If you were in charge...


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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And please think carefully. If you were the person making the decisions, the show runner, the head writer, the big honcho, what changes would you make? What characters would be gone, and how. What actors would you bring on as what characters? Please remember the budget is slim, and you cannot bring on 10 characters without losing 10 somehow.
Short arcs? Longer contracts?
We already know some actors will be leaving, so let's not include them in "losing the character/actor".
In fact.....let's start like this. What would YOU be planning for say.......September and onward. ( Only because Days has already filmed whatever is going to be going on over the summer)
Steven Nichols arrives in Salem, reprising his role at Steve "Patch" Johnson, with info about Bo. He was working with him, but when Bo went undercover, after a while he completely disappeared. Steve breaks the news to Hope that before he went undercover, Bo ended his marriage to Hope, had it dissolved.
Eric has renewed his priestly vows, and once again is working at St. Lukes. With Ciara, Theo, Chase & Joey all attending the school, he has lots of interaction now with the children. And thus becomes very aware of Ciara's personality. He calls Hope in to talk about this. Hope makes excuses, but Eric is firm, citing comments, conversations, statements. This causes Hope to flashback to various things Ciara has said and done, and to realize she has a huge problem, and that her work has kept her from recognizing or dealing with it. She takes a leave of absence.

Eric gets surprised when a friend from Africa shows up. The girl that his priest friend died to spare. She is now a teacher, yes, at St. Luke's. This brings back many memories for Eric, causing him a relapse for his PTSD.

More later.
C'mon folks....don't just read......join in! What do YOU want to happen?

Rafe has dug deep, because of being upset over Jordan's lack of trust in him, and discovered that she was a victim of abuse by her father. She reported it, and was not believed, but then suffered even further abuse, which sent her on the run. Especially when she told of his moonshining activities and the feds got on his case.However, Jordan doesn't take kindly to his "help" and leaves town.

Basic Black is actually a cover for ISA activity, with John, Steve, Shane, all working more or less undercover. together, they find the evidence needed to dismantle DiMera Enterprises, and remove Stefano & EJ from any control. Lucas is appointed to head up the company.
Jennifer once again fell for the planted evidence against Dr. Dan, and broke it off with him. When it was proven that he was drugged and set up, she tried to make amends, to no avail. Daniel had enough, and says Sayanora. Jennifer sets her sights now on Aiden, causing a rift with cousin Hope.But Jen's life takes a huge 180, when the husband she thought was dead, turns out to be very much alive. So, whose ashes did she spread in the pacific ocean?

Will & Sonny talk it over, and decide to sell the Club, and take over the Pub. They can live upstairs, have Arianna there. Caroline's illness has advanced, leaving her unable to run the Pub any more. Roman retires, and takes her to California, closer to the facility she stayed at before.
Theresa spies Ben, gets interested. However, Father Eric thinks that perhaps working in the church office might be a good influence on her. Since she needs a job, after losing the one at the hospital, she reluctantly agrees.
I love your ideas, Poirot! I wish I could be so creative.
I would be happy to see the Daniel/Jennifer pairing ended. Then maybe Nicole would finally get her act together and she and Daniel could get together.
Great ideas, Poirot. I love the one with Eric the best
Poirot, would you come up with a sl for our Lucas?
I would like to see them actually use the good actors/actresses they have. We have barely seen John since his return......rarely see Stefano (with Kate), Rafe is used sparingly, Marlena is on a little more because of Eric, but not much. I am really sick of Liam, Theresa, Anne, Dan/Jen, Gabi, Nick. Move on with some of the better storylines and quit trying to create all new characters!!!!
Rafe actually starts doing some real police work, leading a task force to rid Salem of its all-too-common drug dealers and muggers. His battle to make the Town Square and Salem Park safe puts him in danger and takes up so much of his time that there are stresses in his relationship with Jordan.

Carrie "Princess Hag" Reed and her clueless husband return to Salem, pleasing those Days viewers who love to make fun of this pair. Carrie's hopes for an affair or more with Rafe causes major problems with Jordan. Meanwhile, Abigail wonders what she ever saw in the clueless college instructor as she fantasizes about taking more hot showers with the now unattached EJ.

