Monday, May 7th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, May 7th, 2007

On the island, Belle is frantically telling Gabby to get a doctor. Gabby hands Claire to Philip (oops, big mistake) and leaves, as Duck urges Philip to take off now. Philip admonishes Duck for shooting Shawn, but Duck just claims Philip told him to stop Shawn, and he did. Philip starts to leave with Claire, Belle gets in his face with an over my dead body, as Shawn comes to, just murmuring about Claire. There is a standoff, but Philip will not give up Claire, despite Belle’s pleas and takes off. Shawn tells her to go after him now. Later the doctor arrives, says the bullet went completely through (shoulder wound) and he stitched it up, get rest, yada yada. The Sheriff arrives, having Duck in handcuffs, & Gabby tells him to lock him up, throw away the key. Shawn refuses to press charges, but goes to retrieve something in the bushes, telling the sheriff to hold onto it for evidence, and put in his records that Philip paid Duck off. Shawn now wants to go looking for Belle & Claire, his arm in a sling. Gabby wants to do that alone, but Shawn is adamant about his family, whom he loves with all his heart.

Sami is looking at the white garment bag, containing her wedding dress, talking of how she hopes EJ will leave her alone, and not spoil her wedding. In comes Lucas & Will, laughing at how they joked with the tux guy about providing a blue leisure suit for Will. They banter a bit, and Will goes to get dressed. Sami is worried, but Lucas assures her that they may have had a rocky road, but they are together, he loves her, and all will be o.k. he leaves to get dressed, and knock, knock at the door, and there is Celeste. Sami about has a fit, but Celeste tells her all about Kate getting hold of that picture. Sami is devastated, but Celeste tells her she has to tell Lucas the truth, Erase the power EJ has over her, and disarm Kate’s intentions, whatever they are. Celeste talks quietly, but urgently, and it looks like Sami is convinced. She leaves, and out comes Lucas. Sami whistles at how good he looks (he DOES!) & now tries to tell him.. Lucas puts her off, telling her nothing is that important, and the only thing he wants to know is does she love him.Of course, but this is about her and EJ, and Lucas just goes on and on that nothing matters except they will be married in a couple of hours. Out comes Will, looking equally handsome, with his camera, snapping a pic of his dad and mom (Sami is in a robe). Lucas & Will finally leave, and Sami says aloud to herself, that she tried this time, she really tried.

At the hospital, Foley comes in, hollering at Adrienne, asking her who the hell she thinks she is. Steve says she is his sister. She is here to help him. Outside in the car, Bo has a fit, and is ready to go in to rescue Adrienne, but Kayla stops him, noting Adrienne is smart, give her a minute. Foley is taken aback, questioning Adrienne. She admits she is his sister, and then says she is Foley’s sister, too. Now he is really taken aback, but she smoothly announces she is a nun, and a sister to everyone, and is there to help one and all. Foley tells her to stay away from Steve, and then goes over to Steve, pushes Steve’s tray off the table, telling him to clean it up. The other patients are becoming a bit agitated, as Steve kneels down and begins to pick up everything. Granger comes in and Foley leaves with him. Adrienne is heartbroken at the sight of Steve, but tries again. She calls him over, telling him she has someone who wants to talk to him. He looks around, asking who, she says Kayla. She shows him the wire, and he is set to leave and report her. That is against the rules, & he has to turn her in. She talks him into coming closer, giving him the earpiece, and he hears Kayla’s voice, calling him sweetness. Now Dr. Granger comes back in, with EJ. (Jeez, he really does have Scotty’s transporter, I swear!). Steve mutters Dr. Granger and EJ Wells. The two men think he is talking to himself, as Adrienne makes sure she is turned away from them all. EJ comes over, turns her around, saying well, hello, Adrienne! EJ then spoils any thought the viewers may have that he might now be Elvis, by saying that he had an aunt who was a nun. Her name was Sister Moira (for those not watching then, Susan Banks, who would be Elvis’s mother, was one quarter of a set of quadruplets, one of which was Sister Moira). He finds the wire on Adrienne, and Bo tells Steve to give EJ the earpiece. Steve does, & Bo tells EJ he better not harm Steve or Adrienne. EJ says he has a court order for Steve to be released in his custody, seems the judge is long time family friend. He & Dr. Granger start to take Steve out, when the patients all band together, saying they cannot take “their Steve” away, and chanting his name. Bo & Kayla are listening, as suddenly there seems to be chaos in the common room. What they do not know is the lights went out, and there is bedlam. Suddenly, the back door to car opens, Adrienne slides in, asking if they have room for one more, and now Steve slides in. Bo starts the motor, and freeze frame on Steve’s face.


This summary is the property of Salem Spectator, is copyright 2007 by the Salem Spectator, and may not be reproduced, nor used in any manner without our express written permission. This includes plagiarizing the writings and ideas contained herein.
For those of you who read here, and are not able to view the show,(and for the rest of us who do) we have some screen shots from a couple of recent episodes in the gallery.

