In Loving Memory: Jed Allan (Don Craig)

I am so saddened to here this. My prayers for his family.

I am pretty sure that he had a part in the old show "Jeff's Collie". He was the park ranger that became the dog's owner. Jeff and his family could not take her with them when they moved.

I might be wrong, it was a long time ago.
He did 26 episodes of Lassie from 1968 to 1970. It was originally called Jeff's Collie (for the first 116 episodes), then renamed Timmy & Lassie, and eventually just called Lassie. (would've been known as Lassie when he was on it)
Jeff and his family could not take her with them when they moved.
The Miller family (Jeff's family) was long gone from the show before Jed Allan made his appearances.
This makes me so sad. Didn't he also play Steve's dad in Beverly Hills 90210? I had always had hope maybe one day Don Craig would be back in Salem for some reason.
Sanders was Steve's last name on 90210 so I guess he did indeed play his dad.
Wonder if Ron Carlivati will tweet any kind of comment? Even though Jed Allan (Don) has been gone for nearly 35 years, he was a big part of the show's history and Marlena's first love (totally ignoring the Alex North mess).