Is there a WHY?


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Chandler Massey (Will) does not want to be recurring. He left Days. This leaves Sonny alone. So what is the point of having Will return for a day when Sonny has been injured? Then running back to CA to make his movie? Give me a break. Days doesn't want to deal with the part time availabilities. It is very difficult to arrange filming, all out of order, hard to edit and insert.

Sonny & Will need to break it off, move on. I like current Sonny, hope the writers find a way to keep him on, without perhaps another partner.
Days really has a multi-talented cast, which is ill used currently. Yes, the younger group has to move on up.......but Days is not taking advantage of their gold.........

Those older characters have a past.......why not explore it, go back to it. Steve has been an intriguing character from Day 1. Kayla & Roman are siblings.....Jennifer carried on with Daniel Jonas, who carried on with Nicole, who is now married to Rafe.

Nicole had a background that was too sad, & amazing how she overcame. WHY did she decide to marry Rafe, when her heart belongs to Eric. And why did Eric keep leaving for Africa when his heart belongs to Nicole.
My problem is they'd write him off in some stupid way only waiting for her to return at some point. And if they had them divorce you know that means we get Sonny moving on only to have the actor to decide to make a brief return the usual stuff that follows with that.

I'd rather they just act like he's someone we just don't happen to see, although I would have tried to do that after his grandma survives. Just say he's traveling for work, babysitting Henry. Of course they could recast but they're obviously anti that.
I also like the actor that plays Sonny, he has a very good claim on the character. I agree as well on Steve, he is sometimes loveable and then on the other hand he is easier to anger than most. I do think that is a good indication of the character of Steve, and gives the actor a chance to show his capabilities. Nicole has never been one of my favorites, and in recent years her character has set herself and Rafe up in what will not be a marriage for long. She and Eric will end up back together someday, and Rafe will just be alone for a while. Rafe is one of the Days characters who may never find his permanent person. Could be Rafe and Jada will become an item, if and when Nicole and Eric get back together.
I think they need to bite the bullet and soft recast Will. Bring back Guy Wilson, who did a fine job, for a few weeks, then a few weeks with no Will, then a few weeks with Actor #3 (heck maybe see if one of the kids who played him is available again LOL). Repeat until 3-4 actors have tried the role over the course of 6-7 months, and then hire the most popular/effective one full-time. Insert some one-shots with him talking to Sonny and some two-shots of Sonny & Will into already-filmed story, and call it a day.
I agree about recasting Will....and any other character who is needed on canvas, but original actor is not available. Yes, some actors are ingrained inthe role, but if not willing to return, or can't because of whatever reasons, then recast. However, since NBC has been so reluctant to give the show any kind of raise, perhaps there is not enough in the budget to pay whatever the rate is for newer actors. But recasts abound everywhere. Heck, Days has had more than 14 Mike Hortons. LOL
And .....sometimes the recast works, sometimes not. I give actors credit who try in advance to learn the history, personality of a character instead of deciding to go for a blank slate, making the character completely different than previous.
Or in some cases not a recast but just someone. Anyone could have been hired to play Sydney for a day when Grandma was dying.

And they just had a good Sonny recast so I don't know why they're so against it. They certainly wouldn't have to write such farfetched stories when people leave.
The best part of the announcement of a new actor was it meant a story was going to continue as planned. Just any random day an actor could change but things went on. And that's probably the best way to do it because viewers are into the current story and they go along with it. Much better than waiting months or a year and explaining a return. Will would have been a perfect character for it.

I really wonder why they stopped doing that and started believing that it's the actors that are more important than the characters. At least they got someone to play Jennifer. I'm really not crazy about that recast but it's better than having nonsense reasons for Jenn to be missing.
And why do they now have to make some big to-do (for the most part) when a new actor takes over to explain the new face. Just switch out actors and call it good. We're intelligent, we can follow along even though the character has a new face.
It makes me laugh to think when I was a kid they'd stick in a new actor or a couple of days just because someone was sick. I can't imagine where they even found people to do that. Now if someone gets the flu they probably drop an entire story line. :rotfl:
Heck, on Guiding Light, they had a guy go in the shower, come out a few minutes later with a brand new face! No explanation, lol, and viewers loved it.Story went on.......and Days could easily do something similar. A bit late now, but Hope, Bo, Jennifer, Abby could all have been replaced that way.
On the one hand, I get why they're reluctant to recast. Soaps are different and are watched differently than in the past, for the most part.

But, if you're going to can something for 7 months, you'd better have a darn good plan worked out for when the actor leaves for steadier work, or greener pastures, or fewer half-nude threesome scenes.
Not that I care what people do on their own, but the 3-some scenes were the biggest waste of my time.
Why in heck would I need to see them? All they really showed was the 3 kissing most of the time.
I do not think it was sexy. It was a pitiful ploy to get the younger generation to watch thinking they would see soft porn!
Heck I could have made a sexier scene than Days did! :rotfl: