If You Owned/Ran Days...


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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(I just wrote this, went to post, and it all disappeared! Grrrr) So, here I go again, hope I remember.

PLEASE, think carefully before you reply, don't rush in. I don't know how much NBC pays Corday for Days, but let's just set up a hypothetical situation. $100,000 per show, $500,000 per week, 26 million per year. Let's take out 1 million for the sports pre-emptions (10 days). So we have 25 million for a year.
First, let's consider costs....backstage there are writers, producers, directors, set people, cameramen, lighting, wardrobe, hair & makeup, script people, materials, clothing, offices, dressing rooms, laundry, film, props, etc. etc. Then the actors, contract who are paid regardless if they are used or not, recurring, who are paid only when they work. Child actors, their parent, nanny, teachers. Day players who speak lines, under 5s who speak less than 5 lines, background, who mill around. And all the materials needed for these people to do their jobs, such as shampoo, hairspray, irons, hammers, saws, fans, liquids to fill coffee pots, tea cups, martini glasses, etc. etc. Props galore. And I know there is more. LOL

So, down to brass tacks. What characters would you keep, which ones would leave Salem. What new characters would you have arrive, or which vets would you have return. (And remember, there really is not room for a huge number of "oldies but goodies"). And then what story would you like to see unfold. Using which characters?

How about we start right after Thanksgiving (giving present stories time to perhaps finish up). What would you have happen in Salem? How would you have some characters depart? Everything cannot be "happy endings", so we are going to have troubles, along with good times. This is why I said to think carefully. Remember, only a limited about of money.
Going to love reading....
Oh boy, this may be a long post for me. LOL!!

I would marry off Daniel and Jennifer to end all this back-and-forth crap, then he decides to do Doctors without Borders with the Ebola thing. He leaves and Jennifer goes as well, to report. I'd also have the truth come out about what Eve's scheme against JJ, and Paige apologizes to JJ and rips into Eve. However, JJ is upset that Paige keeps doubting him, and dumps her, so she leaves and goes to Stanford after all.

I'd have Jordan end up hooking up with Lucas, but then eventually get with Brady for a short period of time, then send her packing, and bring back Taylor for Brady (they had chemistry!).

I'd kill off EJ and have Sami take her kids to another country so she can be single, focus on her job, and seek counseling, then have her come back a new woman, and be torn between Lucas and Rafe. But, when she was gone, Nicole ended up telling Eric to kick rocks because she and Rafe started growing closer. So while Rafe and Sami get back together, he eventually dumps her because he loves Nicole more, and they elope and later have a baby (and Nicole finally 'wins' against Sami in the love department, lol). Sami is devastated but eventually gets married to Lucas.

I'd have Abigail and Chad be enemies at first over her affair with EJ, and she stays with Ben. Chad gets involved with Theresa, but then they don't end up working out and break up because he loves Abigail. Ben dumps Abby because he sees she loves Chad, and he gets with Melanie for a bit when she returns. Then, Nathan comes back, Melanie and him get close, Ben decides to leave town to be with his sister and breaks up with Melanie, she marries Nathan, happily ever after.

I'd kill off Bo, and have Hope move on with Aiden. They eventually get married. Theresa and Eve leave Salem, and Anne gets fired from her job and also leaves. I'd also send Eric back to Africa, and he can be a photographer who works with Jennifer on her reporting job there.

I'd have Kate get back with Stefano over time and they are the evil super couple , kill off Clyde, let Roman win back Marlena, and John leave Salem. Kayla begins working on some sort of medical case with Nathan and Melanie, and either bring back Patch for her so they can remarry, or have her get together with Abe. Though I might also try Abe with Maxine. Perhaps a triangle of sorts...

In the meantime, Hope somehow learns that the organ selling ring back in 2010 is linked to Stefano, and works with Rafe, Nicole and Aiden to uncover the truth and put him behind bars. That and the medical case, along with the love story lines, will be the focus of the show for the next three months, giving the writers time to write the next big stories.

Now for the sets...

