Monday, December 31st

Todays episode was quite amusing to me. I don't get it... Chelsea, Stephanie, Max, etc etc are all complaining about the bitter cold and wind chill but Stefano waltzes in and wants to take Johnny out for a stroll. What?!?! Do these writers not collaborate?

And Stefano, after all the love & joy on Christmas with Elvis - you'd think he'd be a little more subtle in his quest to steal Johnny. I mean, when EJ said, no not today, Stefano could've said OK, maybe tomorrow & let it go. Elvis IS the only real child he has right now. But no, he basically declares war. And all that talk about 'I thought you'd be a better soldier'. He's your SON for crying out loud - not a soldier! Weird scene.
Very funny Abigail!!!!! Thanks for sharing....!!

I am watching today's episode-- with Lucas and Chloe both being arrested. With all the Miranda rights being read the past few weeks, the part of "If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you" seems to be so silly. OF COURSE they need one appointed- no one has a job- at least one they report to every day like I do. LOL. In order for all these court-appointed attorneys to be paid, I can only assume that the taxes in Salem must be VERY high.... hahahaha.

Sorry, doesn't really go along with what this thread has been about but it tickled me and I wanted to share. Hope everyone has a very happy New Year!!!
