

Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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What the blazes is wrong with the program schedulers on the networks? I watched this brand new series, Intelligence, starring Josh Holloway (remember him from LOST?) which was very good, I enjoyed it. Then it says, after it ended that it will be on Mondays. So I checked the schedule. And guess what. This show is on CBS, and will be pitted opposite The BlackList on NBC and Castle on ABC.

There are nights there is just nothing, but nothing appealing to watch on the networks but will they bump the boring stuff? Nope.

By the way, I think Intelligence (this intro episode) is on tonight as well. 7 Central, 8 Eastern.
I am really steamed.
I love Castle, and really like BlackList which I watch whenever I can with a rerun, or the other day they did a marathon 3 episodes in a row. LOL. (only watched the first two, as both had lots of blood and gore, and one can only take so much of that. LOL) So now, another good show is gonna fight for the audience. How aggravating. And no, I don't have DVR.
Oh, I agree. But the result is lower ratings for all 3 shows. No one really wins, and the viewers are the losers.
That was the pilot episode. What is wrong with these network people? They already know that Blacklist is a huge hit and Castle has a big following. Why not Friday? usually a lousy day for TV. LOL
I was ticked off too when I found out show on Monday at that time.
I'll decide later if I want to continue watching it or not.

I enjoyed the plot.

CBS is already advertising number one new show :rolleyes: That's because where
they showed the first episode. After NCIS and everyone likes that show.
I hate when they do that. Why do they pit a good show against another good show? Why not be the best show on when all the other stations have bad ones one instead of having them on the same night? Because when they pit them against each other we are the ones who lose.
As another person without a DVR/TIVO, my alternative is to watch On Demand; however, for some reason, CBS does not offer this option. Some nights are, indeed, fully loaded, others are pretty bleak. Wednesdays for me: "Law and Order: SVU," "American Horror Story: Coven," and whatever TVLand shows are currently airing. Luckily, I can Demand all of them so just have to choose what I want to watch that night and catch up with the others at a later date. Trying to watch full episodes of shows online is very frustrating, so I rarely even try. Of course, it's all about the numbers/ratings for the networks, they love the competition. We don't. :cry:
I've cut down a lot of TV viewing because of the problem
If I tape it, when will I have time to watch.

Summer time is a good time if the repeat shows.
I found "Person of Interest" this past summer.

I don't like watching online since I only have desktop
computer, but I do for a couple of show. I like watching
TV on my sofa :)
Saw the 2nd episode Saturday evening. Oh, my gosh, terrific. I am very glad it got rerun Sat. No idea if they will keep doing that, doubt it. But, wow, good show!
Yeah, I added it to my DVR list. Its amazing how they dove right into the issue of his wife without stringing it out, although the very last scene did open possibilities. Thanks for the recommendation Barb. The ratings for its first outing in its regular time spot weren't great but I'm hoping that CBS might show a little patience.
CBS did a disservice to the show by putting it in that time slot, opposite BlackList & Castle. Hard to believe a network would launch a brand new show and then give it a lousy time period. Especially across from the blockbuster hit BlackList.
I hope more find it. Glad you enjoy it, Jnta.