

Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Characters on soaps seem to get married, only to end it in the blink of an eye. Nicole Walker on Days would give the Gabor women a run for the Nicole, so far, has had 7 husbands. Yes, pledged her undying love, and vowed to be married forever SEVEN times. Count them......Trent Robbins, Lucas, Victor, Stefano, Eric, EJ, Xander, and then Rafe, who she seems to be divorcing shortly. LOL. (And I thought Reva Shayne was a pistol, marrying one man, then both his sons, ending the series with the son Josh (besides Alan Spaulding & flings with others)

Nicole even beat out Kate, who only had 5.....Curtis Reed, Andre, Victor, Roman, Stefano........Ahhh, soaps. Am sure there are more multi married characters on Days. LOLOL
Sometimes, when you look up a character, they may not have married, but sure have had a lot of "significant others".
Rafe has only been married to Sami, but there is Emily Hudson, to whom he was engaged, Nicole, Hope, Jordan Ridgeway, Kate, and then, Ava.
Rafe has only been married to Sami, but there is Emily Hudson, to whom he was engaged, Nicole, Hope, Jordan Ridgeway, Kate, and then, Ava.
Rafe was also married to Hope. They did the private wedding at the Horton cabin, then later started to do the public wedding when Claire ran in and told everybody Rafe and Sami slept together when he and Hope were broken up for 22 seconds.
The really weird thing when one looks back at soap marriages is how long the couples dated before the marriage. It's not uncommon for the love story to take a year or so, the engagement close to an additional year, and then have the marriage last mere months.

Then again, I've known a few people like that in real life.

As to Kate, I have no kind words for her character, but I like to think that she and Roman would have stayed happily married the last 20 years if it were not for the Melaswen nightmares.