Thank you to PAllison, who was able to find and submit them. :) :wave:

Oh, dear, I just realized I put the wrong smilie in here, was supposed to be a smile....and instead it turned out to be a different one. Sorry PA...I have changed it. Poirot :lol:
Okay, am I the only that has a problem with this?

First, EJ shouldn't even have a clue as to who Adrienne is or what she looks like............

Second, EJ is not a cop, an FBI agent, a lawyer, a doctor, or any other figure of high authority so how in the @#&* could a patient in a mental ward be released in to his custody????????????? :rant: :rant: This is a bit far fetched...........
When EJ first came to town, he knew all about everyone. He knew Sami's middle name, that Belle was her sister, even how Sami liked lemonade in her beer. Entirely too much, so obviously he had been filled in extensively with pictures, etc. on the entire Salem history and family trees. Foley undoubtably told EJ before he came in about Steve saying the new patient was his sister. EJ is smart. He knows about Adrienne's name, has probably seen her picture, and added the 2&2 pretty quickly.

But I agree it was a stretch. Plus EJ had the judge in his pocket for getting Steve released. Steve did not want to go with EJ, but he gave him that....."you are one of us now" mantras....and Steve began to comply. That is when the revolt began. That gang did not want to lose their pizza man. LOL
ITA Buckaruz. Especially since he is the reason that Steve is in there in the first place.
It's about time that Steve got busted out, and thankfully it brought Adrienne back too.
i can believe that EJ would know who Adrienne is, since he is a DiMera and they just have a way of knowing everything. But i have to agree that it is far fetched for EJ to be given custody of Steve, whether he has the judge in his pocket, or not. With the judge paid off, surely one of Salem's Finest Police Officers would know that and at least be watching him. Didn't they used to do stakeouts all the time, so why not follow and watch EJ to help gather evidence against him.
You could tell at the end today (Friday) that Shawn only got shot in the shoulder. i figured that somehow it would be to his advantage and Philip's disadvantage, even though Duck shot the gun.
It'll be funny to watch the fellow inmates rally against EJ taking Steve away from them. LOL!!
Okay. Okay. I'll buy that EJ got a history lesson on all Salemites (and Texans too, apparantly), but I don't care how many judges you have in your pocket, how on earth can Joe Blow off of the street get someone released into their custody? Wouldn't said judge need to be investigated also? (There was a time when the Salem PD actually DID investigate :lol: ) I guess my point is even though this is soap opera land and rules don't apply, there needs to be a little reality in this storyline. I, personally, am ready for a Steve/Kayla reunion and I mean a real one without "Zombie/Soldier Steve".

Rant over...........
Oh,absolutely. We certainly have seen judges reprimanded in real life, and the attorney general should be alerted to THIS particular miscarriage of justice. I have no idea why EJ is not being tailed 24/7.

Then again...back in the day, with all that he did, Al Capone could not be nailed for a single serious was income tax evasion that got him nailed.
Let me add here, as I did not have time when I wrote it up, but Judi Evans was sooo wonderful as Adrienne, when she was trying to make her zombie like brother remember her, remember his family, getting him to "feel" again. How she held his face, stroked it, talked of Jack, of Kayla and Stephanie. It was very emotional, and Steve just breaks your heart. When he finally remembers Kayla, he says, she left me here, she deserted me. No, no, says Adrienne, they won't let her in. And that the nicknames he calls Steve...and even calling Adrienne "crip". What a cruel, cruel man. He gets on her case because she calls him an orderly. Well, what is he. He certainly cannot be a nurse. Or is he just a guard of some kind. Ugh.
So Bo helps break Steve out of that hospital. It's about time. What this show needs is for Bo to stop being a cop and go back to being a rebel and doing things his own way like in the old days. He got more accomplished back then.
Oh, jcart....Bo just may be getting his groove back. the previews show him bidding Hope adieu as he is evidently taking off for Tinda Lao.
Now folks.....gotta say that Salem PD is the most liberal police force imaginable.Bo has taken off more times, used up vacation, sick days, leaves of absence, all spur of moment...and is more on his own, than he is working on cases. LOL
That is true. I never thought of that. He doesn't seem to be spending a whole lot of time on police work these days.
I have a lot of catching up to do! Havent seen it all week, but reading up on it. I know I have been missing out on some good scenes. I did catch a glimpse of Adrienne this evening on Soap Network, between her and Steve, and yes, those scenes were superb.
Duck is one guy who definitely needs to get off that island and into civilization. He's having Vietnam flashbacks like Rambo. He actually seems to think he's on some mission and Philip is his C.O. At least he was arrested for shooting Shawn. The way things have been going on this show, I was surprised about that.
Are you trying to say he is quackers? LOLOL
I am not trying to say he is quakers....I know he is!! LOL
OOOOOOO!!! Taking the 5 year old to PM Kindergarten and I have mommy time......which just so happens to coincide with DOOL!! Can't wait to see this episode! Something to look forward to. Hopefully, the PTB will start wrapping up these storylines.