Marcus Hunter

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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With the mention of Marcus Hunter yesterday (newbie Jada Hunter is his daughter), I found a nice picture of Marcus with baby Stephanie:


It's too bad the actor died, because it would've been great to have him back in Salem. I loved his character. Although, the current writing crew would've probably ruined him.
Tho Steve mentioned this...... for those who don't know.......Steve & Marcus were little kids in an orphanage together, were good friends, & were so happy when they met up again in Salem. Marcus had become a plastic surgeon, & in one storyline, was able to do some facial bone work to enable Steve to wear a glass eye. This allowed him to sneak into a revival camp..and that is another storyline. There were a couple more storylines in which both were involved, Marcus eventually found himself falling for Kayla, but left town when he realized she was in love with Steve, & he with her. We heard no more about him, til Jada showed he married, had a child, etc. etc/
The revival camp story is a huge memory for me, Marcus spent a lot of time trying to decode a computer in a briefcase (??) or something, there was an evil cult leader (I think he was the dad from Teen Wolf), and of course his daughter Faith who was blind (??). Marcus believed (and eventually proved, I believe) that the cult leader was responsible for his parents' death. They kept playing a clip of a girls church choir singing.

I remember my mom hating the storyline, since it involved so many new characters, although Marcus and Faith grew on her. (She also grew tired of the choir clip and cracked many jokes about it.) I think she also didn't like the aged-up Scotty (I'd have the same reaction a decade later when they aged up Belle) who was now her age even though his dad was born after she was.

Anyway, it was a heck of a storyline, must have been in the summer, since I remember a lot of it.

There really are a ton of characters in the 1980s/1990s they could mine for story. I'm going to give re-Ron credit for making the Steve/Kayla and Marcus connection with Jada; I wasn't expecting him to do such a thorough job after the way he botched Craig/Nancy.
The good old days of the ISA missions that didn’t happen in one of the Salemite’s houses or the town square (or the pier back then). I also vividly remember that storyline at the revival camp.

That music seemed to play when there was some memory coming back to Faith. And I think it was “Shall We Gather at the River” that was played over and over.

I remember really liking Marcus’s character. I suppose a recast with someone who resembles the original actor might be nice to connect the stories and bring history for an upcoming story arc.
They've already said he died somewhere at some point. I would, at least, have thought about a recast. I don't think they did.
I guess that would be asking too much of the writers.
It just happens; really no way to predict it. If it's an upper aortic tear, it's almost always fatal. But if it's a lower aortic tear, there's a better chance of surviving it. I had a relative suffer a lower aortic tear and survived. He was put into a medically-induced coma for a month to keep his blood pressure extremely low so that the body would heal the tear by creating a "blood patch" on its own. But it's an extremely rough recovery.

Kind of funny, when I got to the hospital, they explained what was going on and said he had an aortic tear and was put in a medically-induced coma using Propofol. I said "so you're telling me he has the condition that killed John Ritter and you're giving him the medication that killed Michael Jackson??????" Wish you could've seen the doctor's face.