
the look of love

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
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I havn't heard anything latly from or about our "kitten" has any one heard an update or have I just over looked a post
Kate if you see this just wanted you to know I pray for you always:hug:

I've not been on so much as of late and I'm sorry I didn't post more. Things aren't great here. I've been trying to keep busy and every now and again I post but I have to admit, I've been a little down. I've had bad news come one after another and I'm just not feeling really chatty. This month has been really tough. I found out I might have some permenant paralyzation, my father passed away Wednesday and I'm stuck in this hospital until Christmas. I'm going to miss his funeral. :( I've been reading everyone's posts so I'll try to be on more. I really appreciate your post. I'll try to update more.

Kate I am sorry to hear about your Dad Iknow it is really tough and if you don't feel "chatty" its ok Just know I care and you and your in my prayers and let that wonderfull brother of yours(Nate) I think of him too.

The Lord has brought you this far and I KNOW He has a plan for you you and He are going to do great things:love::hug:to you
My condoleances, Kitten, on your loss ! As for your health, keep fighting dear. You might not see it right away, but in the end, you will come out on top, and even stronger than you could have ever imagined. Yes, even if you do have limitations. Indeed, I am speaking from experience, so, again, know that it will eventually get better. Possibly never the same, but definitely better. :hug:
(((BIG HUG))) to you Kitten. I know the pain of losing a parent and can only say that he will always be in your heart and your memories.
Continued prayers for your well being and quick healing.
I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. I can only imagine the pain of loss and the pain of not physically being there for the funeral, I believe that your dad knows you are there spiritually, and will be with you on that day. Praying for you and your family; and praying for your health. Remember "God promises it will all work out in the end. If it hasn't worked out yet, then it's not the end." ::hugs::
:hug: My condolences on the loss of your father. It's understandable that you’re not feeling especially chatty right now. It’s natural to withdraw a bit when you’re down and dealing with one bad thing after another. Just know that we’re here for you, that we care about you, and you’re in our thoughts. If you want to talk, we're here for you. If you don't want to post for all to read and just want to talk with one or two people, there's always the private messaging. You’re part of our Spectator family, so when you’re not posting much, we wonder where you are and how you’re doing and will ask. Hang in there my friend.
I'm so sorry Kitten. I know it's hard to push forward when you just want to hide. Just remember that we are here for you. Through the good and the bad and we worry and care about you. While your dad's physical presence may be gone, he will always be with you in your heart and I promise you he is watching over you and he would not want you to give up.

As far as the permanent paralysis - the doctors can only speculate. Put your faith & trust in the Lord and continue to do what you need to do for your recovery. There is always hope that you can overcome any obstacle and you may even surprise yourself in the process.

Much love to you kitten. If you ever need to chat or anything, you know where we all are. Whether it be in a private message or here on the forums.
Hello everyone,

I want to thank you all for your kind words and support. My father was very sick, his death wasn't a surprise. He was a lifetime smoker and almost 90. He had been struggling with his lungs the last few years and the doctors said he could go at any time. Sadly that time had to be now when I couldn't even get a chance to say goodbye properly. My brother and I were his 'Change of Life' children. He was already sixty when he married our mother. She was in her thirties when she had us and we were some kind of wierd fluke. His other children hated us. Well all but one and she is coming here to grieve with me while she's in town for father's funeral. She lives on the other side of the country so we keep in touch mostly through the internet. I know everyone thinks that when someone dies they should all show up and offer condolances but I'm finding I just want to be alone. Seeing everyone feel so bad for me is very depressing. I hear them whispering with each other a lot. About how awful everything is. About how sad and pathetic I must feel right now. It's disheartening to say the least. But you all are a godsend and I want to thank you for your kindness. Nate wants me to convey his thanks as well.

Kate & Nate
Hi Kate, I know from personal experience how hard it is not to let the depression over take you. In Oct. 2011 I lost my left leg to complications to Diabetes. I just want to to know that at first I was very angry. Now nine months later I have my prosthetics and my out outlook is much better. I still have periods of depression it is normal. I pay to God evert night that He will guide you on your path to recovery. Keep your chin up. It will get better. I promise.
Badkitten, so sorry for your loss. Even though his death was not a surprise, it's still tough. And you have the right to grieve the way you need to. Bless your heart, I'm sorry that there is such family issues for you. Wish I could give you a big ol' hug. Well, here : :hug:

You keep us updated when YOU can. As you've already seen, we are all family on this board. Take care sweetie!!
Kate, I'm so sorry that I didn't respond sooner. I've been missing a lot of board time.
Honey, I'm sorry for the loss of your Dad. You've had one thing happen after another, and it is more than anyone should have to bear. You have a wonderful brother and niece who love you so much, and will always be there for you. We all love you, too. Whenever you want to talk, vent, or rant, we're here for you. You can also private message me if you like. It'll go to my email, and I can answer from my phone.