Monday, July 23rd


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, July 23, 2007

Bo & Hope are sitting at the Pub, and reading another couple letters between Santo & Colleen. Bo is convinced Santo was up to no good, and that Colleen would soon be giving me short shrift, while Hope is convinced that Colleen, novice or not, is intrigued by this worldly man who has come into her life. Bo protests, so Hope talks in terms he understands, how a girl can climb on the back of a motorcycle, wrap her arms around the guy, and never ever lets go, the connection is too strong, and cannot be broken. She refers to this motorcycle a few more times, LOL. (this refers to Bo & Hope themselves, of course). They take turns reading, aware Pop Shawn is there, and perhaps not too happy about it. (so where are Doug & Julie? – maybe watching Ciara??).
Santo & Colleen, with young Shawn & Stefano, are back up in the hills, with the boys running off to play. Santo has a picnic basket, and begins bringing out the wine. Conversation about chaperones, convent rules, with Santo claiming the boys are chaperones. Colleen wants to know what he wants from her, there are plenty of other lasses in Galway, and also 10 year old boys. She talks of him running away from heartache. (oh, yeah, leave your dying wife to suffer alone, whilst you try to charm an young innocent girl). They chatter away, and Colleen decides it is time to leave. Santo says he has a favor, he would like to see her in a dress – in other words, out of her habit – just once. He wants her to meet him later tonight. She says no, and calls for Shawn, saying it is time to go. Now we hear the letter from Santo to Colleen, with him raving about his breath being taken away when he saw her in the moonlight. We see her, sans the habit, wearing a dress, with a shawl. More chit chat and dancing around conversation. She wonders what life is like beyond Galway, and he talks of Paris, & London and New York. Oh, she used to dream of swimming to New York, and seeing the lady in the harbor with her torch. Santo talks of the tall skyscrapers, the subway, the restaurants from all over the world, Fifth Avenue teeming with people, and carriage rides in Central Park. Colleen sighs. Santo thinks she could see these for herself. She assures him that she has made her promises to God, her life is with the convent. He tells her he wants one kiss, no……but they draw close. And kiss they do. They break away, and then a second one. Little Shawn arrives, and sees them.

On Air Vegas, Jeremy wonders why Max’s glass is empty, sits down next to him. Max talks of wanting to check the cargo when they land, but Jerk says they have been there, done that. Max insists, but Jerkemy puts him off, saying not this time. When they land, he should take off, and not stick around. Jerkemy leaves, Steph & Chelsea are fixing drinks, with Stephanie giving Chelsea the same old hard time about Jett. She flounces off. Max comes in, and finally tells Chelsea about Jeremy cheating on Stephanie. He wants Chelsea to tell Steph, but Chelsea figures she will find out on her own. Jett sits down next to Max, who fills him in on the orders he got from the Jerk. Jett is wondering what is going on, Max wonders why he is so interested. Jett claims he just wants to make some extra gravy, like Max is doing.

At the Roberts’ apt. Nick is standing at the door, with the vase of flowers, saying how it is beeping. A frightened Sami yells it is a bomb, Nick pushes her back in the apt. and closes the door. Lucas grabs her to the other side of the apt., covering her with himself, as we hear an explosion in the hall. Sami is o.k., scared. Lucas rushes out in the hallway, where Nick lays unconscious amid some debris. They try to call to him, Lucas tells Sami to call 911. When she returns, Nick groans a bit and begins to come to. He has a bad head wound. They talk to him, but he is very vague, and calls for Chelsea.
Later, he is inside the apt., bandange around the head, as a paramedic goes for a stretcher. A detective is asking questions, but Nick has no answers. He remembers a date with Chelsea. Does not remember the flowers or the vase. The cop says they will talk to him at the hospital, and leaves. Lucas and Sami ask him why he came there, he does not remember. They tell him he told them it was urgent, but he just keeps wanting to talk to Chelsea. They try to reach her continually on the cell, but she does not pick up. Nick feels sick to his stomach, and asks for the bathroom. Lucas tries to help him in there, but Nick can manage o.k.Lucas says he will go to the hospital with Nick, and stay until his family can get there. The EMT returns with the stretcher, and goes to get Nick. He is not in the bathroom, he is gone. (hmmm, must be a back door out of that bathroom, huh?)

We see Nick at the beach, calling and calling Chelsea’s name. He then calls Hope, who tells him that Chelsea has gone to Vegas. As she is talking to him, Bo gets a call telling him of the bomb and Nick being injured, and having disappeared. He grabs Hope’s cell, asking Nick where he is, but Nick has hung up. We next see him calling an airline, making a reservation for a flight to Vegas, first class seats.

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Concussion. When you have a head injury, you'll forget what happened just before it and may act strangely or out of character.
LOL! Thanks for the review. How convenient he loss half his memory. LOL!! :rotfl:
Yes, Nick has a concussion.....and with it short term memory loss. Having known a couple people to whom this has happened, it does not last too long.......usually. (about 24 hours was the experience of my friends) On Days......who knows?
I have a question has Hope has plastic surgery. When they do those flash backs of her I sometimes don't even recognize her. I know she has lost a lot of weight, and I think had a boob job but does anyone know of anything else.
:OT: Actor's personal looks/lives are not fodder for conversation.
In flashbacks, we see an 18 year old Hope, from 25 years ago.
Darn Darn DARN!!!!! I was hoping we would hear the results out of Nicks mouth! But, then again this is Days!
Thanks Poirot for the summaries ! I have been keeping up with Days thanks to the EE/SalemSpectator for years now :)

The Hope shots are from 25yrs ago ???
Thanks Barb for the write up. Poor Nick. And what a shocker, he can't remember. Another amnesia story, really??
Usually Bo/Hope Flashbacks ARE from about mid-80s. There is not one in this episode......she only talks about it.
I know that the flash back scenes are from the 80's as I watched them on summer breaks when I was out of school. I was unaware that actors appearances were not a Legal topic since I know that Anna and her appearance was discussed at great lengths on this board.
:OT: I think it was just the plastic surgery reference that isn't "legal"
Basically, comment on the character not the actor

Thansk for another great write up Barb!
I missed todays show as I had knee therapy. And i am so thankful that you are here! So Nick got the true results and we are still in the dark, darn! I was really hoping to find that info out! Oh well...And the flashbacks we have been seeing, I remember them all so well! God am I getting old or what!? But Hope was beautiful then and she is now to. I just love watching the flashbacks for the clothes and the hair! Makes me all sentimental for the good ole days,lol!