truly awful Summer.
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I'm good with dead, I wish they'd just stop mentioning him all the time. I don't even mind that Eric was the one to cause his death, and I like Eric!

I would have preferred if he'd gone out with his halo tarnished though... maybe one of his patients put in a complaint that he came onto her while she was in a hideous hospital gown and it came out just how many of his patients he'd slept with. Or something, I don't know.
Nicole, the intrepid investigator, researched Dr. Jonas' genealogy to make a family tree as an engagement gift for him. During her research, she discovered that medical technology of the 1970s did not support the viability of storing ovarian eggs at that time, so she knew Daniel was not Maggie's son.

She found the doctor who had allegedly performed the egg transplant into Mrs. Jonas. He confessed to having an affair with Mrs. Jonas, but hoodwinked Mr. Jonas (and Victor) into believing Daniel was born of Maggie's harvested eggs. After the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas, the doctor told Daniel the truth, and they conspired to commit fraud to obtain money from both Maggie and Victor.

Daniel never finished medical school and was practicing without a license. When Nicole revealed the truth, Daniel left with Summer to return to a life of surfing, supported by Summer's con games.

Before they left, Daniel confessed that he had conspired with Summer to make Maggie believe she was her daughter. Poor Maggie was left with only the children that she ignores, and no red-headed granddaughter, either.
When I first thought about it, I like him dead just the way he is. But then, I remembered that not only was Daniel mourned longer than Bo and Will combined, he got a bigger memorial service, a memorial in Horton Town Square, and a Hospital Wing and a company named after him!

So, honestly, I would have been fine with him leaving the show for Doctors Without Borders or getting a huge job opportunity at a major hospital in say, New York or Canada.
Oh, I do like the premise of the family tree research "gift" resulting in the disclosure that Daniel is not the result of any sort of egg transplant from Maggie. However, I think he still has to be a doctor - there are too many past medical "saves" by him, to not have him be one.

However, Nicole uncovered a few unexpected items in her research, a previous marriage in his surfing travels. That wife had a friend (Summer) who was really good con artists. Thus Daniel contacted her after learning Maggie's early history of being raised on a farm, meeting Mickey, etc.

Nicole takes a breather, remembers all the grief Daniel caused her before they finally became a couple, so goes to Daniel, threatens to expose it all, he figures it better to high tail it out of Salem fast, claims he is going to Africa, do volunteer stuff, but, in reality, is back to his Surfin' U.S.A.

Yep, Brady doesn't need a heart, Eric doesn't go to jail, Nicole & Maggie do not wallow in tears for 6 mos or more.
I like what I've seen so far. Here's my take:

Daniel & Nicole are hot & heavy, and he's loving on her. Doting. Attentive. She feels terrific about everything. Then one day, Daniel just leaves town. At first, the townsfolk think he's missing. Rafe and Hope are investigating, as are BlackPatch. Steve brings Nicole the sad news that Daniel was seen leaving, of his own accord, with a 19-year-old nurse's aid from the hospital. (Takes a week or so of show time, a day or so Salem time.)

Everyone's in shock. Jennifer. Maggie. Victor. And Nicole is devastated. But after a few days, she realises she was the one doing all the bending, all the stretching, and all the forgiving...and just moves on. She and Jennifer grow closer as they work through their complex feelings about Daniel and his actions. Even JJ is stunned, having come to care for Daniel. But everybody realises that Daniel was always Daniel, and they put unrealistic expectations on him.

Maggie mourns a bit, worries about her son. But then the alleged fertility doctor who took her eggs dies, and his fertility clinic is investigated after its new owners find some suspicious records. During the investigation (which happens off-camera, and is mentioned by others-Roman, Rafe, Maggie, Victor, Reporter Nicole, Jennifer- during their storylines), it is discovered that Maggie's eggs were improperly stored, and discarded years before (OK we have to suspend disbelief to get back to not suspending disbelief here) Daniel's mother was impregnated.

Victor is furious, Maggie is stunned. Victor wants blood; Maggie wants peace. She realises she immediately accepted Daniel and forgave him his many, many, many faults because of a misunderstanding, and ignored the children she had loved all their lives. She takes off in the night for Tennessee, leaving Victor just a note saying she'll be back. (Then all the Deimos stuff happens, and Maggie is spared.)

Meanwhile, Chloe is baffled that Parker's getting sicker and sicker, and no doctors can figure out what's wrong with him. She returns to Salem on Philip's heels to make a whopper of a confession - she bribed the lab tech in Chicago to change Parker's paternity results in what she now sees as a dimwitted way to win back Daniel. Parker is shocked and confused; Philip and Kate are furious, Victor is out for blood - and Chloe is arrested. Philip is granted custody temporarily while Chloe (off-screen) deals with her legal issues. But Parker doesn't know Philip, despite understanding the technical situation. He asks to live with Nicole, whom he loves. Philip compromises, and buys a house that he and Nicole can share, platonically. When Victor comes early to the housewarming--unaware Nicole lives there--she answers the door in a bathrobe. He has a stroke. Nicole saves his life but he's still nasty to her, from a wheelchair. Deimos takes all his money, and puts Victor (since Maggie is MIA and can't be reached) in a nursing home.

Meanwhile, Maggie calls home and Kate answers....
Eric and Nicole reconcile and marry after being trapped in the basement. Xander is arrested but is angry Daniel saved them. Still jealous of all the attention Daniel gets from Victor, he launches an investigation from behind bars. He finds out Daniel lied about being Maggie's egg baby because the procedure didn't exist at the time. The doctor who claims he did the procedure is a med school professor of Daniel's whom he paid to make the claims about him being Maggie's egg baby. Daniel wanted Victor's money and claiming he was biologically tied to Maggie was insurance should Victor ever disown him.

At the same time Xander discovers Rebecca faked her death because Daniel was abusive. This was the only way she and their 2 kids could escape him. Turns out Rebecca's new husband and daughter are already in Salem. Xander convinces her to come and she does and tells Victor, Maggie, Jennifer and Nicole the truth. Summer is Rebecca's sister and turns out she and Daniel had been con partners and secret lovers for years. She also was lying about being Maggie's daughter once she saw how easy it was to lie. Once everyone learns the truth, Victor sends both Daniel and Summer out of town permanently.

Meanwhile Rebecca heads to her new home in Salem to her husband Hal and daughter Jade, whom Hal treats as one of his own.