To make room for Carrie and Austin, the writers have Daniel takes a lengthy surfing vacation in Hawaii with Jennifer joining him because in Hawaii she can wear her sleeveless outfits all year round. With her perfect egg-baby gone, a bored Maggie becomes an even bigger busybody, leading to problems in her relationships with Victor, Henderson, and Sonny.

To open up two more cast slots, the writers also have Brady and Theresa leave Salem. Occasionally, letters arrive detailing their romps on Victor's island and their efforts to track down the elusive Kristen. The contents of the letters give Victor an opportunity to get off some of his classic one-liners.

As Poirot suggests, Will and Sonny take over the Pub, which puts T in charge of Club TBD. As the boss of Club TBD, now the hottest spot in Salem, T becomes the most desirable guy in Salem, attracting the attention of every attractive young woman in Salem, including Paige and Bev, which annoys JJ and Rory.

With Gabi gone, Nick starts in again with pills. In his feverish daily nightmares, he always sees the ghosts of Willow Stark and Trent Robbins chasing him, making threats, and calling him a dork. His decline leads to shabby work at Mad World causing Kate to grind her teeth in frustration because she can't fire the blackmailer. In desperation, she begins to think about her old tainted brownie recipe.

Hope finally shoots one person too many and is dismissed from the Salem P.D. This permits her to become more active at St. Luke's school, causing more testy encounters with Aiden that in true Salem style lead to a budding romance. This causes Hope to have conflicted feelings as she struggles with her anger at the missing Bo and her sense that she is somehow being unfaithful to him.

Dr. Baker is released from prison, returns to Salem and opens a free clinic on the Town Square. He becomes a popular hero and then attempts to start a relationship with Hope, leading to problems with Aiden. Also, because Dr. Baker's clinic is taking so many patients away from University Hospital, Anne Milbauer and hospital administrator Burns plot to discredit him. The kindly physician also puts old grudges aside by hiring Nicole, who had once again become a pariah after the revelation of her destruction of the Chyka files. He also encourages Nicole to become a nurse because in Salem this only takes a few months.

John Black, still feeling dazed and confused because of his failed attempts to save the alcohol-saturated Brady and his rejection by Marlena, asks Lucas to take over Basic Black. Lucas does a remarkable job and becomes one of the wealthiest men in Salem -- so wealthy that his long-lost Hong Kong fiancée comes to Salem seeking to resume their relationship. Kate is immediately suspicious and attempts to get some dirt on a woman that she suspects is just a gold-digger. Meanwhile, Lucas uncovers evidence that EJ looted the pension funds causing panic at the DiMansion and a falling out between EJ and Stefano.
Here are my ideas:

After dealing with the Liam kidnapping, have Jen and Dan get married and move into a new house. Have them deal with blended family issues. Bring Melanie back short term to provide some competition for Abigail with Ben. Bring Jack back but not for Jen. Have Jen and Abigail pregnant at the same time a la Father of The Bride sequel.

I'd like to see Jack and Nicole get together but expect Eve to cause trouble.

Stefano orchestrates Sami's "murder" until Alison Sweeney(Sami) decides to return. I give this 6 months-1 year as I believe The Biggest Loser will ultimately be cancelled. Poor Rafe is broken hearted as he and Sami had just reconciled prior to her death. Evidence ultimately emerges suggesting that Sami may not be dead after all. Rafe investigates along with John and Roman...

Same goes for Arianna Hernandez... Is she really dead?

Jordan is involved in a triangle with Eric and Lucas since Rafe went back to Sami.

Green with jealousy over Abigail and Ben, EJ finally realizes his "feelings" for Sami were just obsession not love. Abigail is his true love and he fights to prove he is not a "bad man" and win her back.

Shawn and Belle return to Salem with Claire. Shawn is now a cop and Belle is helping John run Basic Black. They are also helping Hope with Ciara and Brady with his issues. Belle is a source of comfort for Marlena following Sami's "death".

Carrie and Austin return to Salem with Baby Nameless Reed. They move into the Pub and decide to help run it. However, Carrie still practices law part time and Austin freelances as a forensic accountant when needed. This way they can play into the Justin and Aiden story lines.

