May sweeps 2022


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Dec 29, 2012
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Writer Ron - This is the last chapter of the possession story. There is life and death of the town is at stake along with Allie and the
baby's soul.

Ben/Ciara/Allie - The baby is almost here and devil Allie wants to be alone with Ciara when it's born. Ciara thinks Ben is dead and
they head for the Horton cabin. We find out why the baby is important to the devil. Ben is searching for Ciara. To save Allie's soul
John, Marlena, Eric and the family have to work together.

DiMera Enterprises - EJ, Chad and Tony work together to get Gabi out as CEO. Gabi isn't out yet. She may pull someone on her side.

Gabi/Li/Jake/Ava - Gabi is jealous of Jake and Ava; and Jake is enjoying it. Gabi turns toward Li Shin. They are planning a romantic
story with Li and Gabi.

Abe/Paulina/TR - Abe reexamines his feelings for Paulina because Julie talks to him. Is it too late because TR wants Paulina.

Eli/Lani - Eli wakes up. Will he remember what happened? (Eli was in the coma because the actor was working at another job)

Jan/Belle/Shawn/EJ - Jan is living with Shawn at his house and puts a wedge between Belle and Shawn. As her due date
approaches, Jan and Shawn get closer. Will Belle and EJ get closer too?

Chad/Abigail - Gwen is arrested. Chad and Abby are planning a happy future. We can't count Gwen out yet.

Sarah/Xander/Maggie - Maggie and Xander have the antidote. They want to use it on Sarah, but there's still a twist.

Rafe/Nicole/Eric - Rafe proposes to Nicole. She goes to tell Eric, but he as news of his own.
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So it looks like there is hardly any movement...the devil story ends and Rafe proposes to Nicole. But there's something holding everything else back...Paulina suddenly buying TR's "he's changed" act? Shawn-D actually bonding with Jan?Eli possibly still not remembering anything? Sarah can't yet take the cure?:rolleyes:

I also can't believe Rafe is proposing so soon! I get that they've been friends for a decade now, but Nicole and Rafe have only been together romantically for like a month!
Will be so thankful to have this devil garbage finally thrown out. Has been stinking up the show far too long.
But then we have Leo out for revenge against Chad & Sonny......(after his heartfelt plea to Craig for another chance as he really loves him. Craig may care for Leo, but can't trust him, so, it's adios, & Craig leaves Salem!!! Guess if Nancy is gonna stick around........well, is Clyde really a changed man?
Truly HATE that TR has not, is still a cruel and abusive man....I don't like the character, but I deplore this beating up of women.
Well, maybe that rumor about Tripp and Nancy still will happen? Once Chanel finds out about Johnny being possessed, they can get back together and we pretty much know that Clyde is always going to be Clyde, and he will dump her, so maybe. . .

Also, just checking on that spoiler about Gabi/Li/Jake/ and Ava - was that a typo and Li and GABI are going to be involved and not Gwen, as printed? I kind of like a new guy for Gabi. She just doesn't have anything in common with Jake outside of the bedroom.
Thanks, LisaK.

I fixed the error about Gabi.. I did that early in the morning and rewording it from
Soap Opera Digest someone posted.

Hopefully, the one about Rafe/Nicole/Eric is correct. The magazine had EJ not Eric.
Everyone thinks its suppose to be Eric... so that's what I put.
We find out why the baby is important to the devil
I"m sure the reason will be mind altering..... amazing, thrilling, unbelievable, jaw dropping.... have I forgotten anything?
- Maggie and Xander have the antidote. They want to use it on Sarah, but there's still a twist.
Gwen will only give it to them if they drop all charges against her?
Jan and Shawn get closer. Will Belle and EJ get closer too?
vomiting now.... how can the writers believe that the audience will accept Shawn getting closer to his rapist????? We know that Bell has the morals of the local unfixed alley cat so of course she will get really close to EJ
Yes, the Jan story line is so not true to Shawn's character. Like He or anyone would let a person out of prison let alone into his house where the woman she has threatened to kill also lives. It would never have happened. Shawn is a man with a badge and would never agree to put Belle at risk with letting Jan out of prison let alone stay in the same house. Never, Never, Never. It's kind of like the unbelievable possession story! That would not have happened either.
I also can't believe Rafe is proposing so soon! I get that they've been friends for a decade now, but Nicole and Rafe have only been together romantically for like a month!
My husband proposed after dating 1 1/2 months & we never knew each other prior. When you are getting older, no big need to wait if you are so in love. It does not say they get married immediately.
Yes, the Jan story line is so not true to Shawn's character. Like He or anyone would let a person out of prison let alone into his house where the woman she has threatened to kill also lives. It would never have happened. Shawn is a man with a badge and would never agree to put Belle at risk with letting Jan out of prison let alone stay in the same house. Never, Never, Never. It's kind of like the unbelievable possession story! That would not have happened either.
Not only that, but I don't understand Belle's position in all this. She called what happened to Shawn sexual assault but yet is so upset that he lied about it. How about some understanding and sympathy for your husband who is a victim of sexual assault? Maybe he lied because he's in denial and didn't want to deal with the fact that he was raped.
DiMera Enterprises - EJ, Chad and Tony work together to get Gabi out as CEO. Gabi isn't out yet. She may pull someone on her side. [If it's a Shin aiding Gabba-Gabba, the DiMera men shouldn't stand for it. Would the mighty Phoenix have put up with meddling by the Shins?]

Jan/Belle/Shawn/EJ - Jan is living with Shawn at his house and puts a wedge between Belle and Shawn. As her due date approaches, Jan and Shawn get closer. [Shawn was never the sharpest knife in the drawer, but now he seems to be sliding into imbecility. In fact, if Rafe hears of this, he should reconsider keeping Shawn on the police force. A cop this dumb would be a gift to Salem's criminal classes.]

Trippy and Nancy? [If this is true, somebody should stage an intervention. Salem doctors need to maintain certain standards. The late Love Doctor did take up with Kate, but the infamous drooling horndog would clearly have drawn the line with Nancy.]