Monday, June 18th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, June 18, 2007

Belle is singing “The Duke of York”, clapping her hands a bit, but singing it over and over, and suddenly they hear a child crying. Philip & Shawn run off to search, as all are sure it is Claire. (Why does this remind me of Doris Day, in the movie, The Man Who Knew Too Much, singing "Que Sera, Sera?") Suddenly, we see Claire toddling in, babbling away, and a happy Belle scoops her up, calling for Shawn. Evelyn weakly attempts to call Jeffrey to her, but Belle tells her to get lost. Shawn comes in, sees Belle with Claire. Belle puts Claire down, as Shawn kneels down reaching to her. Philip comes around the corner and Claire goes to him, much to Shawn’s chagrin. Evelyn has disappeared. Belle takes Claire from Philip, Shawn comes over and they all nuzzle, hug, etc. Philip leaves, returns saying the cops got Evelyn, but need statements from them in the morning. Shawn goes to get a room for the night. He returns, Philip claims he could not get a flight out til morning, so will be staying over, too.

In the tunnel, Bo & Hope realize they do not have time to get out before the bomb will go off, so Bo will try and diffuse it. Hope yells up to Doug & Julie to get out NOW. In rushes John & Marlena, convincing Doug & Julie to go call 911. John decides to go down to help. Bo knows if he cuts the wrong wire, the bomb can go off instantly. Hope doesn’t like yellow, tells him to cut the blue, then changes her mind saying red, as that is the sign for danger. LOL He does, and the ticking stops. Both are happy as larks as John joins them. Suddenly the device begins beeping, and they know it is going to explode. And it does, knocking everyone off their feet, including Marlena up top. Doug & Julie come rushing in, all are calling down, but the trio down below are o.k. except Bo is pinned under some debris. John & Hope get it off him, then John climbs back up the rope. (amazing, since everyone else had to be lowered and then pulled up. LOL) The EMTs have arrived, learned there is an injured man with a possible broken leg down the tunnel, so leave (!!!) to get some backup. John tells Marlena, Doug & Julie what happened. Below, Bo is telling Hope that the bomb was just a warning from Stefano. If he meant to kill them, they would all be dead. Stefano is still playing his games.

Over at the apartment house, Lucas is on the phone with the police dept. making sure the cop outside the door is really a cop. Makes you laugh as he describes Officer Daniels as tall, blond and blue eyed, then agreeing with the person on the phone that the guy is perfect for a soap. LOL. He hangs up as Sami comes out, wanting Rocky Road ice cream and anchovy pizza. Lucas is going to be sick at the idea. They banter a bit, and he finally agrees to go out for it, if she promises to stay put. She does. Out in the hall, EJ comes out of his apt. wanting to knock on Sami’s door, but the cop refuses to let him near the door. EJ tells him it is o.k., he is family. And then proceeds to tell this complete stranger to him, that Mrs. Roberts is carrying his child. They argue a bit, as now Lucas comes out, asking what is going on. EJ says he has to talk to Samantha, Lucas says no, then tells the cop to back off a bit. He punches EJ in the gut, telling him to stay away from his wife. EJ protests he has to talk, has called and can’t get thru. Lucas says that is right, because they changed their phone numbers and he won’t get them.
Inside the apt. Sami comes out of her bedroom with a bag of trash, calls Will to ask why he put that in her room. He didn’t. She figures it must be Lucas. Will says, hey, mom, there is a text message for you that was sent to me. He says it is from EJ, who needs to see her. Will goes back into his room (wonder why they did not change Will’s number, too??) as Sami decides to take the garbage out. Once in the hall she decides to knock on EJ’s door, to see what he wants. EJ claims his life has been jeopardized, too, and says his brother Tony is out of control, and Stefano is beginning to see that. However, he has to protect Sami and his unborn child, so is going to turn state’s evidence against Tony. Sami does not believe he will turn in his brother. EJ claims he has “disobeyed” his family’s orders time and time again for her (huh? Since when? He has raped her, caused her to nearly be killed several times, we could go on and on). They argue a bit, as Sami cannot believe he would actually go against his family. Lucas returns with the ice cream & Pizza, and is not happy to see Sami talking to EJ. She claims she just wanted to know what EJ wanted, but Lucas asks how she even knew EJ wanted to talk to her. Sami evades, saying it is not important. (tsk, tsk). EJ goes back in his apt., Sami goes to take trash to the incinerator. Lucas follows, to give her a hand (boy, that is the lightest bag of trash I have ever seen. LOL) Oops, the bag is too big to go down. Lucas says she has put too much in the bag, she denies it, saying it was his trash. Nope, not Lucas either, as she tells him it was in their bedroom. The bag is open, they hear a ticking. Is there a bomb?


