I'd pay for Peacock if:

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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I'd pay for Peacock to watch Days if:

they made Rory the permanent mayor of Salem

Xander never wore a shirt

Freddie Smith came back as Sonny and they had him working for the local Salem Big Boy restaurant

Sami returned to Salem on an apology tour of everybody she's ever wronged and she once and for all dumped EJ and called him out as her rapist

Chanel dumps both Horton/DiMera twins and moves out of Salem for good

they give Roman Brady a real storyline and relationship with a woman who doesn't have enough notches on her bedpost to use as a comb

it's found that Bonnie is really a brainwashed Adrienne, whose memory is fully and permanently restored

Jan, Evan and Orpheus are killed and they remain dead forever

Christmas in Salem isn't doom and gloom and we get more than 98 seconds of the Hortons hanging their ornaments

they go back to celebrating holidays like they did back in the day

if they're going to resurrect the dead folks, Samantha Evans returns to Salem, played by Andrea Hall

the same for baby Mickey, and that somehow Xander is really her father

Henderson, Harold and Mary are given airtime with actual storylines

Paulina dumps Abe and goes back to wherever she came from

Maxine returns to help Abe heal his broken heart

Gwen ends up being just a con artist who wasn't Jack's daughter after all

Whichever twin ends up alive after Rolf's Frankenexperiment, leaves Salem for good, and takes his brother's carcass along for spare parts
I'll probably end up paying for Peacock, but I'd be a lot more enthusiastic about it if in addition to JS's list, the following occurred:

Days went back to having real romantic weddings that were never interrupted by troublesome guests or bombs.

Victor pleased Maggie by making Xander the CEO of Titan.

Sarah grew up and started doing serious work at the hospital.

Charley Dale's death was declared a big mistake, meaning that he could come back as Xander's assistant.

Chez Rouge reappeared on-screen, meaning that Maggie would have something to do besides making lemon bars for Victor and Salem would have a first-class restaurant again.

Wayward Philly K. returned and was put to work in the K-Mansion greenhouse by an irate Victor..

Instead of fretting over Gwen, Jack was actually shown running the Spectator and doing real investigative research, such as exposing the do-nothing Abe Carver Administration.

Rafe got rid of the annoying Jada and dumped part-time, amateur cop Shawn, and then hired some people who actually look and sound like police officers.

Gabi got tossed as DiMera CEO and had to beg Brady and Nicole for a low-level position at Basic Black.

A smart lawyer who actually knew what he/she was doing arrived in Salem and began saving Salemites in legal distress and easily ran rings around barracuda Melinda.
I'd pay if any 7 of the following things were to happen (pre-move or on Peacock):

  • Johnny, Charlotte, Sydney, and Thomas are un-DiMera'd
  • All extant DiMeras are placed in jail far from our screens, except Steven, Peter, and Gwen (see below)
  • Eric Brady rejoins the priesthood and moves to the forests of Greenland
  • Kate is revealed to have framed Lucas for Sami's kidnapping
  • John and Marlena get to have an adventure that doesn't bend the laws of time and space
  • Arianna Graces Salem with her presence as a troubled tween
  • Jack relocates permanently to Salem and investigative journalism takes a front page in the story
  • Leo and other characters created by this headwriter are written consistently, without motivations that change based on DUH PLOT
  • Claire (either actress) returns to town pursuing her dream of music with producer Melissa Horton
  • Rachel is revealed to be Mickey and Sarah gets to punch the imprisoned Kristen in Ms Blake DiMera's final scene
  • Gwen learns Peter Blake was her bio dad and starts to work at DiMera Enterprises with Gabi
  • Dr Rolf is cryogenically frozen to prevent additional resurrections
  • Rick Maitland comes to town and challenges Gabi for Stefan's estate
  • Will and Sonny permanently relocate to Salem with NEW jobs
  • Any 5 of the following characters/combos return (spaced out a bit, of course):
    • Carrie/Austin/Noah
    • Mike/Jeremy
    • JT
    • Greta von Amburg, Billie Reed
    • Susan Hunter, Katerina "Carly Manning" von Leuschner
    • Philip/Pocket
    • Cassie
    • Jonah Carver/Wendy
    • Henry, Brian, Mateo, Derrick
    • Ned Laurent (brother who "looks a lot like" Ted)
    • Sydney and Joy with some unrelated friends
I already have access via VPN to my parents' account, so let's say I didn't and had to pay for Peacock. I would IF:

-Sarah dies in a car crash that also kills off Jan Spears, Evan, Orpheus, Leo and Kristen for good.
-Xander marries Gwen, and it is revealed she had a temporary break of insanity and he forgives her.
-Paulina and Chanel leave town and take the twins with them. Johnny can meet a new woman.
-Sydney and Arianna replace the twins as the town's youth.
-EJ gets with Belle, cheats on her with Ava so she can be with Shawn-D, then Ava leaves him for Philip, who is also with Gabi. I know it sounds like a lot of dumb triangles, but the show needs that, and I would love to see EJ lose everything for once.
-Melanie comes back without a whiny voice. Nathan also returns and marries her, and they work at the hospital.
-Nicole and Rafe have a happy marriage. Eric leaves town with Jada to move back to Africa, where Jada can fight crime in the dangerous streets of Johannesburg.
-Sami returns to town with Brandon after several months of therapy, and does an apology tour. Lucas will have a short-lived relationship with a newly-returned Taylor. In the end, she'll end up with Lucas and Brandon will leave town for Europe.
- Brady and Chloe get a storyline.
-Roman forgives Kate and takes her back, and they stay together.
-Maggie reopens both Chez Rouge and Quinn's massage parlor.
-Will and Sonny permanently are back in town.
-Marlena and John get an interesting storyline that involves Kayla and Patch. It will last for several months and be interesting and mostly frontrunner.
-We have fun and loving holidays and weddings, as well as engagement/bachelor/bachelorette parties for once.
-Maxine and Anne return. Ava eventually leaves Salem.