Monday, December 3rd


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, December 3rd, 2007

Episode #10,710 Taped 11/1 Director Albert Alarr

Stephanie says good-bye to the last of the Cheatin Heart patrons leaving, and locks the door, as Adrienne moans about her son Joey having a big test tomorrow, and waited til the last minute to crack open a book. She has so much to do closing up the place, and cannot help him. Max offers to do it for her, saying Stephanie will help. A greatful Adrienne quickly dons her coat and leaves, thanking them both. The two of them finish all the tasks, he gets her a soda, and they chat a bit. No, she has not heard from Jeremy, doesn’t know what she ever saw in him. They talk a bit about Morgan, and how she & Max just comes from two different worlds, neither of them knowing what the other one’s was like. Music begins to play from the jukebox I guess, and they are going to dance, Max reaches out his hand, but Steph has another of her rape flashbacks, and draws back, but she eventually goes into his arms and they dance. There is a knocking at the door, as Chelsea arrives, eager to get Stephanie back to the Theta house for important business. (guess the cell phones don’t work, lol). They both leave.

Earlier, at the sorority house, Chelsea is showing all the girls the pictures, and explaining why they can not use them. She tells them they have to come up with a plan to take down Ford, without the pictures. The girls all are not sure, but Chelsea has one in mind. Sloan comes in, & is told of the journal that Ford kept which indicated another Theta girl was a conquest of his, and being he always had a thing for her, ask if it was her. Nope, absolutely not. Now comes the plan, they want Sloan to get him over to the house, they will spike his drink so he won’t harm Sloan, they will all be there (evidently in hiding) and will nail him. While the sisterhood is going over the pictures, and talking, planning, the scenes are interspersed with other scenes – of Ford in his room with a girl, putting some kind of powder in her drink, hand on her leg, she pushes it off, he offers her the drink, then lights are out, he is on top of her, she is crying no, no, please, stop, please, and then lights are on, she is sobbing, he tells her this is strictly between us, not a word to anyone. His shirt is open, as he lays on his bed, smiling in satisfaction.

Sloan has agreed to entice Ford over, and calls him, saying she has the house to herself, & nothing much is happening. He asks if the girls are all out putting up more flyers, and she retorts she thinks that is very unfair. He eagerly agrees to come over right away. Back at the house Chelsea says they have to get things ready quickly. Outside, we see Ford’s latest victim, standing in some trees or bushes and crying.

In Lucas’s apartment, Sami comes out of the bedroom, in a stunning black & sexy nightgown, looking for Lucas. He is trying to retrieve some little toy that rolled under the sofa, and when he looks up, lol, at his expression. Where did you get that, he asks, and she says Barron’s, does he like it. Hmmm, like is not the word. Out in the hall, we see Stefano wheeling EJ, scolding him for wanting to return to his apartment when he could come to the mansion, where Dr. Rolf could keep tabs on his condition. EJ is insistant, and then decides he wants to surprise Samantha. Lucas & Sami are kissing and falling on the sofa, with Lucas asking if it is o.k. as this is the first time since the babies’ birth. Sami is all over him, ripping open his shirt. Knock, knock, knock at the door. They ignore it, and the knocking is louder. Sami finally gets up, looks through the peephole, panics as she sees Stefano. She tells Lucas to button his shirt, but Lucas takes it off, wanting Stefano to realize what he was interrupting. Sami opens the door, shocked to see EJ. He says he was released from the hospital, decided to come home, and Stefano interjects that he came along to meet his grandson, Giovanni. Lucas says his name is Johnny. Sami says she will bring him over later, and things get a tiny bit testy. She finally goes and brings out the baby, with Stefano & EJ oohing and ahing over it, talking of how big the baby has grown already. (yeah, it is a bit bigger blanket & doll, lolol). EJ has already informed Lucas that he is going to be across the hall with his WIFE and son. Stefano & EJ leave with Johnny, Sami is nervous. She decides to take some diapers over, talking of them not really be able to take care of a baby. And that she has to set some ground rules for them.

Stefano is talking to the baby, saying how he will grow up to be an imposing figure of a man, and how all the signorinas in Italy will be chasing after him……Sami barges in, angrily stating that no one is taking her son anywhere. Understood? Stefano begins going on about the villa, the art museum next door, yada, yada, and Sami, who is now holding the baby, tells him that Johnny is an American, he will be brought up here, play baseball, be a Cub Scout, go camping, hiking. Ah, says Stefano, hike in the Italian Alps, they are magnificent. No, he is staying in Salem, and that is final. Sami asks if there is a crib set up, and EJ replies, of course, in the back bedroom. She leaves with the baby, EJ tells his father that he will handle this, and Stefano replying that he already told him if he cannot handle Samantha, he will do so in his own way.

Stefano leaves, Sami returns, saying she thinks Johnny should spend the night with her, that he is not equipped to handle a baby. (Gee, ya think?). She mentions him getting a nurse to come in and stay, asks about therapy. Yes, he will be having that 3 times a week. He thinks that perhaps she should spend the night in his apartment, with him & Johnny, as after all, she is his wife. No, she has Allie to think about, too, and Lucas. He takes her hand, pulls her towards him, and she lands on his lap……just as Lucas comes in the door. :roll:

Why is it that Sami even let them take the baby next door? Her or Lucas should have told them that they were busy. Tell them the babies are asleep, taking a bath, something. And why is Sami so nervous? She needs to take a stand and decide what she wants before she has some serious postpartum depression. Sami better put her foot down before her son is turned Italian!

