Kristen/John/Baby Elvis


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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I was just thinking........was there ever a DNA test done on Baby Elvis to prove whether he was John's or not? Seems like the DNA would have been a close match, if not a perfect one, since they are both Dimeras. Or was this just ignored when Days decided to make John a Dimera years later?
Baby Elvis is Stefano's son, done via in vitro, which we all watched being done. Susan did not even know John at the time she became pregnant. In case anyone forgot, Kristen miscarried her baby by John, so Stefano came up with the idea of finding a surrogate (Susan).....and also to have her impersonate Kristen at times with some fake teeth, wigs/makeup. Susan gave birth to baby Elvis and eventually spirited him away to England with her & Edmund.
I didn't think the question was confusing.

I know Kristen miscarried. I know Stefano is EJ's father and I know the mother is Susan.

What I was saying is that while Kristen was "pretending" that EJ was hers and John's......was there ever a DNA test done during this time? I know Marlena was very suspicious of EVERYTHING during that S/L.
Edmund was Susan's British boyfriend/husband. The last we knew, Susan took Elvis to England with Edmund, they were raising him. Susan would take pictures looking like Kristen to send to Stefano, so he would not be suspicious.

Kristen is part of some harem somewhere, languishing in a cell, which was the fate she prepared for Susan, but got caught in herself.

I don't recall a DNA test being done ever....
The story was a very convoluted one, with Susan turning out to being one of a set of quads......(all of whom were played brilliantly by Eileen Davidson), and one of whom was killed by Edmund who thought she was Kristen (it was penelope) and was trying to help Susan. Penelope was already dying with only a short time to live.
Thanks for catch up! Thought maybe Edmund was EJ's twin brother or maybe a younger brother we could look forward to seeing. I was working at that time and missed a lot... a harem??? That's hilarious. Sounded messy, very messy! LOL :wine:
John and Kristen were "happy" and John didn't know about Marlena's suspicions. Once Marlena figured everything out, she was locked in the secret room. No one ever had any reason to think a DNA test was needed. As far as everyone knew, there wasn't another option for who the parents of the baby were. Kristen was only with John, and John was only with Kristen.