Monday, June 11th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, June 11, 2007

Nick is nervously pacing back & forth at the police station, as Chelsea gets him to finally sit down. She tries to calm him down, rather unsuccessfully, as she seems to keep bringing herself into it. They talk, and talk some more, kiss a couple times. Nick is very upset, and eventually tells Chelsea that when this is over, if he is not in jail, he wants to be with her, make love to her. She asks where they could go, & he responds that he still has the apartment. Chelsea has a fit. She will not consider it. Nick finally says o.k. he will just leave the apt. empty (he has signed the lease for a year), and Chelsea then reconsiders, and is o.k. with it. Nick is still a nervous wreck. He tells Chelsea to leave, he will be o.k. The coroner arrives, as does Roman and all go in his office. Nick is asked some questions, which set him more on edge than ever. The coroner leaves, Roman goes over the paper, and at last tells Nick that the findings show blunt trauma to the head, no other signs of anything, accidental death. Nick is relieved.
Earlier, Shawn had arrived, meeting up with Bo. Along come Belle & Philip, telling Shawn they have a lead on Claire in Chicago and have to leave right away. Shawn cannot go yet, but Phil is adamant. Shawn is not a happy camper, but agrees that Belle has to go. Phil tells him as soon as he is finished at the station, to go to the airport, and he will have a ticket waiting for him. Philip later manages to get an earlier flight for him & Belle using a friend’s plane. When the coroner comes out, Bo asks him for the results of the DNA test. The coroner says he compared the DNA on file at the hospital with the fetua, and his report is in the envelope he hands to Bo. He leaves, Bo gives the envelope to Shawn, who opens it.
Meanwhile, Chelsea has gone home, to find the radio blaring with some rock music, & she shuts it off. We hear a male voice yelling who turned that off, and down the stairs comes Jeremy, wearing only a towel. He turns the music back on, and bops around Chelsea, and then, oops, his towel drops. An embarrassed Chelsea asks him to pick it up, but he says something or other like “why? Aren’t you enjoying the view?”. She is averting her eyes, as she bends down, giving him back the towel. The pig puts it on, and she again turns off the radio, asking what he is doing there. Showering, he responds. Seems Hope has said he could stay there, so we are now roomies! (It is just impossible to believe this creep is the son of Mike Horton & Robin Jacobs, raised in Israel. )

Sami & EJ arrive outside a warehouse. Now THIS is getting to be ridiculous and stupid. WHY not the mansion? Apparently Stefano is waiting for them inside, and listening to his beloved opera music, Wagner is the music of choice right now. Sami is hesitant, but EJ convinces her the music is Stefano’s way of telling them he is ready for them. They enter, to find a fully dressed Stefano, sitting in a leather club chair, with a conductor’s wand in his hand, as he “directs” the orchestra playing. Sami comments that he is the healthiest looking dead man she has ever seen. He gets up, embracing his son Elvis and telling Sami she is more beautiful than he remembers. She asks him why he called her Colleen, he brushes it aside. We see Tony watching them all for a minute or two. Now there is some really feisty conversation between Stefano and Sami, that girl just doesn’t back down from a thing. She throws zingers about John’s kidney, Elvis raping her & a few more. She tells him she wants an end to the vendetta, will agree to undergo a procedure (only if her doctor deems it safe for the baby) and give him the stem cells. Nope, Stefano has his own terms and she must agree to them.
Meanwhile, a repeat of Lucas finding Sami’s note in her hospital room, then he calls information for Tony’s phone number. We later see him outside the warehouse, as Tony comes up. Lucas wants to know if Sami is there, Tony chides him for losing his wife AGAIN, and admits she is inside. Hmm, the door is locked. Lucas wants in, Tony laughs. Lucas tells him if he hurts Sami he will kill him. Tony wonders why everyone wants to kill him, snaps his fingers, and Bart comes out from behind some boxes, pointing a gun. Lucas is not really fazed, saying something about it being a water gun, and is trying to force the door open, and bingo, Bart shoots the gun and sure enough, a stream of water right into Lucas’s eyes.
Inside, Sami is saying in no uncertain terms that her baby is Lucas’s, while Stefano insists that only his terms will work, that if she cares about her husband, son, baby and family, she will either agree or continue to mourn them. He insists her baby is a DiMera, and Sami laughs about Celeste’s mumbo jumbo with a feather. His grandchild has to be raised a DiMera, so she will marry EJ, and raise the child as such, and her family will be in peace. Sami is shocked, and furious. Have to laugh at how EJ just stands by through all the histrionics, saying very little. Sami refuses, she is already married (a technicality) and there is no way she would consent to such a thing. Suddenly the lights go out. It is completely dark. We hear a motor start up….what is that? Headlight goes on, and it is obviously a fork lift, with the light shining directly on EJ and Sami. She screams and asks where Stefano went. The fork lift moves forward. Sami is yelling for help, telling EJ to do something. Outside of holding her, EJ is a statue. Outside the warehouse, Lucas, hands bound behind his back, hears her, and begins trying to batter down the door with his shoulder. Inside, the fork lift comes closer, as a frightened Sami is near tears. Freeze frame.