Paige turns out to be Aiden's stepdaughter whom he raised since both her mom and dad are dead.

It is established that Bo and Hope are divorced. She and Aiden fall in love by Christmas. Aiden's wife was killed by a drunk driver so he has issues with Hope being in such a dangerous line of work. There is also angst with the kids and Shawn and Belle help.

Shane and Kim return as recurring characters. Kim tries to help Ciara. Shane deals with the ongoing issues between Theresa and Eve.

Get rid of Mary Beth, Liam, Anne, Kristen, Miles, Dr. Chyka. Gabi and Sami leaving will make room for some of the others too. No more new characters other than babies for a while.

Once Abigail and EJ start to get along, get rid of Ben too. Have him leave with Melanie.
There are lots of good ideas here! Here are a few of mine:

Nicole comes clean to Eric and after a rocky time, he works through it and decides to stick with his decision to leave the priesthood. He remembers that he was trying to make the decision as if the proof had been found, and he decides he made the right one. That decision also brings him back to Nicole... they patch things up and eventually get married. Their story revolves, for a time, around their struggle to conceive a child. They eventually have happy, healthy twins! (Which I realize isn't new either, but... the story would give the actress that plays Nicole some emotional scenes that she is so good at, while being in a happy relationship, and will eventually have a happy outcome!)

Hope becomes worried that she hasn't heard from Bo again, and neither have John or anybody else. She gets a visit from the ISA (or whoever) that tells her that Bo was killed, but they were not able to recover his body. She grieves and eventually moves on... with an oddly comforting Aiden. Since he knows what she's going through, he puts aside their differences, and even her harsh words, to become the person that she goes to. This, of course, doesn't go over well with Ciara or Chase, so there can be lots of drama there. This also leaves open the option to bring Bo back ("the death was all part of the story... it had to seem real") after Hope and Aiden have moved on and the children have finally accepted their new family and become happy again. This will also bring about an opportunity to tell the story of Aiden's late wife and how she died.

Or, maybe... I hate to kill off this character, but whenever it is time for Caroline to pass (hopefully the actress just decides she's ready to retire and the show obliges), Hope and Aiden will be in their happy place, mourning the loss of Caroline. At the memorial/funeral/mass/whatever ceremony, a "dead" Bo shows up - either in hiding or in disguise - because he can't not say goodbye to his mom. And that's where he spots Hope and her new, happy family, which he now wants back, and has to choose between work and family.

Since John has come back, he has understood but been taken aback by Marlena's anger toward him. Since it is clear that she doesn't even want to look at him, he decides that he's really going to have to step things up to win her back. He doesn't do it in an underhanded way, and it is a slow buildup to an emotional reunion. Although he is so kind and charming and sincere, he has to endure many harsh words from those defending Marlena. But he eventually wins her back, the right way.

In the meantime, Brady truly hits rock bottom with Theresa. She returns to LA - her intentions unclear - while Brady finally decides to do what he needs to do to get clean. This eventually means making amends with his father. A new female character enters the picture. She is interested in Brady, but when she learns of his troubles, becomes very judgmental. Later we discover that she has also been down this road, and eventually helps him out of his troubles.

That's all I can think of for now. It's funny... I guess most of my ideas revolve around people ending up HAPPY!! :)
Lucas sits in his office, thinking. He is remembering the past, the women he loved, married, and the different ways his mother destroyed all the relationships. Nicole, Carrie, Sami, Chloe, Sheryl. Flashbacks tell the tales. He recalls how often he has told his mother "that is it". But she always managed to reel him back in. Not this time. His back straightens, lips tighten. No, this time, he is determined to keep his word.
Thereafter, he is cold, distant, only answering when it pertains to work. He avoids Kate completely, and makes his plans. Sort of like EJ did to Stefano, Lucas works behind the scenes to instead, pull the rug out from under her. Deals go askew, Suppliers miss shipping dates, and other companies are coming out with products, ones seemingly concocted by Nick, but they are ahead of Mad World. In fact, complaints are rolling in about various MW products not doing what they advertise, causing rashes, skin breakouts, etc. Other companies' advertising campaigns are far ahead of Mad World, as sales plummet. Kate is top dog, and has to take responsibility.
Lucas is grateful to his pretty and very smart assistant, Victoria, who has been very discreet as she helps Lucas accomplish his goal, and manages to cover up the way things have been done.
John has been watching events from the sidelines, realizes how the company has been undermined. He is impressed, and eventually offers Lucas the opportunity of going into business together. A new business, building it from the ground up, like he did Basic Black. Lucas is intrigued and agrees. He leaves Mad World, as does Victoria and joins forces with John Black. John talks Victor into investing, too, and the new company takes off like a skyrocket.