I'd bring back the pier and get rid of the Town Square for a bit. I'd also show more of the police station (as Hope and Aiden work on solving cases and such) and less of the hospital (since Daniel & Jennifer leave, and let's face it: they're the main reason we see the hospital). I'd have JJ work with Nicole, so her reporting office and job would be shown more. I'd also bring back the spa and Chez Rouge.

As for appearances, since Kate Mansi (Abby) and Ari Zucker (Nicole) are naturally brunettes, I'd let them go with their natural hair color, at least for a while. Nicole would grow her hair back long and Abigail would get a haircut (about Theresa's length). I'd have Sami come back with either an auburn color or maybe black, and short hair. And show Jennifer with brown hair as well. I'd also have Melanie have a haircut, also about Theresa's length. And cut back on Kate's clunky jewelry and give her the haircut she had back in 2010.

I'd also cut back on the taping schedule. Probably have a 2-month dark period at first, then resume filming for a month, then another 2-month dark period, and so on and so forth until the soap only taped about 6 weeks ahead of what was airing on TV. I'd also fire a number of the writers of the soap and (hopefully) some of the suits, and replace them with long-time fans who know what the audience wants, for the most part, in terms of more screen time with vets.
Back (maybe)...Frankie and make him Paige's father
Nick Corelli (from the dead again) to give Eve a hard time at first. Then they could heat up.
Melissa Horton (Lisa Trusel only)

Steve Johnson (Stephen Nichols) almost any story is fine :)

Doug and Julie would make more appearances perhaps reopen Doug's place or a new place for some FUN and music

Maybe one of the many children killed off could be brought back. Zack (why didn't you look for me) or one of Nicole's children (who are you story)

Tyler/Pocket is Shawn and Belle's son. Leather gloves Blinky pants needs to be outed and a resolution to the forgotten story that no one seems to care about). Guess that will take as long (if ever) as Steve's casket switch.
My thoughts...
After Christmas break, Paige, who has won a full scholarship to Stanford, leaves for California for the new semester, along with her mother, who has had her operation, and has obtained a job in a club in another town.
Stefano DiMera is unable to return to Salem, so decides to live in his beloved Italy, turning over full control of DiMera Enterprises to Chad. Later on, Salem learns Stefano has passed away, his will leaving trusts for his grandchildren, and surprisingly, for Kate, and Sami, too. Chad dismantles DiMera Enterprises, selling all it's assets, (homes, companies, islands, etc.)
Bill Horton returns to Salem, joins the staff at Salem hospital. Roman retires, deciding to travel a bit, something he could never do while on the police force.
Rafe is made Commander, which changes the atmosphere completely at the cop shop. He schedules more training for the men, mandatory investigative techniques are installed, and the Salem PD finally is able to solve cases, having enough evidence to put the culprits in prison. Clyde is thoroughly
enmeshed in the underworld in Salem, while appearing to be this affable, charming, southern transplant. He has a tight rein on more than the drug business, but Rafe's detectives are making inroads right and left. Jordan leaves Salem, & Rafe, unable to get past his dalliance with Kate, and needing to get away from Clyde.
Abe gets intrigued with one of Theo's teachers. She lost her husband and children in an auto accident, understands Theo's problems with his autism, has been a huge help. They begin seeing each other, Theo adores her, and it is not long before a full romance is blooming.
Daniel is offered a wonderful job at a Chicago hospital, is torn, decides to take it temporarily, and see how it goes.

O.K. 4 characters gone, one new, one returned vet. More later.
Ok my first changes would be to fire Corday and hire someone who cares about the shows success and will tell the suits/me that we are not going to pursue stories again that have previously failed and tanked the ratings.

