Monday, October 22nd

Sounds then like they are even. Both made career choices without talking it over first with the other.

Heck, I doubt these two will ever get married. (neither is ready for this) Bo asks Shawn about setting the date, and Shawn says something about how they are a family, and all is fine (if he only knew, lol)so there is no need to rush.

sure sounds different than when Belle was telling how she talked with her dad about wedding plans....and he told her to make sure that Y.M.C.A. was not played at the reception.
I am brand new to this type of forum so I hope I am doing it right. I am computer challenged. After all, I'm almost 64 years old. I have been watching DOL for about 12 years and am also getting fed up with some of the story lines. But I got to thinking the other day . . . (dangerous). . . when these actors/actresses make us so angry we hate them or do something nice we love them or have relationships we love/hate, we have to say KUDOS to the actors/actresses. That's their job! And most do an excellent job. It's the writing that . . .well you all know.

I do have a question since so much happened before I came aboard. WHO IS JOHN and how is he Tony's brother and, it appears, to be related to everyone on the show?

Sorry this is long. Hopefully you won't mind an "elderly person" to post. I love the site!
Daphne DiMera had this baby boy (an affair) and worried what Stefano might do with him, gave him to her sister Philomena to raise. Philomena & husband Leopold Alamain adopted the boy calling him Forest, and raised him as a brother to Lawrence. But Lawrence was rather jealous of Forest, and there was a pool "accident" which Lawrence caused some how. Everyone thought Forest died......but Philomena whisked him away to a boarding school to be raised there. Vivian knew about it, tho.

Somehow, Stefano eventually learned of and located the whereabouts of Forest, and took him, turning him via brainwashing, chips, torture, into his pawn. And we all know how the man in bandages arrived in Salem, with amnesia, having had plastic surgery. Daphne is also the mother of Tony.

And welcome to the probably never saw my previous "signature". [color=0000FF]I was always taught to respect my elders, but it is getting harder and harder for me to find one. [/color]LOLOL :clap:
I know that lots of fans have a problem with the timelines, but as a relative newcomer to Days (I have been watching only a couple of years) I checked out the family trees and old storylines and it seems like there have been trouble with characters birthdates/age progression prior to the whole Santeen affair. With all this speculation around what really happened to Colleen, and who is really John Black's father, I was thinking...what if Santo found Colleen (Dimera obsession doesn't appear give up easily) and secretly took her to America, and begins living a double life, one in Italy with Stephano's mother and the other in America with Colleen's and their child, a boy. Later Santo confesses all of this on his death bed, giving Stephano the folio as proof that he has a brother out there. Stephano goes to America and finds the Santeen son, befriends him, perhaps he hires him, and takes him back to Italy. Daphne has an affair with the younger brother and gets pregnant, When the child is born Stephano discovers the duplicity, and kills his brother. Daphne gives the boy to her sister, to raise and protect. In this scenario, if Forest were John Black, he would also be Stephano's nephew. John appears to be around the same age as Andre which might explain Stephano's twisted attempt to make his nephew a "son". I know that would make John Colleen's grandson, and the whole 50 year ago thing doesn't work, but it's obvious that this all happened more than 50 years ago because alot of folks have already pointed out that Papa Shawn is older than 57. So if we add 10 years, The Santeen love child would be in his early 60s, if he was still alive and could have fathered a child in his late teens. It would explain Stephano's obsession with John Black, why John's kidney was a match and Stephano's apparent sorrow at John's death.

Poirot, you seem to be the expert, so tell me Now if I'm too far out, be easy on me! Remember I am a relative newbie to Days. :?:
Welcome to the board, nanahl!

Good post, Jewbacca! I agree with y'all that Belle and Shawn are doomed from the start.

[color=0000FF]Edited out spoiler statement. Poirot[/color]
I don't believe it is selfish for a man to be true to his heart about the woman he wants and loves. It's just natural. Belle isn't married yet and until she is, she is a free woman who can decide to call off the wedding. Shawn is not for her. That is very apparent and I do believe that she already knows that but she is struggling with her feelings, still not ready to let go of her teen fantasy, but knowing it is just that...a fantasy.

Most men feel inadequate to care for an infant by when Philip is faced with the responsibility and then that he has a serious illness which requires special care, he nearly caves under the feelings of helplessness to take care of this baby. I hope his desire to have his child will prevail. He has enough money to hire all the help he needs.

I'm so relieved to read that Steve at last realizes that he and Kayla cannot have Tyler.
Addicted to DOOL......Welcome to the board and have fun...ShaSha :wave:
Greetings fellow Days fans! I love your site Poirot and Wayne. Gee I agree with most of the feelings and suggestions from all of you posters, especially the recent thoughts of seeing those wonderful flashbacks the last couple of days. It reminds us of the wonder years of Days. I must admit I was crying during the scenes where the the central characters were saying goodbye to John. (personally I believe John's death is a hoax that few are are aware of) We have seen the vets dust off their skills and pour on the emotions. Perhaps the comittment to the success of the show by recruiting the new Y & R crew means that he is trying to ramp up quality control. I would suggest to Sheffer that he assign one writer to write for each of the "super couples" then tell a story about their lives and include their children. The vets are extremely accomplished in telling their stories with surreal emotions, adventure and excitement. Do you guys think that might work to blend the families better? I didn't have time to read all of the posts above and I may be repeating something that's already been said...please forgive if that's the case.

So I hear that Chloe is coming back to town (and supposedly for a major storyline with Philip). Am I the only one who wonders if she's the one that hit John? Let me know what you all think.

By the way, I LOVE this site. I read it every day but this is my first post on here! Thanks to those who do this for all of us.
Wow, That looks weird. Ha Ha Ha . anyway, I am soooooooo SUPER EXCITED to see Sami's Babies!!!!! I have been waiting for this for soooooo long (like everyone else i'm sure).
I have just found this site and love it! I would like Pocket / Tyler to be Belle and Philip's child. Perhaps there was never really a switch made??? I also think one twin needs to be Lucas's and one twin needs to be EJ's for the storyline to stay interesting. Sami - torn between good and evil - the two fathers!!!

Thanks for letting me post my first message!
I love this site, too. Welcome to those newer than me here.

Philip and Belle are my couple, too. and I want Claire and Tyler to be their children.

Also, I do believe that John Black is DEAD forever. But, I'm not certain that Drake is gone. He is still listed as a contract player.

Has anyone here seen the new promo? It's super.
missdmomof3....Welcome too you as well. Have fun. We all do here. ShaSha :laughing: :wave:
JayJay..I do love that cartoon, because my grandchildren watch it..If that is why you call yourself, JayJay..If not, forgive me..

So a BIG Welcome to you as well and I am looking forward to your posting.......ShaSha :sun: :wave:
I was kind of surprised that Drake was still listed in the credits today. I thought maybe he has to be listed until his contract ends.......or else perhaps we might see him in someone's dream or fantasy or something in the future.
A thought occured to me after reading the posts. It's too bad the fans don't write the SL because we're much better at it. I've also come to the conclusion that everyone needs a DNA test and a geneology study of their families because SOMEWHERE in Salem, you have a relative because of an embryo switch, a botched DNA test, kidnapping, affair or any number of ways.

ALso, I think Coleen may not be dead. After all, all you saw were her clothes on the ledge---no body. The writers wanted us all to ASSUME she died and you know what that word means. Could Coleen be John's mother? I agree with the person who said the ages didn't match, but, heck, we go from an infant to a teenager in two years and a "married with children" two years later. Hmmmmmmm