Killing off Konstantin - how would you do it?


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
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  • Let his mob connections take him out by pushing him into a wet cement foundation too deep to get out.

  • His ex-wife emasculated him and leaves him to bleed out.

  • Feed him to hungry alligators.

  • Tell Creepy Clyde that Konstantin stole the drug contact book.
A coven of witches in Salem cast a spell on Konstantin to make:

-his skin to be covered in painful boils

-him have terrifying nightmares anytime he tries to sleep

-all of his teeth to become loose then fall out

-his eyes grow thick cataracts that make it impossible for him to see

-his sanity finally be lost and he throws himself off the highest terrace of the Kiriakis mansion
It’s highly likely that a sketchy creep like Konstantin owes Greek mobsters money. When his plan to get his hands on Maggie’s money is foiled by Xander and others, he can’t pay. A hired Greek killer arrives in Salem, and kreepy K is never seen again, sort of like what happened with Tek Kramer.
I have been thinking of this all day, how would I write his demise. I honestly never watch horror stuff. So I have debated and think it would work if Konstantin was trying to kill John and it backfired and he did himself in. All by himself. So how? First, Konstantin has to learn that John did not actually kill Konstantin's daughter. He was out of it, being controlled at the time.

The daughter tried to help bring him out of it. Konstantin got upset, came to shoot John, daughter came, knocked Daddy down, his gun went off, she died. Steve walks in, evidently, Konstantin on the floor, dead daughter on the floor, brainwashed John having fainted or in a trance or something. Konstantin comes to, convinces himself that John is at fault. But takes 30 years to seek revenge. Ahhhh, there's the rub.

Konstantin had wiped it all out of his mind, putting in the scenario that John was the guilty one. But he could not escape the truth. So when confronted by Steve, with Harris & Jada along for backup, Konstantin takes off, up to the rooftop, Steve, Harris, Jada, John, in hot pursuit, where he throws himself off the roof, rather than face the music.
At Maggie and Konny's rehearsal dinner, Clyde spikes the punch and everyone is higher than a kite. The wrong people sleep with each other, because why not, this is Days, and as they all stagger into the living room and there lies Konny's dead body. Maggie weeps for about 15 minutes, they arrange to have him buried, Salem PD starts to do their normal stellar work in uncovering the culprit. In the end Konny is just another body in the Salem Cemetery and not a soul cares who offed him or why. Most of the drama surrounds the hooking up that happened while all were drugged.

Sound familiar?? Of course. It's easier to use a former story and bring it back that to be creative and write a new one. This one has Konny die, no one cares and he's off screen, never to return.
After hearing that Sweet Bits is on fire, a distraught Paulina recklessly runs at high speed to the scene. After bouncing off several Town Square pedestrians, she barrels into Konstantin. The grifter suffers broken bones and severe internal injuries. Then, after flying through the air, he suffers a fractured skull when his head hits the sacred Tom and Alice plaque.

The Greek schemer is rushed to the hospital, but never regains consciousness. As Steve, John, Xander, Sarah, and others party at the Pub, Konstantin is ingloriously buried in the Salem Cemetery area reserved for undesirables like Dr. Trent Robbins, Fake Rafe, and Yo-Daddy. Seeing his chance to get rid Salem of the noisy mayor, DA EJ successfully prosecutes her for second degree manslaughter. Calm then returns to Salem, while the inmates and staff at state women’s prison say goodbye to peace and quiet.
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I would not want to kill him. I would want him imprisoned for life. A Greek prison would probably be even better. An article says of Greek prison:

Inhuman prison conditions in Drapetsona, Athens

Poor conditions at this centre include lack of adequate exercise; lack of natural daylight; insufficient toilet and bath facilities.

To me, prison would be worse than death.