In his personal life, while Lucas was upset that his niece became involved with EJ DiMera, with Sami having left EJ, Lucas has full time custody of Allie. He is happy about this, as he did not like DiMeras influencing her. Because it bugged him for so many years, Lucas decides to secretly get DNA testing done on Johnny. He takes the samples out of town, tells no one. The ensuing results confirm his idea. Johnny indeed is Allie's twin, in every way, including paternity.
I really don't want to see Kate ruined. I like EJ, Stefano, Victor (when he's bad), Kate, Sami, etc etc. Without these folks we would only see the sweet love stories, which I also like but I think it has to balance out to stay interesting.
Nick and Gabi plan to leave with the baby. Will and Sonny are on their 2week honeymoon in California. Nick thinks he will get to have the perferct happy familly. On the way to the airport little Arianna gets sick but Nick insists that she is just teething so he rushes on so they can catch the plane.a road construction barrier causes him to slam on the brakes and swerve, Nick is killed ,Gabi is in a coma for several days she also dies Rafe,Dario, and their Mother are by her side devistated from losing both her girls Mrs. Hernandez insists that they leave the memories of everthing about Salem, they go back to New York.

Will and Sunny grow closer as they make a real home for the three of them

Marlena helps them as they deal with the grief that they also feel for Gabi

John finds Bo however he has to leave him in a prison and come back to get help. Stefano really has changed and with his help Bo is soon back with his Fancy Face and with her daddy home Ciara has a complete 180 and is now the sweetest kid ever She is kind and generous and so smart MAYBE a little TOO smart?????
I also want to see Hope go on an adventure to find Bo. In my scenario, she begins getting texts from a mysterious someone implying that something happened to Bo. In investigating these texts, she learns that Bo was switched with a double when he was in California with Caroline; Caroline thought so, but the people around her assumed she was having an Alzheimer's moment and didn't recognize her own son, so nobody believed her when she tried to say the double wasn't Bo. To make matters more complicated, at the same time as this storyline is going on Theresa is finally exposed and arrested for her misdeeds, which puts a strain on Shane and Kim's relationship with everybody in Salem because they're upset that their daughter wasn't given another chance to turn herself around. This makes conversations between Hope and Shane, whom she contacts for help finding what happened to Bo, strained and tense. Anyway Hope's search takes her to California and then to Europe, she finds a very weakened Bo but he dies before she can bring him back to Salem. There is a funeral for Bo in Salem, which is a beautiful memorial service except Ciara blames Hope for Bo's death because she didn't save him. With some urging from family and friends, Hope sees that Ciara is in trouble and puts her in therapy. Ciara also bonds with JJ over the fact that he acted out in the past for similar reasons and he becomes somewhat of a big brother/mentor to her.

As mentioned earlier, Theresa has legal problems as a result of her various offenses, including giving Liam the key, and Aiden ends up defending her. (Since DAYS likes to ignore reality when it's convenient maybe she qualifies for a public defender and Aiden is assigned to her case.) Jen is upset and feels betrayed because of what Theresa did to JJ, but Hope understands Aiden's point of view. She and Aiden become closer, though they agree they both want to just stay friends for now because they are both grieving the loss of their spouse.

