Last Tango In Halifax - Season 2 Premieres Sunday, 6/29/14

Wilde Woman

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Aug 24, 2009
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Queens, NY
Season 2

Last Tango in Halifax Season 2 premieres June 29, 2014.
In Season 2, the six-part series returns as Alan and Celia continue to negotiate family baggage to plan a life together. Having come so close to losing each other forever thanks to Alan’s near fatal heart attack, he and Celia decide to have a romantic secret wedding as soon as possible. But how will their respective daughters react?
The uptight Caroline and rebellious Gillian are discovering they actually quite like each other, however Gillian’s need to own up to her night with Caroline’s ex-husband John could jeopardize the soon-to-be stepsisters’ fledgling friendship. As secrets from the past come tumbling out and family members adjust to changing relationships, can Alan and Celia find the long-awaited happiness they deserve?

Check your local PBS listings for time.
Oh, my gosh, I absolutely L O V E D this show. I did not realize they would have another season. I am delighted. Oh, thank you so much for the news. (Can't believe there was no mention in my TV Guide). Yippee. LOL
You are welcome, Poirot. I remembered how much you, and others, loved this show. I am sure season two will not disappoint.

I found out by accident...I read about a new series on PBS, "Vicious," starring Derek Jacobi (again) and Ian McKellen, about two gay men in a relationship, premiering Sunday at 10:30 (EST), and when I scrolled through my online listings, I noted Halifax was on at 8:00 PM (EST) and double checked this online. Otherwise, I never would have known.

Sidebar: It is interesting to note that Jacobi and McKellen have never worked together before.
Can't wait for Last Tango in Halifax to be back on.

OOOOOOH! I love Derek Jacobi and Ian McKellen. I fell in love with Derek Jacobi's acting when he played Brother Cadfael on Masterpiece Theater back in the mid 1990s.

Oh my goodness, I just realized that Vicious is the show that I passed over on when I saw the title on ITv. (That's the same British station that produces Downton Abbey.)

Yep, just checked. The ITv title is Vicious Old Queens. Guess that wouldn't go over very well in the States. Quite a few viewers also complained about a lot of rape jokes (male/male and male/female rape). Hmmm, maybe I'll try the first episode on ITv online.

I wonder when Ian McKellen had time to do this show. He's been doing a lot of stage and film work with Patrick Stewart. They were even in two Broadway shows simultaneously. Must've been when Patrick Stewart filmed his parts in the X-Men movie.
Awwww this is getting too good again.....and the family dynamics are constantly surprising. Love this.
Last Sunday night I saw about the 1st 10 minutes and then got company! But can't wait for Sunday night to roll around again.
I loved Halifax and am so glad that we are able to see it here in the States. Many shows we eventually see here started out in Britain, but we don't get to see them until a later date, if at all.

redsquirrel: I thought the same thing about how these two men had the time to film Vicious, but since it already aired in Britain, and many shows are filmed a year or more before they air, perhaps it was filmed as far back as 2011 or 2012. And I totally agree about the rape jokes...that is NEVER okay. I cringe whenever I hear that word mentioned in such a context. It's one thing to hear it on an appropriate show like Law & Order: SVU, but not in a comedy. There are at least two times that I can remember it being mentioned on "Sex and the City" (Carrie's second bathroom door to escape rapists, Samantha's fantasy when she and Smith role played a housewife and a burglar).

All that being said, I did, for the most part, enjoy Vicious and seeing two brilliant veteran thespians together. I mentioned to someone that they reminded me of Georges and Albin from "La Cage aux Folles" for all their sniping but still loving each other and in a committed relationship. Not everyone will agree, I read many negative reviews, but when compared to all the horrible network shows that are on now (some of which have already been axed), Vicious is better than most.
I really am glad that the producers decided on another season of Halifax, it was so well received. Like Downton Abbey, which was supposed to just be the one season, and then be over, it just draws you in.
I also watched Vicious, which comes on right after Halifax, and actually,is filmed like a play. Actually, I liked it, the insults flow back and forth, but heck, no different that how Frank & Marie exchange insults on Everybody Loves Raymond. LOL

I just love Halifax, even autotuned the TV ahead of time, so I would not miss it, in case I forgot about the time come Sunday. Ha.
Well, Halifax got super dramatic last night, with several additional characters coming aboard, a baby born, a marriage, a job loss, resentment from one daughter, and just a host of scenarios which evidently will be carrying the show for this season. I really feel bad for this wonderful couple who finally find some happiness, as limited as it may be, and then have to deal with all these family issues immediately. Good show.
This is such a beautifully written show about "love" and a joy to watch. It doesn't matter the age of a couple, everyone is looking for happiness, love for their remaining years, they don't want to bother anyone but their children are to wrapped up in there problems to care about Mom and Dad. I love this show!
I'm enjoying Sundays being "Sir Derek Jacobi Night," with him acting the heck out of his roles on "Tango" and "Vicious," the latter of which I enjoyed more with the second episode. I can only imagine the bloopers we don't see. Sirs Jacobi and McKellen are, obviously, having a lot of fun.

As respects "Tango," how lovely that these two mature people have a second chance at a love they did not get to explore when younger. I just wish their families would treat them with the respect they deserve. I think, in time, they will all come around, but right now, it is new, and they are all trying to adapt.

Thank you, PBS, for making these wonderful shows available to us. :clap:
Last night was really great. Tango seemed to get back to it's "family" atmosphere, Alan finally had enough of Jillian's tirades, told her off, and is making his plans with Celia for their life, and new home. I wonder if Caroline & Kate might end up with the baby?

And I could not help but think of our Squirrel here when Kate went into the reaction to her allergy to nuts. Scary.

And just loved on Vicious the acting job, tiny as it was, on Downton Abbey. LOL, they all watch it, know the characters, etc.
Sunday's episode just showed up on PBS online. Will watch it today.

I've loved Derek Jacobi since he played Brother Cadfael on PBS years ago.

He is just fantastic in this episode, especially near the end. And then when you see him in Vicious just 90 minutes later (on PBS station itself) it is just like night and day. (the characters) But he shines in this episode. In my opinion.
Another episode of Halifax tonight, 7/27/14. Followed by Poirot mystery and then Vicious. Stayed on PBS.....! LOL
I won't ruin it for those who did not yet see tonight's Last Tango episode except to say that it was a beautiful conclusion to Season 2. So far, each season has only had six episodes each, but I was delighted to read that the story will continue. Good news for us fans of this lovely love story:
Last Tango in Halifax begins filming for series 3

By Liam Martin

Monday, Jul 28 2014, 6:31am EDT

Last Tango in Halifax has started filming on its third series.

Currently filming in various locations in the north of England, the upcoming episodes will explore Celia and Alan's relationship following their wedding.


© BBC / Red Productions/Helen Turton

Writer and creator Sally Wainwright has described the couple's upcoming storylines as exciting.

"I'm thrilled that we're going into a third series with really exciting new storylines that move Celia and Alan's relationship forward with hopefully the same mix of gusto, comedy and drama," Wainwright explained.

One storyline involves the introduction of a character from Alan's past who causes a rift between him and Celia.

Returning cast members include Anne Reid and Derek Jacobi as Celia and Alan, Sarah Lancashire as Caroline and Tony Gardner as her husband John.


Sherlock actor Rupert Graves will join the cast for the third series

The upcoming series also introduces Sherlock star Rupert Graves as newcomer Gary Jackson.

The third series was announced ahead of last year's Christmas special. A French adaptation is also being developed by BBC Worldwide.