Then I would change the filming schedule. Maybe more than a week off taping a month so it's not taped so far in advance that we are stuck with a failing story and miss golden opportunities that the viewership loved. For instance, EJ and Abby. The viewership went nuts over it, didn't see it coming, rooted for it and wanted more. I would have had EJ realize that he doesn't love Sami and pursue Abby instead and they leave Salem together.
Families/characters leave Salem to have Thanksgiving Dinner with their families:

Jonas: Daniel and Jennifer visit Melanie and Carly in Europe for Thanksgiving and Dan receives a wonderful job opportunity to head Doctors Save the World, and doesn’t return to Salem; Jennifer travels with him as his Public Affairs representative so the world can continue to know how wonderful he his (however, her publications never reach Salem).

DiMera: Stefano couldn’t return to Salem due to legal difficulties, so all Dimera adults (EJ, Sami, Kristen, Chad) visit him in Italy.As soon as they leave the US, their passports are marked as “Human Organ Theft Ring” and none are able to return.

Rafe, Jordan, and Ben visit Mrs. Hernandez on the other side of town for Thanksgiving; her health is so bad that they all decide to stay and take care of her. There are no cameras or sets on that side of town, but we assume they live happily ever after.

Families gather in Salem and have Thanksgiving Dinner Together. With New Writers:

Horton/Williams/Deveraeux/Banning: Doug and Julie move into the Horton house with Abigail and JJ and become the “Tom and Alice” of today’s generation. Julie’s son David retires from the CIA and returns to Salem to establish the Investigation and Security Services Agency (ISSA) with John Black and Hope Williams.They are involved in many mysterious occurrences in Salem including kidnapping, murder, and drugs (they take down Clyde and send him off a popular bluff just outside of Salem).

Bill returns for Thanksgiving and decides to stay in Salem with Kate; a beautiful love story ensues. Lucas has found true love, marries, and raises Allie and Johnny in their home with lots of escapades from the twins, as well as kidnap attempts by the off-screen Dimeras (foiled by David, John, and Hope).

Hope divorces the absent Bo and marries Aiden (who helps with legal issues at ISSA); Ciara and Chase get into various situations involving finding a dead body, spying on a strange family who lives in the neighborhood, and hiding various and sundry items of evidence in Ciara’s backpack). Bo, Patch, and Jack gaze wistfully into the window of the Horton house during Thanksgiving Dinner (what? – just kidding).

Black/Carver/Walker: The Blacks celebrate with Abe and Theo; Abe has found new love with a beautiful woman who is a wonderful cook and does Kitchen Minutes with Marlena.

Nicole is their writer/editor, has married a fabulous producer, and they are raising Sydney who was found to be her natural daughter, kidnapped by the Dimeras.
Brandon returns with his wife, who is an excellent doctor (replacing Dan at the hospital) and a son who is Allie and Johnny’s playmate.

Belle and Shawn return with Claire and become the owners of a bed and breakfast where strange happenings occur with regularity, requiring assistance from several Salemites. Abe’s wife is their Chef.

Austin and Carrie return with their child; Austin becomes the bookkeeper for both the Bed and Breakfast and the ISSA. Carrie has become a nurse and works at the hospital.

Kiriakis/Roberts: Philip has returned home with a beautiful wife and is raising Parker who was found to be his biological son. Vic and Maggie invite Kate so she can spend Thanksgiving with them. Lucas arrives in time for dessert, and brings Bill who reconnects with Kate. Philip and Brady run the Kiriakis businesses together and will become involved in an international intrigue.

Brady/Donovan/Johnson: Shane and Kim return for Thanksgiving and decide to stay in Salem (especially since Eve, Theresa, and Paige have left to start over in another world – not the soap). Shane works at ISSA as an investigator and helps Brady and Philip with international problems that arise with Kiriakis shipping.

Kim runs the Brady Pub as Caroline’s health prevents her from doing so. Kayla is still Chief of Staff and has started seeing a very handsome doctor who works at a different hospital. They, along with Brandon’s wife, become involved in a medical mystery when a strange illness besets several Salemites.

