Just a dream

Well, this all began when Johnny supposedly wanted to make a movie using a script of Will's. The script included the fact that Marlena had been possessed.....so Johnny lept on just that, rewrote the script.....then talks family members into portraying other family members. This alone sounds like a dream or fantasy.
Pretty long dream, if it is one. I have seen speculation that it is Jennifer within her coma having this horrible fantasy dream, & that it is Johnny, imagining how his "movie" would play out. Whatever the reason for it all, it is a disservice to the viewers to drag such a horrid storyline out for so many months, especially during the holidays.
I lean towards the Jennifer thing too but I can't remember where that would put us as far as characters. it would at least mean Adrienne is alive and Bonnie would be gone. If they put is back into real time I'm not sure what that would mean but of course they could explain stuff. Like maybe rehab Gwen.

Will's dream wouldn't shock me at all. If Leo pops up I'd go with that idea.
Really with their filming delay, the only way they could fix it is with a dream. I'm not suggesting this is true - sites say things like that a lot - but especially with how the pregnancy has played out, it could be laying the seeds for that type of out.

However, the soap media and a chunk of the fanbase are head over heels for this story, so if the ratings aren't dismal, I wouldn't expect them to use it. Unless there's a writer change that's already happened.