Michael Fairman interview with Kristian Alfonso/Hope

Very strong possibility, AlisonLou. I loved Bo & Carly when Robert Kelker-Kelly played Bo; but it just didn't work at all when it was Peter Reckell, in my opinion. I can see the writers doing just what you suggest.

And the execs at Sony/NBC need to get a clue and realize when journalists are having to ask the cast members if they actually remember filming standout scenes, it's a pretty good indicator that they need to slow their filming schedule down.
go on girl.gif

There is really no way to extricate themselves cleanly from the lack of Bo. Bo left in October, 2012. He would have filmed those scenes in June, 2012 (my guess). If he hadn't returned to filming by December - the writers should have done away with Bo then, and we would have scene it around April-May LAST YEAR. I guess we should be glad the writers are bothering to even write a conclusion.
She kind of throws Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) under the bus....or maybe it's just me.....:confused:

Because Peter Reckell (Ex-Bo) doesn’t want to come back. So it’s confusing for the fans, because then he tweets out something different.

I always took his tweets to be that he would come back if the story was right.
I may have to go see if he's tweeting anything now.
He doesn't want to come back to what they were doing with Bo... Which was nothing. If there isn't a story for Bo, he won't come back. It seemed to me he felt like his time was better spent at home with his family and traveling than living in LA to be on-screen minimal time.
I don't think Kristian Alfonso (Hope) threw Peter Reckell (Bo) under the bus at all. She has undoubtedly been inundated constantly with questions about him, the "IS" he returning, etc. etc. And probably a lot at fan events. She has read his interviews, and his occasional tweets. I cannot imagine the actress liking the fact her character has been stuck in limbo all this time, with no story, just popping into scenes here and there. But she has not said anything publicly. Good for her.

It does seem the show thought perhaps Peter Reckell (Bo) just wanted some time away, a "rest", and would jump at the chance to return, and that was not the case. And so, they ended up in big trouble, because they had not dealt with his absence in a sensible way. They had John return with stupid news about Bo being "deep undercover", and that was asinine, in my opinion.

Peter Reckell (Bo) gave the show 4-6 mos. notice, he would be leaving, and he last taped in June of 2012. And was gone. Yes we continued to see him, just as we continue now to see Sami & EJ.
But Days refused to write the character out, having him return and be invisible for some time (like they did with Mickey Horton for a long time). Finally, they sent him off to visit Shawn & Belle, and that was the last we heard where he was til John came with the "undercover" story.

I am glad Hope Brady will no longer be "in limbo", and the issue will be settled. And I appreciate Kristian Alfonso's (Hope) replies to the questions asked.
It will be interesting how they solve the Bo issue. Will Hope mourn the loss
of the man she loved for so long or has she been in mourning since he left?
Will Hope mourn the loss
of the man she loved for so long or has she been in mourning since he left?
Good point, katmouse. I'm wondering if Hope and Aiden take off together, to find and bring a deceased Bo (body or ashes) home to have full closure for the people involved. Because Hope has already begun her period of mourning, she could bring it to a logical conclusion during or after this trip when there is a memorial service for Bo. Meanwhile, the bond, affection and trust developed with Aiden can lead to a full on love story. (Chase and Ciara can stay with Abe and Theo when they are traveling, or Shawn D can come home to watch the kids!)
I don't want people talk about Hope like they did about Jen after Jack died.
Bo has been gone almost two years. Hope needs to move on, but slowly.

And we know Ciara won't let Hope forget about Bo :)

My husband looked up at the TV and asked who Aiden was. I said Hope's new love interest. He said Hope's too old for him. Frankly, I agree. I wish the would have Jennifer take to him. It would be a much better match.
Plus Jennifer is only a year or 2 younger than Hope in real life. In my opinion, Hope actually looks younger than Jennifer though I think that has everything to do with hair, makeup and wardrobe, not the actresses themselves.
Plus Jennifer is only a year or 2 younger than Hope in real life. In my opinion, Hope actually looks younger than Jennifer though I think that has everything to do with hair, makeup and wardrobe, not the actresses themselves.

I don't agree.

deleted comment pertaining to actress' physical appearance....JS
They have yet to have Hope and Aiden even mention Bo. When Hope was asking about his late wife, they could of had Aiden say " Your husband, when is he coming back? How are you dealing with that?" Hope could then realize how much anger and hurt she has inside from how Bo is treating her and Ciara. Then she could receive divorce papers in the mail from Bo, signed by him with no explanation, go through a time of hurting and then move on. Yes that is a fairly crappy ending to a super couple, but the writers haven't left themselves a lot of options. And it leaves the door open to Bo returning without totally trashing the character.