I Remember When....


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Only because we are coming into the celebration period of Days 50th year, is this thread here instead of "In The Past" thread. We don't know what is in store for us, the cast seems so excited and happy about what they are doing now. But I know that while we all began watching at different times...some of us from the beginning in 1965, others in the 80s, 90s, and some just for the last few years, we ALL love the show, have favorite memories, favorite characters, etc.

I was not watching during the Calliope/Eugene heydays, or Bo/Hope, John Marlena times.I know a lot because of references, video clips, members; comments,etc. I think no matter when we began watching, we all have fav moments, scenes, stories. Also, some we absolutely hated, which are loved by others.

So.....many here know what a Patch/Kayla fan I am, he started me watching. Their wedding on the boat was fabulous. But the scene that stands out for me, is when his eye socket was injured, the one over which he wears the patch, and nurse Kayla was trying to tend to it, and he did not want her to see it, covering it with his hands. Broke my heart. And then, their "first time" up on the roof, on a hot summer night. That was soooo romantic, heartfelt, and definitely not pornlike.

And fun times.....Yes, Craig & Nancy Wesley. I loved the pairing, the relationship, the scenes, their entire time on the show. The drama when Nancy found her daughter Chloe, we relived her rape by a trusted man, and her belief he was the father, and then learning that Craig, after all, was indeed, daddy. Her feud with marlena, the radio show, even installing the hot tub as a perk for Craig who was Chief of Staff at the hospital.Loved it all.
Oh how sweet the memories are. It does not even seem possible that so much time has gone by, and then a bunch of fans like with this Spectator, start sharing their memories, and it just seems to all come together, as each one of us share the things that comes to mind, and how our very own eyes each have seen and remembers things differently, and things that makes one feel warm over some of the memories, or angry over others, or cry over some crazy thing that one of the cast has done. What a wonderful thing to be able to share things that are our own private thoughts, or memories. Thanks for this thread Barb. It means a lot to me personally, and I appreciate your efforts every day. thanks again.
  • Young Jennifer used to chase after Jack at the Spectator offices
  • Jack and Jennifer's wedding and Abigail's conception
  • Brady and Chloe sang Sound of Music songs to one another
  • Brady and Chloe made love in the cabin
  • Brady and Chloe made love in the loft
  • Brady and Chloe got married and pregnant Belle fainted
  • Austin got beaten up by Gus and Carrie took care of him
  • Carrie getting attacked by acid
  • The Titan offices and storylines revolving around Titan
  • The Cruise of Deception
  • John and Marlena's wedding
  • Kristen and John delivering Belle in the cabin
  • John, Marlena and the Titan conference table
  • Sami taking care of a feverish Rafe in the safe house
  • Anything else with Sami and Rafe, including their almost reconciliation
  • Carrie/Austin and Eric/Nicole hanging out in Austin's apartment
  • Eric buying his kid sister Belle a soda
  • Leeann Rimes played Madison
  • Kate and Roman fell in love
  • Alison Sweeney (Sami)'s first episode
I first started watching in late summer 2010. I really miss the funny days of Vivian's sarcophagus storyline, Sami & Rafe's beautiful family, and Nicole & EJ's marriage (the second time)--no matter what trouble they had, they always loved each other. Ever since the hate boink of 2011 (or heck, perhaps before that, with FakeRafe and Taylor romping with her sister's hubby), the show hasn't been the same, but I've found storylines here and there that I enjoyed.
I originally wrote one thing and deleted it before posting and then another, which I also deleted. Then, instead of typing, I thought of so many things and realized the 80's will have to go down in history! I missed the first few years of the 80's which included the Salem Strangler and the Salem Slasher storylines, but I did start watching toward the end of the Salem Slasher. Everything seemed great. All the characters, couples, families and plots were exciting. So much was going on at the same time.

I remember seeing the hourglass and hearing Macdonald Carey's (Dr. Tom Horton) opening lines. I couldn't believe the movie star that I had just seen in one of my favorite movies was doing the intro to a soap opera. Then I realized he starred!!!

I was a kid who didn't mind watching old movies, especially with my grandparents. If it hadn't been for my grandparents, "Shadow of a Doubt" and the movie star who became a TV family patriarch, I might have missed out on some really great DAYS!

I suppose the VCR had a lot to do with it too. lol
I remember when Jan Spears locked Shawn in her basement... hahaha... I loved that storyline, it just made me laugh. Jan was kind of funny to watch...too bad the writer's couldn't handle the potential and had her bump her head on a rock and disappear into "swept under the rug" land. lol.
oh and I remember when almost everyone was killed off of the show only to be found later on an island... haha. :) oh Days, you complete me. haha
  • Vivian burying Carly alive. I know many don't care for it, but it was a favourite of mine.
  • Billie bringing Nicholas to Carly at the airport, knowing it might mean she'd lose Bo
  • The Curtis Reed/Brown trial and everything about it including the revelation that Billie/Austin were Kate's kids, Carrie/Austin's relationship, and Lucas of course
  • Laura and Vivian escaping from the sanitarium
  • Hope & Ernesto in the vat on the Cruise of Deception
  • "Gina" conking her head on a rock and remembering Ernesto/Bo...(see also "hated" thread, LOL)...yet we had to wait months for the full reveal
  • The first 6-9 months of the Kristen/Susan storyline
  • The initial portion and "oops lets fix this" parts of the Salem Stalker storyline
  • Jack learning he was Billy Johnson
  • John and Marlena in the pit
  • Marlena admitting Belle was John's daughter
  • the early days of John/Kristen
  • Anything Roman when played by Wayne Northrop
  • Kate & Roman's romance
  • Anything Nicole does that does not involve Eric
  • John (Roman) seeing Marlena on the pier
  • Lexie's death was beautifully done
  • The first 6 weeks of Kristen's return in 2012
  • Will's grappling with his sexuality and eventually coming out
  • The reveal that Parker was Philip's son and its aftermath
  • Maggie being the center of the show (pre-Victor and pre-eggbaby)
  • Anything Billie Reed did when played by Lisa Rinna (didn't watch much when Julie Pinson played her, though she did a great job)
  • Anytime Marlena hypnotises somebody
  • John when he's an executive/philanthropist
  • Storylines that revolve around work conflicts
  • Stories that involve character development/conflict based on previously established character traits
My favorite time period will always be when Samantha Evans was on. She was such a wonderful nut-burger.

And then the iconic scenes when Marlena was "killed" by the Salem Strangler, only to find out after a few days that it was Samantha who died.