Just don't get it???? Xander


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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Pardon me, writers!!! :confused: When Eric went to Nicole's office, did he, or did he not, find Xander trying to murder Nicole by strangling her????? Eric fought with Xander and after that, things went downhill. Now is that not proof that Xander was there?? Nobody is talking about that. Case closed. What is the matter with them all?? ShaSha
Yeah, what's the deal with that anyway, ShaSha? Do the powers that be think Days followers forget about that very violent encounter? That whole eye witness and hands-on piece of evidence was forgotten rather quickly. But then again, we are dealing with the Salem P.D. mentality. DUH!
Ah, but Xander claims he was never in Salem, or anything, has his reliable friends saying he was in Chicago, using his phone, his credit card, etc. So..since it is Eric & Nicole's word against Xander & his air tight alibi, there is no case. Too bad there are no fingerprints on Nicole's neck. There were no witnesses to Xander's presence in Nicole's building, her office, etc.
Unless Navidad mopped the floors, Xander's fingerprints should be all over Nicole's office floor from where he and Eric fought and when Nicole knocked him out with the trash can and he struggled to get up. Navidad was thorough, but I doubt she was that thorough.
They made a point of saying that they swept her office for fingerprints at one point. I'm guessing Xander and Navidad are "professionals" in terms of cleaning up crime scenes. But hopefully some type of evidence will pop up. I'm tired of these criminals outsmarting the cops all the time.
Outsmarting cops in Salem, all it takes is someone of not the highest moral code. Xander to say "Sorry, it wasn't me, I was in Chicago" and his word is taken over a former priest who has never been on the bad side of the law, not to mention the son of, gosh, what is Roman's official title??? A high ranking policeman. I can see them disparaging Nicole's statement because everyone does. But Serena, Eric and Nicole all telling similar stories and he's let go. This is an ONLY in Salem case.
Oh, the cops believe Eric, Nicole & Serena. But the defense has all that "Proof" from upstanding citizens, so the DA refuses to prosecute, since they have nothing concrete. Nothing that would PROVE Xander was actually IN Salem. All the security cameras were masked, they wore gloves. The thing is, Nicole's prints SHOULD have been in her office, on her computer, door knobs, desk, etc. And they weren't. So that should tell the cops SOMETHING. And not that there was a super duper cleaning person. LOL
They made a point of saying that they swept her office for fingerprints at one point. I'm guessing Xander and Navidad are "professionals" in terms of cleaning up crime scenes. But hopefully some type of evidence will pop up. I'm tired of these criminals outsmarting the cops all the time.

I'm also tired of it. A few times is acceptable, but EVERYONE gets away from them. EJ & Stefano, Clyde, Xander, Nick...it's just too much, and not realistic at all. I know that soaps are supposed to have some outlandish plots, but this goes too far.
They made a point of saying that they swept her office for fingerprints at one point. I'm guessing Xander and Navidad are "professionals" in terms of cleaning up crime scenes. But hopefully some type of evidence will pop up. I'm tired of these criminals outsmarting the cops all the time.
If all Navidad did was sweep for fingerprints, she missed DNA evidence. She and Xander were rushing all over the Titan building possibly losing stray hairs. Xander did a lot of screeching, meaning he could have sprayed saliva. When he tried to strangle Nicole, some of his skin could have been left under her fingernails. Xander and his creepy companion were in so many Titan building locations that the idea of them eliminateding all DNA evidence is quite a stretch. That said, the Salem P.D.'s forensics unit proved itself to be a joke during the Ford Decker murder investigation and almost surely hasn't improved since then. On another front, not much effort seems to have gone into breaking the X-man's alibi. His alibi witnesses could have been seriously grilled and/or threatened and employees at any venue he claimed to have visited (who presumably aren't part of his alibi) could be questioned. The bottom line is that the Xander investigation is yet another low in the long history of Salem P.D. ineptness.
Xander is strangling the life out of Nicole, Eric comes to the rescue taking Xander down, Nicole whacks him over the head with the trash can, (how fitting), and "THE SALEM P.D." still insist that's not enough proof and considered positive identification? ONLY IN SALEM.
It's the D.A. ....but I agree, the lump on his head should be evidence of something, right. But, he only has to say he hit his head on a door, the shower, etc.
But, Poirot, it was eye to eye, caught in the act. So this is not mentioned, only the boiler room. Quite different. ShaSha

Sportzsgirl916, there was a definite line across Nicole's neck when Xander got attacked by Eric and while she was in the hospital bed. No one from the police took a picture of it and it wasn't mentioned at all. This was the whole case for proof and it was ignored. I just don't get it. ShaSha
Wow Sha-Sha!!... I guess the stupid disease has become a pandemic in Salem. Not a doctor, cop, visitor or even Nicole herself could even mention it as proof.
Again, it is one person's word against another's. Xander claims he was in Chicago, and has people who swear he was there. This would seemingly disprove that he attacked or attempted to kill Nicole, and Eric as well. He has only said they are mistaken, he was in another city, his credit card usage, phone usage, plus the "witnesses" who verify he was there all seemingly verify his statements.

The Salem cops don't believe him, figure he gave the phone & credit card to others, and the witnesses are lying. However, they have no proof or concrete evidence of their belief.