Interesting e-mails


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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So, there I was, looking for the Sony/NBC stock purchase info, along with Sony's connection to CBS plus Y&R, and I ran across some e-mails re:Days, from when Sony was hacked.
Seems one of the suits at NBC was determined to ax Days, but Sony fought hard to keep Days up, until after the 50th. This is why the renewal to Sept. 2016. Folks, unless Days starts picking up it's ratings, I have a feeling that NBC will get it's way, and replace it with a talk show. That guy thought CBS did well after replacing GL with the junk, but it was pointed out how ABC had several failures at the cheap replacements.

I don't have time right now, to go back and find the site again, but I all can read for yourselves.
So....when we mention budget cuts, the suits dictating and interfering, perhaps you can see where/why we get ticked off. It is not always Corday, (who, in MY opinion, pays too little attention to his soap, but relies on his minions entirely too much).
The last thing the world needs is more talk shows. There are already enough shows where celebrities can exchange banter with the host. Days and the other soaps entertain millions of viewers and provide actors, especially younger ones just getting started, a valuable chance to practice their craft.
PLEASE, PLEASE new writers....write like you've never written before and save DAYS from TV death. I've been a loyal fan, except when I was working before VCR recorders, since its conception and am saddened to think its future isn't based on the loyalty of the millions of followers it has generated but instead on the almighty dollar

We certainly do not need or want yet another tiresome talk show nor do we need another pathetic reality disaster.
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I don't watch any talk shows except the once in a blue moon episode of Steve Harvey. I don't give a rip about the actors' personal lives other than fashion photos of dresses and hair. In fact many times what I do hear out of an actor is shallow or looney. I'd much rather have my shallow and looney come from a fictional soapy drama.
PLEASE, PLEASE new writers....write like you've never written before and save DAYS from TV death. I've been a loyal fan, except when I was working before VCR recorders, since its conception and am saddened to think its future isn't based on the loyalty of the millions of followers it has generated but instead on the almighty dollar

We certainly do not need or want yet another tiresome talk show nor do we need another pathetic reality disaster.
Somewhere, I said these same exact words. I have watched, when I could pre-vcrs and ever since the beginning. There has been terrific stories and horrible stuff. I pray it will be much better. Talk shows would be fine--not a dozen in a row, if everyone didn't talk at once and seem to have private jokes.
We also get the wonderful OK!TV which is a pile of rotten horse dung, between a local newscast and the 4th hour of the Today show. (Seriously- we have news at 4, 6, 10, 12, 5, 6, and 10 here...all from the local affiliate, plus they do a sister newscast at 9 on another local channel. Its viewership area is maybe 250,000, about 150k of which are actually local. Talk about repetition.)

I can't see them cancelling least I don't want to. But I speculated the same when the emails were first leaked, the show would get axed after the 50th. I hold out hope that it's not true. Sadly NBC's motto of late seems to be to trash things rather than fix them.
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4-7am, 12-1, 4-7:30, all local news, with the exception of NBC nightly and Access Hollywood, which airs at 4:30 & 7:30pm. During the 4 hours of Today, there's a local news break every hour. After the 4th hour of Today (Kathie Lee & Hoda), there's a talk show, and after Days there are 2 more. It's ridiculous.
I listened to episodes on a tv/radio in the back seat on trips out of town.:) I never wanted to miss an episode still don't but not as devastating as it used to be :( .
Make it devastating to miss again :wink:. Make it MUST SEE episodes. I think one of the downfalls are TOO many channels, people trying to watch too many shows and having a life too. That was me once upon a time. I have really scaled back . I remember having, at one time, a show/s planned probably for every day of the week. Now with (mostly scripted) reality garbage .Music channels, now reality channels. I have a few shows I tune in regularly and I like/love reruns. Grateful for reruns and dvds.
I don't watch talk shows and I don't watch as much TV as I used to.
I wonder how the ratings are for talk shows. Are they better than soaps?
What it is for the networks is CHEAPER.

I really do not understand how the suits do not get it thru their heads that filling the time slots with cheap talk or reality shows affects their other shows. When I watched GL, I sometimes would watch some of the show just preceding it, and then, perhaps the show following it. Maybe part, maybe all. And now, well, CBS is never on in the house during the day. Just NBC. And we all have seen ads for prime time during the day, so, they lose there as well. And, this is what makes me laugh. Folks will tape their soap. They don't tape the talk show, or game show to watch later. So that audience is lost as well.