The previews show Sami & Lucas listening to a computerized voice saying something about no more information about the feud. :duh:
I'm a new member and I just wanted to say thanks so much for all your hard work posting the spoilers. I'm a working gal and I try to tape the show everyday, but with 4 grandchildren at home to raise, sometimes watching TV at night is not an option. It is so nice to take a break at work and check out what's happening!!

I posted this in another forum but relates here. Does anyone eles remember the closet full of boys clothes on the island? Then Claire gets kidnapped and turns up dressed as a boy? And not to mention that after all of the time she spent with Shawn on the run, The first one the toddler runs to is the one she hardly knows at all? Remember, Phil has a new face and Claire has spent almost no time with this one. I don't know but it all seems fishy to me.
I would tend to agree that it was surprising that Claire went to Philip first. She has seen him recently, on the island, and then on the boat.....but it still was surprising. And I also know that Claire cannot possibly "remember" him as her father the lst year of her life.......when he now has a completely different face.

I remember the clothes in Gaby's closet, I cannot remember if they were boys's clothes necessarily, but Gaby did say she had had a child, a boy......when Belle questioned her.
Hi all, this is my first post and I would like to say THANK YOU for creating this site, I love being able to read what happens tomorrow! You guys do SUCH a great job!

I would also like to say OMG~ Smoody, you are so right on with the comment about Claire going to Philip when she has been on the run w/ Belle and Shawn for so long!
How could she possible recognize him with a new face!!
I guess the writers forgot that they switched the "Philip" actors lol lol
Gee, that 1 min left on the bomb's timer was the longest min ever!
Claire also spent time with Philip when he was recovering. Remember when Victor asked if he could take Claire once in awhile? She was having visits with Philip regualrly while he was hid away from the rest of Salem.
sweethingjess, but he was bandaged practically the whole time during visits.
PCH/PATTI, Stajef....Welcome and hope you enjoy everything this site has to offer.....ShaSha :wave:
[size=medium][color=009900]Boy! Things Getting Awfully Bombie[/color][/size] :rotfl:

Is this the new wave on DAYS. Things could get pretty explosive. :laughing:
Remember Mission Impossible? This recording will self-destruct after you finish listening. LOL
So Bo & Hope see 1 minute, 40 seconds on the bomb, and take 10 minutes to defuse it. LOL.

And then, Sami & Lucas are throwing away garbage that just suddenly appeared in their BEDROOM (better than a horse's head, I guess) and which both admit neither of them had collected and put there, hear a ticking noise....and just stare at the bag. Yep......why be suspicious, why not run away from the bag. Just sit there and perhaps get blown up (tho the previews show it to be a recorded of those disguised robotic voices).
Bond, James Bond....Remember the bomb ticking away and he disarms it just as it turns to 007...Boy are we getting nostalgic here.....We could start humming the Mission Impossible Tune.
Philip says he couldn't get a flight out until the next day? What? He is a Kiriakis and can come and go as he pleases......Belle is sooooo dumb! She knows she likes the 2 guys fighting over her.
No, I didn't pay any attention to that. Peeks my interest in this storyline even more!
Belle's main concern right now is getting her daughter back and keeping her safe. She really wants to start her life with Shawn and Philip will also be there as a friend.
Yep, that truly IS Belle's main focus right now. It is not Philip's tho. LOL. He is playing the both of them to the hilt.

And I want to know how Claire got from the middle of the Ocean to a beauty pageant in Chicago. The cop's face as the 3 Musketeers are trying to explain the island, the boat, typhoon and losing Claire toooo funny.
It made me laugh when Shawn gave Philip the brush off after they got Claire back-thank's for coming out, have a nice flight home! He knows what's going on even if Belle doesn't see it. It was nice to see Claire back though, she's so sweet.
How could Claire possibly remember anyone with all she's been through in the last couple of months. I've said before, this is one child that may need a whole lot of theropy.