Ordinarily I don’t mention the previews as they are usually too deceiving, don’t always happen, and even happen differently when we see the show. However, one shows the totally obnoxious Jeremy telling Chelsea he knows what she needs, and kissing her, and another has him bopping over to answer the door in a towel, to find Steve. Cue a shocked Jeremy, as Steve growls a “who the HELL are you”?

[color=FF33CC]I am very sketchy of this new Jeremy Horton character I still believe he is involved somehow with evil (perhaps the Dimeras). He is staying with Hope and Bo why not with Alice? I am sure Grams could use some help from a young guy! Just odd of his placement there especially when they didn't have room for Shawn/Belle. Also why isn't Ej saving Sami this time? That seems to be his new job... unless Stefano/Tony has him under mind control? Or it's part of the Dimera plan. It looks like Nick seems to be out of legal trouble for the moment with it ruled as an accident but I think he will be struggling with this for some time. Question will be will Chelsea be there for him to support him emotionally like he always has been for her? My guess is no. I was laughing so hard when I read the part that Stefano wants Sami to marry Ej and raise the baby as a Dimera. That would end the feud? When has a Dimera ever kept a promise without some other intensions? [/color]
Does anyone else find Romans behavior strange? Is it possible that the commissioner may have been seeing a certain hooker? Maybe the child is his.
[color=FF33CC]That idea has crossed my mind as it was mentioned in another forum but why wouldn't she blackmail him to get her out of jail? Why go after Nick with so little means when she could have gone after Roman who was more stable? What does cross my mind about Roman right now is where was he when sami spilled everything? He is typically one person that can get through to Sami other then her mother... goodness knows Lucas trys but has no effect.[/color]
Ugh!! Now we will have to wait the whole weekend long to find out the paternity of Willow's baby!
sweetthingjess, I wonder, too, why they are having Jeremy staying there with Bo and Hope, when they turned away Belle and Shawn? Or, was it Belle and Shawn's idea to not stay there, because of the baby and Chelsea?
Jeremy's staying there because he's related to Hope, but mostly because it's a very easy way for them to get him and Chelsea to spend time together. I suppose that it won't be long before these two hook-up.
well, I knew he was related, but you would think that Bo and Hope would encourage Belle and Shawn to stay with them before they would let Jeremy. LIke the other poster stated, he could have stayed with Gram. Or Maggie for that matter.
Unfortunately, the writers aren't really known to make much sense. They'll say one thing one day, but they'll totally contradict it the next day. Contradictions are what DOOL specializes in.

On another note, Nick is already agonizing over the deaths of Willow and her baby. He says that Willow didn't deserve to die and that he can't close his eyes without seeing Willow. From their conversation, Chelsea doesn't seem to understand Nick's feelings of sorrow. And Chelsea's comments about Willow constantly using people, while true, made me roll my eyes considering that they were coming from Chelsea.
I cannot even begin to imagine what Hope was thinking when she told him he could stay there. That house is not THAT big.

They have Ciara to think about, and that blaring rock music will not go over well with a baby in the house, Neither is running around the house, answering doors in just a towel.

I think if it had been Hope who had come in, or Bo....and turned off that radio, and he came down like that, he would have gotten told off, but good.

So we have Bo & Hope, Ciara, Chelsea, and now Jeremy staying there. Doesn't Stephanie also stay there?
I really, really don't like Jeremy. Maybe Hope will do us all a favor and kick his butt out of the house and back to Africa, Vegas or where ever it is that he came from, I don't really care where just get him off my screen, Jerk!
We can only hope!
Unfortunately. I don't think Jeremy is going anywhere soon. His storyline is just beginning. He is a jerk, but I don't think he is involved with the Dimeras. Although this whole shuttle to Vegas thing will probably turn out to be some sort of scam. Glad to see Steve back though. I'm hoping that since they're back, he is back to his old self.
I've been wondering where Steve and Kayla were...glad to see at least Steve is back. I assume Kayla is not far behind..!! And yes, I wonder too what will happen with the mind control thing and if it will just be done and over with....We can only hope.....
And I will say again, I don't believe for a minute that EJ and the family are at odds...I think this "Oh, I have to save Sami from my family" is a big old stinking pile of you know's all part of the DiMera plan....the people of Salem need to all get together and run those old DiMera boys out of town....!!!
And Shawn does not go with Philip and Belle to find Claire cause he is waiting on a DNA test...??? Does that make sense to absolutely anyone...??? Imagine, your daughter is missing, presumed dead, then you find out she may be alive and you have a lead to where she might be, but you don't immediately go there because you are waiting on some test results....??? Sorry, that is just to unbelievably stupid....