In the meantime, back in Salem, Will and Sonny debate having another child and eventually decide to do so. They choose to use a surrogate. Marlena is very involved in helping them understand the process and find a surrogate. Rafe's efforts to clean up the park cause him to become involved in helping a homeless teenager who ran away from an abusive situation. The girl turns out to be pregnant, but doesn't want to give her baby up. After getting to know Sonny and Will, she agrees to do so, but she doesn't want to contact the father of her baby to have him give up his rights because he abused her. Rafe becomes involved in protecting the girl while also finding the father. In the meantime, he and Hope discuss ways to keep Salem clean and agree that prevention is better than having to constantly focus on cleaning up the park and other sketchy areas. They decide to get input from JJ and his friends as well as some other teens who have been in minor trouble or seem to be headed that way about what influenced them to use or not use. Afterwards, it's clear they need some type of place where the neighborhood kids can go to get support when needed, but the community center doesn't have the time or money for such a program. Aiden suggests to Hope that they apply their fundraising skills to creating such a place. He'll make the first donation in his wife's name. Hope decides to make a donation in Bo's name as well, and after raising funds they open the teen support center named after both of their late spouses.

After Nicole's investigation leads Rafe and Hope straight to Liam, Jennifer and Daniel are both extremely happy with Nicole. Nicole doesn't want a guilty conscience anymore so she confesses to them both about shredding the files. They are disappointed but forgive her, but Daniel tells her that she has to tell Eric. Nicole does it and at first Eric is angry but then he calms down, decides that God's will still is for him to be with Nicole and decides to stay with her, much to Marlena's disappointment. In the meantime Daniel and Jen consider moving in together and begin working out issues related to raising a blended family. This is further complicated by the fact that Maggie confides to them both that she's worried about Parker's language and behavior delays. Daniel thinks she's overreacting but with some help from Abe and Maxine he becomes willing to have Parker evaluated. However, Chloe doesn't like the idea and tells Daniel that if he does so she's going to court to change the custody agreement. Daniel and Jen support each other and decide what to do about this situation as well as Parker's possible problem together. Nicole wants to help Nicole-style, which causes some problems because Eric thinks they should stay out of it other than praying for the best outcome for everybody, but in the end both couples overcome the internal conflicts caused by this situation. As for Liam, he is sentenced to a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane.
@oldsoapie......Kate has lost all before and ended up smelling like a rose. I seem to remember when she tried to Kill Victor, set the mansion on fire, causing Lucas to go into a coma and actually become paralyzed. (Lucas was off the show then for a year.) She was living in an old car and a woman's shelter, got a job in the Hudson St. diner. She soon was back up the corporate ladder, only to lose it all when EJ took all the Mystic funds. And she borrowed the Million dollars from Stefano in exchange for a romp in bed and began Hearth & Home. That business still exists. Kate has tried to kill quite a few people, but she is not destitute and won't be. In my storyline, Lucas is making sure his mother knows he wants nothing to do with her, that she went too far, despite him warning her beforehand.
This was about Lucas, who not only untied the apron strings, but cut the apron into shreds.
Stefano is livid he has been duped and BIG. EJ is NOT Elvis but Elmer James Rolf or Someone random like Smith the garbage collector. The real Elvis shows up and he is nice and not bad looking but he is not the tyrant Stefano wants to be his son.

The real reason Susan was so scared on the phone, was she was afraid Stefano had found out. (remember that scene different actress as Susan)

Theresa has D.I.D. (split personality) like her mother. Brady struggles with the question .Who has he fallen in love with? Theresa or Jeannie .

Daniel is torn apart emotionally when he finds Chloe lied Parker is not his he is Philip's child. Chloe comes back to town and brings her sister Joy who feels like she was only created to save Chloe. Joy takes a liking to JJ.

It's found Johnny is Lucas' child . Sydney is now in question

The search for Lauren (Mimi and Philips surrogate) . The gloved petri dish switcher Elmer confesses and Belle and Shawn want to know if the child Mimi and Philip signed away rights too is really their child.
When Patch (Steven Nichols) returns to Salem, he is accompanied by his wife, Della (Elena Lyons :love:), much to Kayla's (Mary Beth Evans') chagrin. Patch is hired by the Salem PD to replace an underutilized detective who has left town to search for a female friend who, along with her cat, has mysteriously disappeared. :rolleyes: