Lani & Kristen


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Have been having a problem for a while now, with Lani letting Kristen escape, even helping her to do so. She tells Eli, & he is o.k. with it, evidently. Both know all the misery Kristen has caused, the crimes she has committed. Lani says Kristen is a mother, she knows what it is like to lose a child, and she got hers back, deserves to be with her. But Kristen, when she was told her child died, caused the death of the nurse who informed her, then when she learned her child was not dead, had been switched, stabbed a man in the chest, intending to kill him.

So, this is the woman who Lani trusts to take care of a child? What happens when the child dirties her diaper, spits up, is colicky, cries all night, begins talking and says a bad word, gets muddy playing outside. Kristen has proved time and again she goes bananas at the blink of an eye.

Lani is not a cop, she won't uphold the law, even against someone guilty of attempted murder. And Eli is turning a blind eye. Rafe needs to do his duty.......but he won't. Days just loves it's inept cops who won't arrest family & friends. Lani hates Gabi (and I don't care for Gabi) who doesn't seem to be on the same level as Kristen. But Lani berates Gabi for using "my daughter" as her excuses, but is o.k. with Kristen doing the same. .........sigghhh.
Both know all the misery Kristen has caused
Kristen was committing crimes about 40 years :) before Eli and Lani were born, so I doubt they know all that she has done. They do, however, know enough to at least have arrested her a few times. Lani, the dolt, will find out what kind of friend Kristen is if she ever crosses her.
I really have a problem with Lani's love of Kristen too. I know they bonded when they were going to be nuns but that doesn't excuse everything she has done. Lani knows she did try to kill Victor. Stabbed him in the chest. Also, Lani does know that Rachel was only conceived because Brady thought he was making love to Nicole. I know they try to play it off that Brady knew deep down it was really Kristen, which is very disturbing. "Oh, I know you somehow have Nicole's face but that's ok, I'll still have sex with you" Brady and Kristen are just very disturbing.
I'm just surprised that two people who knew each other ended up at the same convent etc. When I went to summer camp, I was always taken away from the people I knew to help me learn on my own. But then that's summer camp, not a convent.
I agree. And just mentioned on today's thread that Kristen is so happy to see her "friend" that she is putting Lani in jeopardy again and depending on her to just hide the fact that she is there. This may have been a good idea if Kristen wasn't crazy, but she is and she is incapable of being a friend.

Lani, on the other hand, is just plain incompetent as a cop and should have been fired. She is going to start her marriage either keeping this from Eli or make him choose again whether to report her or just let Kristen go. Such a selfish relationship, but the writers are idiots, so this is what hey give us.
You know, the actress is a good one, and loves being on Days. Just a shame she is saddled with a nasty character & lousy storyline.
I have nothing against the actress. I think she is doing a good job. My problem is Kristen's "redemption" arc. They want us to feel sorry for her by playing the victim card rather than win us over through genuine character growth. It would be like Jack back in the day constantly talking about his horrible father while refusing to take responsibility for raping Kayla, and everyone saying "oh, he raped Kayla but he was in pain at the time". Give me a break. That's poor writing.
I'm not complaining because Lani and Kristen are the only consistent female friends on the show so far. Just saying, lol.