I can already see Chelsea's plan not working out. If they were gonna do something like that, they should have at least prepared and planned a little longer. I honestly cant wait to see what happens though. They college storyline has got me interested.

Oh Yeah, I hope they didnt forget to clean the Cheatin' Heart during all that dancing! :laughing:
Gotta say, when Sami asked if there was a crib in the apartment, my mouth dropped. I have no idea how she could even think of leaving the baby there, father or no father.
Lucas said something when they first came in about not seeing Johnny, who was sleeping, and Stefano says it is not up to you, you are the father. Fortunately EJ interjected with an "I'll take care of this, Father".

ITA, the college plan is not well thought out, tho perhaps we just are not privy to their entire "plan". As for the Cheatin Heart.....they had everything done before the dancin' started. And the song had lyrics something like "I'll always save a dance for you".
Didn't EJ also tell Sami to bring Allie over also? So they could all stay at EJs apartment??
Sounds like Sami is in for Dueling apartments - how is she going to keep it all straight ... So Sami playfully lands in EJ's Lap ... too bad Lucas doesn't see that!
I want Lucas and Sami to be together...They've been thru EVERYTHING together. EJ needs someone else to entise him! This SL is going to end up just like Stephano longing for Marlena. EJ will be after Sami forever.............Same story, different people......Writers need to write something else............that's MO only.
@CJ.......oh, but he does, read the last line of the summary. LOL
Really sounds like Monday is going to be a GREAT show!!!! I'm glad they are getting EJ out of the hospital, now some real fun can begin :clap:
I really don't see how Sami will be able to explain her way out of this one. Especially since Lucas already knows that she has feelings for EJ and told Belle he believes she is falling in love with him. And it seems like Sami is finally starting to admit how she feels. From the sounds of it December is going to be really good for us Ejami fans

Thanks again for all your work Poirot!
Poirot wrote:
@CJ.......oh, but he does, read the last line of the summary. LOL

Wow how does that go over? Or do we find out the next epi? Now I think those spoilers are now starting to make sense!!! Looks like a good week for LUMI! They should be happen LUMI action!
Sounds like a good epi. I'm glad they are moving the college S/L along. Can't wait to see that play out!

The Sami/Lucas/EJ story sounds good too. I hope Sami puts her foot down (and means it) and doesn't let Stefano take Johnny to Italy. Should be interesting to see Sami go back and forth across the hall.

Lucas' reaction to seeing Sami in EJ's lap should be classic!
Lumi are the energizer bunnies of romantic pairings. they take one hit after another and yet somehow they are still in love. my honest opinion is that right now it's shaping up to be a classic rooting couple v. interloper story. as Lucas would say he can't find a way to fall out of love with Sami. the breakups never work out for long. this episode sounds so 3's company. I guess Stefano can play the nosy landlord.
Thank Poirot for the summary. I like Lucas but I have to say EJ is way HOTTER! Looking at him makes me melt! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!
this episode sounds so 3's company. I guess Stefano can play the nosy landlord.

LOLOL :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :clap: :clap: :clap: :laughing: :laughing:
Geeze, Sami plans on being married to one man and actually living with another? Hmmmm...yeah, right. She knew the agreement, and now she's just going to leave EJ alone in his condition? Since they live across the hall they could easily come up with some sort of an arangement.

Instead of making posters of Ford and putting them all over the school, why not call the cops and press charges? LOL. These girls are dumb as dirt.
Well sami did tell ej she got feelings frohim..and she made out with's going to be expecting her to tr to make them work... right..?
I mean.. he knows she still loves lucas.. but..
..yeah..where does she sleep?
with who..? poor girl..:)

I was about to say atleast she don't have to be lying to each of them about who she got feelings for..but I guess she is..
I have to say that I really thought EJ looked good in the shirt he was wearing. A sort of Henley shirt, cream colored. I liked it. Sami, to me, seemed nervous, as she obviously was now going to have to juggle these two men. Remember that she told EJ she cared about him.....and he was about to mention it, she interrupted....I am guessing so that Lucas would not get upset.
When Sami went to get Johnny, Lucas told EJ he did not want him barging in on them any time he felt like it.
When Sami comes out in the black nightgown, cut down to there, lol, Lucas says something about all she needs is the pole. LOL.....then says how hot she looks. When EJ is in the scenes, she keeps holding the deep V together, so as to not show any decolletage...

O.K. I am cracking up at the idea of 3's company and Stefano the nosy landlord. Tooo funny.
come and knock on our door! his and his and her's, 3's company, too! lalala hahaha too funny!
Barb,thanks again for what you do for all of us "Days Addicts"!I sure do appreciate your efforts.
Sami, pleaseeeeeee!Grow a spine and tell both these losers that you're gonna raise your babies!Yes, Lucas too!He was real quick to try to take her daughter from her and who does EJ think he is not saying this is a package deal and bring Allie over, that would probably win Sami over to his side,eventually (that could be a pregnant pause if the writers don't come back soon!).I know the writers are gone but someone needs to use some common sense here that all of us can identify with.
And who,besides me,is fed up with Miss "I'm gonna solve every crime in Salem" Chelsea?
No kidding... Chelsea has a dad and uncle that are pretty high up in the SDP. You'd think that she would have talked to them about setting up a "sting" to catch Ford. Than they could actually use the evidence.