I just can't stand Eric


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Nicole's mistake wasn't not telling Eric that he was Mickey's father. Her mistake was ever getting involved with him again after he believed wholeheartedly that she was capable of drugging and raping him. Yet he wonders why she is so insecure that she would keep that from him. So I don't feel sorry for Eric in the least. And don't get me started on how he was the one who killed Daniel. Eric and Nicole are just not right for each other. Never have been and never will.
There was a time, I really rooted for Nicole and Eric. But not anymore. I agree that Eric's treatment of Nicole has been horrible. The whole rape thing was just awful, him accusing her, never giving her a chance. Eric is a terrible person, judgmental, mean, playing the victim when he's as much to blame, always giving evil looks to everyone, especially women. Nope, I can't stand the guy. He's pretty much up there with his twin sister Sami as far as characters I really can't stand. Though Sami is a champion for me in that category.
I know I am in the minority here, but I think Eric was totally justified in ending things with Nicole. How many times has she lied to him and this WAS a huge one? I can't blame him for never being able to trust her again - she has lied too many times.

Now, Eric is no saint and if he is going to list conditions for how Sarah has to live, well, that's wrong, too. Although, again, I can understand him not wanting his child to be around Xander, based on the bad things he has done. Xander has done good things, too, and I don't think Eric should be allowed to make that demand, but I do understand it.

I am just not a fan of the always mopey, bad decision-maker Nicole (not a slam to the actress, just the writers), so I really don't care that her heart is broken - again. It was her choice.
Read an article, interview with Greg Vaughan (Eric), who talked of how Eric & Nicole have "grown", & deal with this much differently than they did in the past.

That said, I have to say that instead of being grateful Nicole told him this, when she promised not to, and would not accept his proposal until he knew........Eric acted like a jerk. Maybe he will rethink, or have someone talk to him (his dad???) I don't know. But I also agree Nicole & her constant crying, getting treated badly by the men in her life.....enough already. Overdone.......all of it!
I give the writers credit. They're keeping Eric consistent. Nicole makes a mistake. He dumps her without looking back--despite the insistence that she is his one true love--and she cries. Soon enough, right when she's ready to move on, he'll start making eyes at her and screw up her chance at someone who doesn't drop her every 10 minutes. Rinse. Repeat.
Greg Vaughn (Eric) plays misery well. He can go to a North Korean funeral of a dictator and fake cry relatively easy lol! Honestly, if they did a remake of "Married with Children" he can play Al Bundy with the misery face all the time.

That said, Eric is annoying the heck out of me and I clearly see everyone else as well! Are we all supposed to forget that not just a couple months ago Eric was taking the thrashings and becoming quite desperate to chase after Kristen/Nicole?!

Yes, I know it's been a year storywise since Kristen was exposed, but even after a year to do such a 180? I would run for the hills fast from any man who can turn so quickly in a relationship. TOXIC!
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I can't stand Angry Eric either.

I hope the writers never go there but I fear it is only a matter of time before Eric strikes a woman either intentionally or unintentionally due to his rage directed (usually) against females in his life.
He did get physical a few months ago with fake Nicole. Other people saw the scene differently, but I thought he was super aggressive and crossed the line getting physical with Kristen, whom he thought at the time was Nicole.
Eric is a terrible person, judgmental, mean, playing the victim when he's as much to blame, always giving evil looks to everyone, especially women. Nope, I can't stand the guy. He's pretty much up there with his twin sister Sami as far as characters I really can't stand. Though Sami is a champion for me in that category.
The thing is, Sami never pretended to be a saint, or a priest, for that matter. She is who she is and doesn't care what she projects as an image.

Eric, on the other hand, pretends to be holier than thou (like his mother Marlena) and is one of the most unforgiving people on the show. It's no wonder he is not a priest. He's such a big hypocrite. Can you tell how I feel about the sourpuss!
The man holds a lot of anger for someone who used to be a priest. And did I miss something? When did Eric become so hung up on being a daddy??

Also, I admit I really wish Xander was the baby's father for real. He is a lot more likable as of late. Way more than The Grinch Eric.
I don't care what Eric says, or anybody else, for that matter. Xander IS the father. Blood or no blood. And again, I want him to fight for little Mickey. And for Sarah. The only times I like Sarah is when she is with Xander, in fact. Eric is poison for any woman now. He will ruin every character, especially female, he comes in contact with.
I can see Eric's self righteousness building every day and it is killing me! My husband and I actually yell at the TV "who are you to judge, Eric? You killed Holly's dad, you have done some terrible things, but yet YOU think you have a right to judge Nicole or Xander for that matter??"!!!

It is unnerving to see him act this way. Forget his forgiveness, Nicole and MOVE ON! I can already feel the "you can't share custody Sarah if you allow Xander in the baby's life" coming from Eric and that is just disgusting seeing how he will probably forgive Nicole and have her around the baby. Don't forget she stole Sydney, tried to fry Victor and a whole list of other wrongdoings Nicole has done. Eric is no one to be setting limits. He's not even on the birth certificate!
Oh, Eric makes me so mad! I agree with every complaint above. Nicole did what she was asked, Sarah even told Eric that and he's still insistent on being an entitled brat! By the way, Nicole looked so beautiful on the show (I just watched the Dec 3rd episode), I mean, Ari Zucker (Nicole) is always pretty, but I especially loved her outfit and makeup and hair today. She was just lovely!

Anyway, back to topic, Eric is a jerk. He doesn't deserve someone like Nicole. He deserves a swift kick in the throat! I want it to be found out that Xander is the actual baby daddy. that would sooooo make my day! And I love how Xander is when he's with Sarah and Mickey. Come on writers, let's do his!
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I don't care what Eric says, or anybody else, for that matter. Xander IS the father. Blood or no blood. And again, I want him to fight for little Mickey. And for Sarah. The only times I like Sarah is when she is with Xander, in fact. Eric is poison for any woman now. He will ruin every character, especially female, he comes in contact with.
I'll drink to that TheWriter!

I want it to be found out that Xander is the actual baby daddy
I'll drink to this too DaysLady!
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