Love the new sets!!

I thought Theresa's place was too traditional and a bit boring; if she is such a hot shot designer I'd have expected something more unique. I realize that she only had one hour to pull it all together! LOL. This was what I expected when Nate Berkus the designer came to design Kate's offices at Basic Black. It was supposed to be a big deal. Then we never saw them.

I do like that there are actually new sets.
I really like Steve and Kayla's house. It seems very open which is nice. And just different from some of the other homes. I'm glad they are using more homes now as sets as opposed to the Square, TBD, Park, Pub, etc. You do need a balance there but the previous regime always showed the same sets all the time and mostly seemed to be the usual "common" sets and not very many "home" sets.
I sure wish Jen's "home" would get a re-do. It looks the same, to me, as when Tom and Alice were there. Geez, but then Jen probably thinks it's "homey".
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Yes. They WERE going to tear it down, or apart, it is supposed to be the only wood built set and is stationary. I remember Hope taking one last look around after Alice's funeral........but then minds were changed, and it was decided to keep it, in order to keep the tie to Tom & Alice, & Days "roots" alive.
In regards to Jennifer's house. Nothing should remain the same, especially the Horton house. They are treating it like a shrine. Life goes on and that house needs the cob webs removed. What? Are they expecting Tom and Alice to come walking into the room to yell "surprise!!"
I am loving the new sets, and think Steve and Kaylas house is fitting. It looks like a nice, upper scale home. Kayla is head of the hospital and as far as we knew, she was still living in the room over the pub. Glad to see some nice family moments today. They have been lacking for a while:)
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Theresa and Brady's new apartment looks like a remodeled version of the one and only room at the Salem Inn.

And, like others have said, I'm glad that the one office with the dark blue walls that everyone in town shared is long gone.

The one thing I sorta miss is that a few years ago the Salem Square set used to be larger with stairs going up and more open areas. Now, with it just being the square itself, it feels very claustrophobic. Too much stuffed into one small set with tight corners going off to Club TBD and the Brady Pub. It could use a remodel, since they use it so heavily.
Maybe they had to reduce the size of the square as they added other sets. Heck, I remember the white sofa, which seemed sooo out of place, and the fires burning atop the ledges. The thing was, that set was supposed to be used "in and out" with the shops being part of set, but instead everyone was outside, it obviously never opened the dome, people even ate out in the square. It just wasn't utilized the way it was originally envisioned, so it does seem that now, it is about the size of Salem Place (which no longer exists - and I have seen that area in person)
I've read that the current Horton house is a rebuilt set of Tom and Alice's home, the original used for all those years was much bigger, so they say.

Don't remember myself, but it does still look like an older persons home, not someone Jennifer's age. Hope's is much more of what a woman of that age home, would look like.