Just In: Days to be preempted for 2 weeks next summer for Olympics


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Dec 4, 2006
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Although it's still a year away, it's now been confirmed that "Days of Our Lives" will be preempted for two straight weeks for coverage of the Summer Olympics in August 2016. After the Friday, August 5, 2016 episode of "Days", the show will be preempted until the Summer Olympics conclude, and "Days" will return on Monday, August 22, 2016. This will be the third time in the show's history that it's been preempted for two straight weeks, which also happened for the Summer Olympics in 2004 and 2012.
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Actually, they usually shut down 1 week a month, so it was only 1 extra week back then, and eventually, within the next year or so, not only did they make it up, they went ahead. Back then, they were over 3 months ahead, but they knuckled down and in the past 3 years went up to 5. Seems they are going for 6 now. :wink:
Too bad it couldn't have been this year and Days just scrubbed the past two weeks (two months would've been even better).
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The only positive thing I can say about this is at least they won't be on a major delay.

I hate the Olympics and how TV is tied up for over two weeks every two years. I'd gladly watch Sami and EJ's hate boink on a continuous loop over just five minutes of the Olympics.
I hate it too. I'll see your hate boink and raise ya. :) I'd rather watch the HATE BOINK superimposed in the GARDEN OF EDEN STORY. LOL

It's really a shame that Days cannot air at a separate time, or that they can't just show highlights from certain sports that may have aired during Days' hour.
Heck, NBC will be ditching ALL their programming all day, and evening, too.....probably lots of commercials for the Fall season. Then, at the end of the 2 weeks, for returning prime time series, they will show a rerun or two of the previous season, and then......The Fall Season will begin. Ha.
Count me as one of those parochial Americans who think the Olympics are boring, over-done, and over-hyped. Similar to Rafe and his beloved Cubs, the only sport that I watch in summer is baseball, while rooting (often in vain) for the N.Y. Mets. Instead of the Olympics, I too would rather watch the infamous "hate boink," or even a few clips of Sami squawking "EJ has changed," a few of the best of Jenny's rants, Anne's better snarky remarks about the Love Doctor and Jen Jen, a few shots of Stefano rolling his r's, and some of Victor's funniest one-liners.
Although every now and then I might watch one or two things on the Olympics, I also find it boring. Although I'd rather sit through that then the hate boink. I do hope the show takes advantage of this and takes a long break from filming.
Dr. BakerFan I thought the Mets were in 1st place?

The Olympics bring in tons of ad revenue in a short timeframe. To further complicate it, Rio is only 1 hour ahead of the East Coast so most of these events will be aired live. That means even more ad revenue on a major network. I'm sure most folks would rather see Michael Phelps' 6-pack abs over Ben Weston's.

I agree with the others that I hope this slows down taping a bit.
I did think that last time, NBC said it lost money on the 2 wk. Olympic coverage. The trouble (to me) is that there is too much time spent NOT covering events. Jabber, jabber, scenic tours, history lessons. biographies of contestants, etc. If I am watching a sporting event, I want to see that event. Not a bunch of talking heads. I want to see as many of the contenders as possible. Not the top 3 or 4, or just the U.S. ones.

Not many of the events interest me at all, I will watch gymnastics once in a while, or diving. That is about it. But I definitely do not go out of my way, won't tune in during the day at all, so, if I am flipping channels, and one of those things is on, catches my eye, I may stop for a few minutes. That is all.
Here we get constant replays of the stuff we have a chance of winning and little else. Its quite annoying if you are interested in anything which isn't basically swimming, (grass) hockey, and a bit of the field events.

I really only watch the opening ceremony anyway, because I'm a sucker for all that. Otherwise, I don't care. But a preemption doesn't worry me, as long as we aren't missing episodes.
I enjoy the Olympics. In 2008 I was watching when my main tv went "poof" and black smoke began pouring out of it, eek. I carried it outside set in in the middle of the gravel yard and dared it to burst into flames. Alas, it didn't, but for the rest of that day watching Phelps on a 12 inch screen was less than dramatic. Got the flat screen the next day.

Then during the next Olympics, I spent in rehab after the broken ankle, enjoyed watching people run as I struggled to wiggle toes. My events, of course, are NEVER on at prime time and we never see them because Americans don't win.

The only time we saw Archery was the year Geena Davis, the actress, was on the team and the Equestrian events are always showed on an off channel at weird hours. Or you can pay and get a pay per view streaming website, which I watched last time with my "free" hour, and it was so horrible and jerky there was no reason to pay to watch.

Anyway, sign me up for the folks who would like Days to use the time to catch up and cut down the insane filming schedule. I know it won't happen but a girl can hope.