Roman and Abe are co-CEOs, I mean Commanders, of the Salem PD. Eric has become a police officer and works for them, as well as gets involved in ISSA cases.
Great idea for a thread!!!! I wish I were creative enough to come up with better storylines than our current writers - or even ones as good as those already posted. But in my world - here's what I'd want to see:

Characters who need to go: Daniel, Jennifer (and I used to love her), Jordan, Eve (this version),

Characters who need to come back: We need more of the core families back - so to that end -

Belle & Shawn - These are the offspring of 2 of the core families and they should be back in Salem. Let Marlena & John have their daughter back and Brady could use his sister. Hope surely will need her son as well. They are related to almost everyone that matters in town - and can work their way into being the Alice & Tom of the very far future. In the interim, Shawn can reach out to Shane & Kim to try to find his father - and let the adventure begin.

Shane & Kim - while I don't love Theresa, I do think we need more Brady's on screen, so I'm all for Shane & Kim coming back. They start off working to find & rescue Bo & Steve - who was being held captive on some secret ISA mission - but Bo doesn't make it back alive and they all have to let the family know, etc.

Let Steve Johnson come back and reunite with Kayla - Keep Steve in the ISA or let him be a cop, and bring Joey onto the screen. Why not SORAS him as well and let him join one of the groups (we have Ciara, theo, Johnny, Chase, Allie, Sydney, the teens, etc - he should be able to fit somewhere in the mix!!!)

Other stories - let's actually see Caroline deteriorate from her disease. It would make a powerful story for the core families, and another reason to bring back Kim & Shawn and the rest of them. Let's revisit Kate's extremely short bout with cancer (stage 4 and she was saved by a transplant from Chloe? never mind the absurdity of that). Have it recur - have Kayla (not Dr Tan) involved. Let her have chemo, and lose her hair, and need support. You know - the real thing !!!! Let Billie and/or Austin come by for a few months while Mom is going through this. And let her reunite with Roman

I agree with you all - let Dan & Jennifer join Doctor Without Borders and be done with them for now. JJ & Abigail can stay ... but stop the Eve's of the world from interfering. Enough with Eve & Kate and their complete interference in the lives of their offspring. Let's actually watch and be involved in 4 years of college (instead of 3 weeks and poof they're working). Let them decide what they want to be when they grow up, and get involved in charities, and learning and other normal things. Not everything has to be a plot and a plan. Jerry Seinfeld was very successful doing a show about nothing.

Lastly - keep Clyde. Let him become the #1 bad guy in Salem. Let him be the new Stefano - he can disappear and come back every few years to keep things interesting. I don't want him around non-stop - but a few months at a pop would work.

I would want to see more of Victor & Maggie. But I'd love it if the entire egg baby story turned out to be false...and then Maggie would have to deal with losing the son that was never hers.

and if we can't bring back all the characters we want, at least I would mention them regularly, and have one-sided phone conversations with them (Sarah, Melissa, Philip, Chloe, Brandon, Taylor, etc)

I'd also try to bring back some other characters for a 3-6 month arc (but I don't have the story in my head). I'd want to se Anna & Tony for a few months....and then Carrie & Austin....and then Melissa & Pete....and then David Banning, Mike Horton, Scotty, Brandon, etc. Down the road a bit, I'd have Jack come back to life and bring Jennifer back to re-unite but again, for a short spell not forever.

I'd honor the history and try to keep the characters true to their personalities. And first and foremost - I would reunite John & Marlena, bring their love to the forefront, and then have them be the "Tom & Alice" couple - stable and loving, and there for all. Too bad Marlena will never be able to make the donuts
I've been thinking about this a lot.

First thing I'd do is ban storylines involving blackmail by phone video or secretly drugging people for at least a year. That way my writing team is forced to be a bit more creative.

Next, reconcile Daniel and Nicole. Let Daniel admit to Nicole that he's really mad at himself because he feels he failed her as a friend, and that leads to Nicole confessing she lied because on some level she wished Daniel was in love with her. Their conflict about whether to be friends or more than friends is a background story; the real stories for each of them is job related. Bring Miles back and he wants Nicole to report on some scandal at the hospital that could affect Daniel, leaving Nicole torn.

