Monday, November 19th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, November 19, 2007

Episode #10,701 Taped 10/23 Director – Herb Stein

Belle gets into her car, as Philip pops up, getting in the other side. She is exasperated, telling him to get out, but he will not be deterred. He says she should not be marrying Shawn, she really loves him, she denies it. He says she was in that bed with him, and knows otherwise, she says it was just sex. She asks him to leave several times, says she loves Shawn, is marrying him tomorrow. Philip tells her Hope will soon tell Bo, oops, she already has. Phil knows they both will be watching her like a hawk. He gets a call on cell, finally leaves, telling her to call him on his private number. She claims she threw it away, he doesn’t think she did.

Kate is being questioned by Roman about the gun. They play cat and mouse as to whether the one he has is hers or not. She keeps insisting she threw it in a dumpster, he knows better. He finally begins to read her the Miranda rights, she cannot believe he is arresting her, he calls in a cop to book her. Kate finally caves, saying she gave the gun to Philip to get rid of, and of yesterday, he still had it. Roman tells her to call him, and get him down there. She does. See above. When Philip arrives, she tells him what she said. He is pretty angry that she gave him up so easily. She insists Roman is trying to help her. Philip swaggers into Roman’s office, shoots off his mouth with a lot of bravado, telling Roman to make sure he has a search warrant if he wants to search his home, and if he has anything to say to his mother or him, contact his lawyer. He leaves, and Roman tells Bo that someday he is gonna {bleep} slap that boy. LOL

Replay of Bo catching Steve searching behind the bar. Steve pretends for about 10 seconds, then admits he came for the gun. Shawn comes out, saying he had already found the gun earlier. The gun does not appear to have been fired, but Bo questions Steve, who says he was at the auto parts store, but when Bo talks of checking the surveillance tape, Steve admits he wasn’t there, and yes, he went to the church, wanting to shoot EJ. He talks of being tortured by EJ, and how EJ tried to kill his wife, but in the end he could not, so left. He says he heard 3 shots while in the vestibule, turned back, saw EJ was down, and ran out. No, he saw no one else. Bo goes down to the station, is present during Philip’s macho tirade, and when he is alone with Roman, tells him about Steve and the gun at the Pub. He is all ready to proceed further, when Roman interrupts, informing him that the gun belongs to him, that Steve was covering for him. Bo is very surprised, but Roman says he was upset that his daughter was going to marry the man who raped her, but he could not shoot him, so he left……. and then Roman says not to worry, he will tell Abe himself. No, says Bo. I want you working on this case with me, I need you to be with me. You went to the church, did not shoot the gun, left, end of story. Roman does not want Bo putting his career on the line for him, but Bo insists. He will take care of Shawn, too.

Belle comes to the Pub, showing Shawn the darling dress she bought for Claire to wear to the wedding. Shawn tells Belle all about how he helped Bo with the gun, & Steve (so now another person knows, lol) and Belle feels for Aunt Kayla. They talk of how great their future will be, the wedding tomorrow, and in a couple years, their own house. Shawn comes in later with Claire in the new dress, showing mommy how pretty she looks. Belle has to go help Hope with the decorations, and Hope calls just then to remind her. Shawn then reminds Belle she is spending the night at HIS parents’ house, so he will not be seeing her until the day of the wedding. (Hmmm, doesn’t Belle have a mother of her own?) They kiss and say their goodbyes.

Sami is cradling EJ’s head in her arms, telling him he has to fight to get better, for his son’s sake, if nothing else. He tells her she is a hard person to get rid of. He says he loves her, and cannot believe she loves him, too. She smiles, and replies that she did not say that. He says he is greatful she has any feelings for him, and that if he had it to do over again on the night that Lucas was injured, things might be ………she shushes him. She again talks of their son, how he has to get better for her and their son, how he has already beaten the terrible infection he had (wow, in just a few hours, too!). Elvis is silent, seemingly only half convinced perhaps, and now Sami talks very softly, of how he has to get better, and become the man she knows he is. She senses his doubt, and says perhaps he needs more proof, and kisses him. They talk a bit more, she kisses him again, and says if he fights hard enough he may just get that miracle. EJ doubts if a DiMera could get one, but she again reminds him of his son. She has to leave and go take care of the twins. He wants her to bring his son next time, but she says no, she can’t bring him into ICU. One last quick kiss, and she leaves. The nurse has arrived with a tray, and EJ seems to have his appetite back, even for hospital food.

