It's Getting Better song


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
I was hoping to find a video of Doug singing It's Getting Better to Susan Martin. It is one of my fondest memories of those very early DOOL days. I really liked the Doug and Susan pairing, I think because they started as friends. I much prefer a couple that starts with a deep friendship. I think that is why I rooted for Nicole and Brady for so long. They developed a really good friendship. So, asking you looooonnng time viewers: isn't It's Getting Better the song that Doug sang to Susan several times?????

I didn't really accept the Doug and Julie pairing until after the two actors became a couple in real life.
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I did some Googling and can't find any info about this song being used on Days, other than an older post where you mentioned him singing it to Susan Martin.

Perhaps Jason47 might have info about the song in his research.
Yea, when I google the song, I find a lot of reference to Mama Cass. And when I google Bill Hayes, I find only the Ballad of Davy Crockett as the song he was most noted for. But, on DOOL he sang this song several times to Susan. At least, I think I'm remembering this correctly.
I checked the internet archives and looked on Beth's Days of Our Lives and while they note a bunch of songs that were regularly used on Days, that isn't one of them.
I really liked the Doug and Susan pairing
I never really remembered Doug and Susan being a romantic couple. Doug at first used Susan, hoping to con her out of some of the inheritance she received when David Martin died. Then she made a deal with him to try and woo Julie away from Scott Banning, so she could reunite with him.

Here's the write-up from Beth's Days of Our Lives page:

As soon as Doug arrived in Salem, he looked up Susan. He tried to charm the pants off of her, but she didn't fall for it. She liked Scott Banning too much to be entranced by Doug's flirtations. However, Susan did make Doug a proposition: she would pay Doug to have an affair with Julie Banning in order to win Scott back from Julie. Doug, of course, agreed to this and began charming Julie. Julie became attracted to Doug. What Doug never counted on was falling in love with Julie. After some time passed, Susan told Doug that she couldn't go through with their agreement any longer. It was too late -- Doug and Julie had fallen for each other.

Meanwhile, Doug was hired to sing at Sergio's. By the end of the year, he and Julie had become lovers. As time went by, they dreamed of the day they would marry and go on a romantic honeymoon in Portofino, Italy. Unfortunately, Julie was still married to Scott and had to remain married to him in order to remain a part of her son David's life. For well over a year, Doug and Julie had an affair behind Scott's back; the only one aware of it was Susan, whose guilt for instigating the affair compelled her to keep quiet.
I do remember that Susan wanted him to interfere with Julie's love life. And, no, there never was a romance between Doug and Susan, but I was hoping there would be. I thought they had a good chemistry on screen. And I thought they had a good friendship.
If you had asked this question a few years ago, I could have just emailed Bill and asked him. He would usually respond in less than a day or so anytime I emailed him. And he has a great memory and pretty much remembers everything he's done on Days. But he hasn't done email in a few years.