I always wanted to.......

Will never forget the nice looking Hawaiian man singing Tiny Bubbles, and will never forget Don Ho. Loved him.

As far as the things found with my metal detector, I have to say, I worked at the Sheriff's Office, and one of the things I had to do is go out to the beach, and then climb the steps to the Smokey Tower, and guess what... our office (it is known as a Sub-Station) was there, and complete with the clicking computers, chatting radios that the road Deputies use, there was three desks, and just a whole lot of different things in there.

One of the things I did, while on duty was kind of be observant of the different sun bathers, and dream of different things they might have come with, and loose. One day these two great people came up the steps to our office, and it seems they took their watches off, and she took her fancy rings off, and they put them in a plastic container, and put it in his shoe...

I asked him where the towel was located that they had placed the shoes on, and they stared at me for a split second, and then I explained to them, that if the towel left behind them while they swim, is too close to the water's edge, it could be swallowed by the incoming tide... The look on their faces was priceless. One of the deputies that happened to be with us, went with them, and as luck would have it, he took my suggestion, and took the metal detector with him.

It seems that when they got back to the spot where the towel is now swishing around in the tide, and no shoes, nor plastic container observed anywhere. He got out the metal detector, and started looking. I got a call on the radio, He said.... All on the Beach is 10-4, and I am 10-6... Translation to follow.

When he came back up the steps and told me about the beach time he had had, I just smiled, and had wished I had been there with them. It took some doing, but first they found the watch, and then one by one they found the four rings she had been wearing, and she was crying, and the one thing she claimed was... She would never wear rings to the beach again....DA.....Oh how badly I had wanted to go along.... Oh well...
but my grandfather had a hunting cabin in Michigan on some river that reminded me of mosquito, maybe Mesquite
If you want some rocks found in Michigan that are worth their weight in silver anyway. They are called Petosky Rocks. (Maybe I can find the rocks easier than I can spell the darn things) They are all around the city of Petosky Michigan, and they are the State Rock, or some cloudy thing like that. I have camped all over that state, I was born there, and I do not remember a mesquite, one type of this, is wood, and we used the wood to Bar B Que with, but there is a city by the name of Marquette that might be the one you were wondering about...Just thought maybe...?
Jammers- The amazing race would be so exciting to do I am with you on that one! When I was a teen I wanted to try out for Real World.