SPOILER !! Hypocrites


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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So Hope, Rafe, and Joey will all get away with their crimes but Chase gets arrested. Joey actually committed two crimes, he killed Ava them helped Theo and Claire kidnap Chase (which they will get away with to). I'm just getting tired of this dumb stuff where it's ok to commit a crime if you're a Brady or Horton. What if it had been Theo who raped Ciara? He is so obsessed with her.
Hortons and Bradys getting away with all sorts of crimes (in Hope's case it's literally getting away with murder) for years. Bo Brady was one of the biggest criminals in Salem. He probably committed more felonies than the crooks he was supposed to catch. And it isn't just these familes. Brady once ordered the shooting of Chad, Jeannie T. blackmailed JJ and assaulted John with a deadly weapon, and the list of crimes committed by Victor goes on and on. Over the years, Stefano must have gotten quite a chuckle at the moral outrage of his many critics when he knew (he knew everything) that they too were criminals.
Yep, we have the Salem Mafia (who would be horrified to be classified as such) and then the young Salem Mafia. When that trio went after Chase, I was thinking...what is this........West Side Story? And then Ciara comes in, at one point picking up that crowbar (or whatever it was) so she joined in.
And then the Mafia Mama comes running in, all mama bear. And we know Mama bears have done damage in their lifetimes.

Yep, just like a Godfather movie!
Should lock up ALL the teens. I will fast forward through their scenes & I actually won't be missing much. Really ridiculous at this point.
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That's how the police are sadly in real life. They always will protect their own kind first. All crimes committed by the Bradys at least were justified, as opposed to Chase raping Ciara in my opinion.

Though I am surprised Brady has never been put in jail for as many mountains of cocaine he had said he done. Or Theresa for that matter, she only got caught because she was in LA.
Not always, though I admit they are very careful about what they say in public. And that is all WE hear, what is said in public.....usually to the media. And the reasonj? We have seen it time and again, where the media takes part of a sentence, a part that might not sound good, or right all by itself, and hock onto to it mercilessly.

Many of our Salem citizens have done things for which they probably should have gone to jail. But in Salem it is always revenge tag. Stefano does hundreds of horrible things to John, Marlena, their families, so she finally gets to give him a shot of some concoction that renders him paralyzed, even unable to speak. But of course, Rolf gets an antidote, and Stefano roars back for "retaliation & revenge".
I will say, the constant kidnappings get boring after so many, so often. Kudos to Gabi, who is doing terrific as the terrified young mother.
I was actually relieved that the worse thing the other teens did to Chase was tie him up and have Ciara rail at him before calling her mother. I saw Hope's reaction as protective mama bear mode. Someone hurt her daughter and she was reacting to the scenario. And while Hope got away (for now) from killing Stefano, I don't feel we have seen the last of that story with Lani snooping around and even Abe requesting the DiMera file the other day. At some point, the truth is going to come out.
Well if you want to talk about getting away with stuff we can go all the way back to Alice Horton giving the police drugged up donuts so Roman could escape jail. This sort of stuff has gone on on this show for a long time. It just used to be that people, I feel, felt that if good won out in the end then it was okay.

Now with all the stuff going on in the world people look at these things differently, I guess. Did Ava deserve what she got? Yup, in my book, especially after seeing that freaky shrine. Should Chase have to answer for what he did? Yep, no doubt about it. The teens behavior was, however, strangely reminiscent of something that might happen in a Jodi Picoult novel.

I suspect there is something going on with the storyline here, getting rid of all the old baddies and creating potentials for the new, younger crowd, right on down to making Belle such a witch, being so nasty to Shawn about the Bradys and asking what does he want for Claire to dish up chowder. And pairing Belle up with Philip who I think is really super scuzzy. Even after seeing him get beat up by some guy who's daughter's death he covered up she still thinks he is better than Shawn? Big changes on this show and I am not so sure I like them.
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