I'd get rid of Eric, let him go back to Africa to be a wildlife photographer. He and Jen begin a long distance relationship, and Jen's function in the show besides that is to be there to support her kids occasionally.

I'd also get rid of Theresa. Hope and Roman call Shane and Kim to tell them Theresa is going to be arrested and that causes a rift because they expect Theresa to get special treatment.
Here are my two cents for what they're worth:

1) They definitely need to END Daniel/Jennifer once and for all. I believe that they have one major problem (they have no confict therefore NO storyline). I would instead pair Eve and Daniel since 1) Eve has a complicated history with Maggie and Sarah, and 2) both Melanie and Eve have a shared history (both were prostitutes at a very young age). I would also rehire Mark Collier who portrayed Liam as a new character or possibly pair Aiden and Jennifer. Another possibility is bringing back Frankie Brady (Billy Warlock).

2)JJ/Paige. I would introduce a new male to be a romantic rival for J.J. I would like to see him embrace his Johnson/Deveraux roots.

3)Once Melanie returns, I would like to see a storyline with her/Abigail/Chad and Ben.

4) I would also reunite two of Days' most beloved supercouples: John/Marlena and Bo/Hope. They lead Days into their 50th year, along with Jennifer, Maggie, Victor, Lucas, Stefano, Kayla, Adrienne. Perhaps they could bring back Mike Horton (Michael T. Weiss or if at all possible Wesley Eure who portrayed the first adult Mike). I would also like to see Doug and Julie return for a short-term storyline coinciding with Days' 50th anniversary. I would honor Days history by bringing back as many iconic characters as possible. I would also pay tribute to Tom and Alice, of course.

5) Eric returns to the priesthood finally, Nicole/Brady/Theresa form a new triangle. Brandon Walker returns to spend some quality time with his father/siblings.

6) Rafe and Lucas vie for Jordan's affections. Clyde (James Read) is a definite keeper.

7) I'm also intrigued by Zoe who is working with Will so I would definitely pursue that storyline.
The first thing I would do is fire the current headwriters and hire new ones who would not recycle storylines and give us fresh new stories. Some ideas are listed below.

The first change would be that Daniel is NOT Maggie's egg baby son. Daniel would get a job offer in Europe and, tired of all of the clingy women in Salem, accept the new position. Melanie would meet with him there, and we would not hear from them ever again.

Before he left, it would be discovered that Parker is not his son but actually Philip's kid all along. Philip and Chloe grow close while bonding over their son, and they decide to move to Salem to raise Parker together.

Meanwhile, Jennifer has been despondent. After all of the stress from the past few years with Jack dying, and the troubles she has had with JJ and Abigail, Jennifer has a complete mental breakdown like her mother did and leaves Salem to recuperate in a mental institution.

Julie and Doug move into Horton House and become the matriarch and patriarch of the show. They could remain recurring but be seen more during the year like Victor, not just for holiday or special occasions. Abigail moves into her own apartment, and JJ moves into the dorms at Salem University. Abigail is torn between Chad and Ben, but eventually chooses Ben. After dating for a semester, JJ and Paige decide that they no longer work together, and Paige transfers to Stanford. With Paige in California, Eve, who has had her throat surgery, decides to go back singing and leaves Salem. Meanwhile, Joy Wesley has come to Salem to be closer to Chloe and her family while attending Salem U. She and JJ interact and have a great time as students while slowly becoming interested in each other.

Nicole's brother Brandon moves back to Salem. He now owns a construction company along with a business partner, who turns out to be Scotty Banning. He also interacts with Abe and Theo, who has now become a teenager, and meets up with Jordan and decides to protect her from Clyde. Nicole and Scotty fall in love, and with her beloved brother and a new love who does not judge her, Nicole finally grows into a lovely and self confident woman who accepts herself and is no longer an outsider in Salem. Meanwhile Eric has decided in his sanctimonious way to forgive her for her actions and take her back, and she tells him to take a hike. Eric decides to move back to Colorado. Before too long, she discovers that Daniel Rafael is alive. EJ, who knew that Stefano had hidden him, admits to Nicole where the little boy is. Nicole gets her son, and with her new love, plans to raise him as well as their baby, as she discovers she is pregnant.