Sami comes out the door, to an expectant Stefano, who asks how it went. In a disgusted voice, she replies “I think I am gonna be sick”. Stefano asks what happened, but Sami only says she did what he asked, and that he has to now leave her family alone. Stefano replies that as long as his son is well and happy, her family will be safe. (And we all know how Stefano keeps his word, right?). She leaves, he goes into EJ’s room, finding a smiling EJ. Stefano asks how did it go. EJ is very happy. Evidently his getting a bullet in the back has caused Sami to realize she has these deep buried feelings for him. Ah, I knew it, replies Stefano, practically rubbing his hands in glee. EJ mentions his son, and how he would never want to separate Sami from him, ever. Stefano is aghast!. Do you think I wanted you to implant her, so that your son would be raised a Brady? No. What do you think would have happened if I left you with your delusional mother? You probably would be weak and strumming a guitar somewhere. No, we will raise Gianni OUR way, to be a DiMera, and the run the growing empire you will be inheriting. EJ replies that maybe if he was left with his mother, he might have become…..a little human. Stefano replies that being “human:” is not all it is cracked up to be. No, Gianni is one of us, and will be raised a DiMera.

Hmm.... opening the door for Susan to come back, are we?
I think that this is setting up to pit Father against Son in the fight for Little Johnny and personally I am ready for it bc I think EJ needs to realize that his father is not all he thought he was as a child. I really think this is leading towards EJ's realization and redemption.
for the record i didn't write the above post. i don't know how that happened,lol. i will say this Sami is stone cold lying. especially about being past the rape and EJ is far from redeemed but if he would fight his father on Johnny it would help some, but i still want Sami to go back to her true husband & the love of her life,Lucas.
In any event the writers are giving the ejami fans what they want. It might not be 100% of what they want obviously if Sami is not being truthful but it's something for us to chew on.
At least we have kissing...EJAMI can kiss like none other!

Best Kissers in Soapland!
that would be an interesting s/l.

I luv LUMI, but someone said Ejami are the best kissers. I have to admit that they are! you can see the passion thrumming in the atmosphere! :clap:

all i see is a rape victim degrading herself to save her family. yes i think for some strange reason she does care for him but at the end of the day her deepest heart belongs to Lucas, and she will always go back to him.imo.
I find it funny that everyone seems to think Sami is somehow playing EJ for the fool. Come on now, we all should know better. Sami never has and never will do something that she doesn't want to do. She isn't pretending to have feelings for EJ, what she is doing comes from the heart (whatever that may be). She goes back and fourth every other day about what she feels for each of the men in her life, who can keep it straight anymore. We can't expect to know how she feels anymore than she does.
hey! sami told stefano she was feeling sick! boy, do i know that feeling! my 24 hour stomach flu lasted about 96 hours, but i'm all better now! it must have helped to read that sami was feeling sick and not feeling sorry for EJ.

thanks for making my day, so far, anyway, poirot!
She is pretending now I think, but will change eventually and realize that she does care for EJ. I hate having this all drag on so long though. DOOL drags on the story lines too too long.
When I watched GH there story lines ended pretty decent.
Oh well thank heavens for Tivo. As I do fast forward to the parts I don't like.
Ok everybody have a good day and even better evening.
Hi there. I haven't been on for awhile but I do have something I thought about while reading the other posts. It really seems the writers have forgotten how to write new sl. Think about it.
Marlena = Roman/John
Belle = Shawn/Philip
Sami = Lucas/EJ
Kate = Stefano/EJ, and of course, everyone else in pants
Caroline = Shawn/Victor
Billie, etc, etc, etc. There ARE no new s/l. Just variations of the same one; just variations of the same one; just variations of the same one.
Shawn/Bo = like father like son
Marlena = like mother, likes daughters

Sorry, I would just like something NEW. But, I watch anyway, thinking it just can't be the same AGAIN, can it. MAYBE today's the day it will be something new.
I loved how EJ called Sami out on lying. Just great! EJ maybe be an idiot sometimes but he really knows what Sami is like. I hope that he recalls how Sami has kissed him in the past to get what she wants...and continues to be one step ahead of her when she is lying.

And I was thinking that maybe when Sami said she feels sick when she leaves his room, could it be because she knows she can't go back to Lucas with what she did to EJ?

And even though I am not buying EJ and Sami...or even Sami and Lucas for that matter, EJ and Sami are the best kissers in daytime tv!

Also, Eileen Davidson (Kristen/Susan) is currently on Bold and the Beautiful but hasn't been on in weeks. I don't know why she couldn't do both shows if they are bringing Susan Banks back.
It sounds like there might be a fight between Stefano and EJ pretty soon.

Just can't believe Belle is going to go through with this wedding. Can't wait for recently hot Philip to move on though.
Won't it be interesting to have Philip's first love, his high school sweetheart back in town, just when Belle is at last marrying HER first love.

Frankly, once upon a time it seemed James E. Reilly's sole objective in writing Days was to break up all the soul mate couples and partner them up with someone with whom there was absolutely no chemistry. That supposedly got "fixed" after he left, but it sure does seem it is starting all over again. LOL

Belle clearly right now has huge issues within herself in regards to Shawn & Philip....and it would have been much better storywise had they BOTH left her alone, all by herself, and see who she really missed and wants to be with, if it really is either one.