EJ and Sami decide to leave Salem to escape Stefano's wrath and take the children with them. But it is discovered that Johnny and Sydney have been Lucas' children all along, and all three children want to stay with Lucas. Sheryl has also come back to Salem and she and Lucas are slowly working on a reconciliation, while he takes care of the three children. EJ and Sami leave to be together alone and are never heard from again.

John wakes up from his coma. While he is a little reserved with Marlena at first, they slowly work toward a reconciliation. John and Brady also reconcile, and they are closer than ever. John also has a joyful reunion with Belle and Claire, as they and Shawn have returned to Salem.

Brady is so happy after his father wakes up. He realizes he was in a toxic relationship with both Kristen and Theresa, and dumps them both. With John and Marlena's support, Brady realizes he also has a sex addiction in addition to alcohol and drugs. He enrolls in a complete rehab program, effectively escaping both women. Kristen decides to leave Salem and follow after Daniel in Europe.

It was discovered that Theresa hitting John over the head was a complete accident and not intentional. The writers write new flashbacks to show that incident, and John remembers the true facts and clears Theresa's name. Theresa has a total meltdown and it is discovered that there was an abusive incident in her past from her stepfather (when Kim was married to Phillip Collier) which caused her to be addicted to drugs and act the way she does. While recuperating, she and Chad, the only DiMera left in town, begin to bond and eventually grow closer.

Shawn is happy to be back home with his mother and his little sister, but he is a little reserved about Aiden, whom Hope is now in a relationship with, and wants to put out a full investigation for Bo. However, Hope lets him know that she and Aiden are working towards becoming a new family, she has moved on, but will not stand in Shawn's way to find his father for his own sake. Shawn and Belle move into the Pub and take over running it for Caroline, allowing Caroline time for a peaceful retirement.

Sarah Horton has come to Salem to visit with her mother, but seeing how lonely Maggie is now that Brady is getting his life back together and Daniel is no longer in town/not her son, she decides to move back permanently. She meets up with Rafe, who has finally realized what Kate did to break up him and Jordan, and tells her to leave him alone. Rafe and Sarah slowly get to know one another and eventually fall in love.
Julie and Doug need to keep cruising..........
Love reading everyone's suggestions! And I love the idea of recasting Mark Collier (Liam) as a new character.

I agree about firing the TPTB, both producers and writers. This show needs a massive shakeup.

Top of my list would be bringing back Shawn and Belle and Claire. Endless possibility with both their families and Shawn can be a cop while also running the Pub with Belle. Good way to integrate them while not creating a new set. Claire is integrated into the Chase and Ciara scenes too as is Joey (one appearance a year) Johnson.

Stefano and EJ double cross Sami and Kate, chasing both women out of town. Sami divorces EJ. Stefano then double crosses EJ for going against Kristen and EJ ends up locked up in the Dimera dungeon indefinitely. It turns out that both Allie and Johnny belong to Lucas and they stay with him in Salem. Sydney leaves Salem with Sami. Daniel Rafael also suddenly mysteriously appears and is reunited with Nicole.

Carrie and Austin return with their child and are integrated into the police scenes. Carrie works with Justin and Aiden. Austin continues to be a forensic accountant however, he also starts to consult for Titan and starts working with Lucas.

Lucas and Jordan start to date and then Sheryl returns to town pregnant once Kate is gone. The baby is Lucas'. A triangle ensues.

Rafe platonically starts spending more time with Nicole and Daniel Rafael while Eric watches enviously from the sidelines. He sees a new side to Nicole as a mother. Eric and Nicole very slowly start to reconcile. Sami eventually comes back as her old self with Sydney and she and Rafe reconnect. Sami sincerely apologizes for all the hurt she has caused Rafe.

Jennifer and Daniel marry and deal with blending their 4 children into one family. They don't leave town but are moved to the back burner for a while.

Paige goes to Stanford in the Spring and Eve decides to move to California to be closer to her. Eve returns in "Charlotte Ross" form as a recurring character to interact with Jeannie Theresa. Shane and Kim also become recurring characters where Kim is still a child psychologist and Shane is still ISA. He helps Shawn try to track down Bo. They also interact with their daughters and Andrew returns as well as another cop. He has his eyes set on Melanie, the nurse who treats him after he is shot in the line of duty. This is also what brings Shane and Kim back.

Brady kicks Jeannie Theresa and Kristen to the curb. Chloe returns to be closer to Parker and she and Daniel share custody. This causes issues, but not serious ones, with the Jen marriage. Chloe and Brady finally reconnect. A devastated Kristen leaves Salem to run one of the Dimera companies in Europe while Chad holds down the fort in the US. Seeing that Abigail has moved on, Chad eventually leaves Salem. But Philip comes back and works by Victor's side much to Justin's distaste.

Hope and Aiden grow closer and we learn the truth about Aiden's wife. Shawn is also not happy at first. There is also a mystery surrounding Zack's death.
This is an interesting topic.

It's probably been too long, but I would probably pull a "Dallas" and wipe out everything back to the explosion in July 2012. It wouldn't be done in a manner of Sami wakes up and Rafe is in the shower. Rather, people are slowly waking from the explosion and are confused by the "dreams" they had of the last two years.

- Some folks are still lost in the rubble causing Shane and Kim to come looking for them.
- Nicole has her baby (EJ's baby). Not sure how this would play out, but I'd like to see Nicole stand on her own with the baby.
- Both Jack and Madison do die in the explosion (no change). Jennifer and Brady lean on each other and grow close.
- Daniel moves to Chicago to be with Chloe and Parker.
- Sami decides to focus on learning to stand on her own. She later decides to take the kids to another town to get her life together. Maybe some day in the future she could return as an actual grown-up.
- Stefano is so disappointed in EJ that he has EJ killed. He brings Chad into the fold and teaches him the DiMera ways.
- Stefano and Kate remain together. Eventually the Phoenix will not rise from the ashes. Kate and Chad become the baddies of the town.

Still thinking on the rest.
This isn’t an easy task- the suggestion itself turns my thoughts into a massive jumble that I’m not certain I can make sense of, but I’ll try.

  1. KATE. I want to see Kate working. I want to see the office environment (bring that set back) and feel the corporate buzz. She had a great assistant, I can’t remember his name, bring him back, he provided a bit of fresh air. Have T or Abby work here. Where does Abigail get her spending money? Mostly, I want to see Kate in her business mode.
  2. The Dock. Bring back the dock, but spruce it up a bit. Instead of stacked boxes taking up space, add an espresso stand and some bistro tables- make the dock a real destination location, not just a clandestine place for whispered conversations.
  3. Jordan. It’s Thanksgiving or just after, right? Well, Jordan’s been covering up a couple major secrets. One, she’s pregnant and two, she has cancer- a brain tumor. No wonder this chick has been all over the place! All is revealed to Rafe who turns to Nicole for a friendly shoulder. The drama builds as the story develops; will Jordan be able to hold on long enough to deliver her baby?
  4. Nicole. When Jordan dies and Rafe is left with his new daughter and a boatload of grief, Nicole is right there. Who better to mother his child and offer two strong shoulders to lean on. Eric, in his keen hindsightedness, becomes viciously bitter and jealous. But there’s been too much damage to his and Nicole’s relationship at this point. He leaves Salem.
  5. Hope. Hope has been notified that Bo has been killed during the course of an active investigation and that his body is unrecoverable. She is remarkably calm, but Ciara is inconsolable to the point of being unstable. Hope confides in Rafe her concerns regarding Ciara who in turn tells Kate. Kate, who has connections everywhere, brings to Salem a world-renown psychiatrist (and child trauma specialist) who happens to be a 43-50 gorgeous and single male. The women of Salem take notice, especially Kayla and Jennifer. Meanwhile, Aiden becomes jealous.
  6. … more to come