Murder and Trains

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André DiMera

Well, everyone, here it is. The first chapter of the story "Murder & Trains" loosely based on "Murder on the Orient Express" by Agatha Christie. This will be partially in story form and partially in script form. Hope you all enjoy:

It was nearing Christmastime. Chistmas is always a happy time in Salem. Everyone gets together and decorates the Horton Family Christmas Tree, and has a big celebration. However, this year, things would be a little bit different. This year, almost everyone in Salem was going on a trip. They were taking a train ride to New York to visit Kimberly and Shane, whom had just moved out to New York City. Even dear Alice had gotten on the train to go up to the Big Apple with everyone. It was going to be a wonderful Christmas. It is rather unfortunate, however, that the man known as Trent Robbins was also on the train. He had been around Salem for quite some time now, but nobody liked him. They all knew what he had done to Max when he was younger. However, they would try to ignore that fact and make it a happy Christmas...
TONY: I don't like him. Not one bit.
SILVER: Who's that, then?
TONY: Barrabus, My uncle.
ANNA: Why don't you like him?
SILVER: Yeah, daddy. He seems nice to me.
TONY: It's just, seeing him brings back too many bad memories.
SILVER: Of your father?
TONY: Yes, If you can call Stefano that. Technicaly, I'm just the love-child of my mother and the gardener. However, yes, I was referring to Stefano.
SILVER: Well, maybe Barrabus is different.
TONY: I can only hope he is. But knowing what I know about him, I doubt it.
Speaking of Barrabus, he was just getting situatied in his compartment. He had an almost-private room. The only other person in there was a young girl, about 15 or so. She had long, blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes.
BARRABUS: What are you doing here?
GIRL: Why wouldn't I be here? It's almost Christmas. I want to spend it with you.
BARRABUS: Why not spend it with your father?
GIRL: As you very well know, my father is dead. And, in his will, he said that you are supposed to take care of me.
BARRABUS: True. Very true. Well, this should be an interesting Christmas.
GIRL: Anyway, I was just thinking about this girl I saw as I got on the train. Teh one with brown hair and blue eyes.
BARRABUS: That would be Silver DiMera, my dear Skyler.
SKYLER: She's pretty, isn't she?
BARRABUS: Yes, she's a nice girl. But you should be wary of how close you get to her.
BARRABUS: You don't want her to know the truth, do you? I mean, about who you are.
SKYLER: I suppose not.
BARRABUS: Right. Now, unpack your things. We have a long ride ahead of us...
That is a very exciting start. Can't wait for more. I have a feeling Trent will be the one to be killed.
Chapter 2

Well, as everyone likes it so much, here is Chapter 2 for your enjoyment:

Whether it's morning, noon, or even the evening, the dining car is the place to be on trains. It's where everyone sits around and eats and does the usual gossip. This is especially true for the residents of Salem, who were having a wonderful morning so far. Tony, Anna, and Silver were all having a good breakfast when Skyler entered. She sat down across fro Silver, and started a conversation.
SILVER: Hello.
SKYLER: I'm Skyler.
SILVER; Silver.
SKYLER: Ooh, that's a nice name!
SILVER: Thanks. Your's is nice, too.
SKYLER: Thanks. You're cute.
SILVER (confused): Thank you...
TONY: You say your name is Skyler?
TONY: What's your last name?
SKYLER: Miread. Skyler Miread.
TONY: How interesting.
BARRABUS: Skyler! Come with me for a moment.
SKYLER: Okay. Bye, Silver.
So, Skyler left. Tony, Anna, and Silver just stared at each other for a moment. At last Anna broke the silence.
ANNA: Well, she seems like a nice girl.
SILVER: She's okay. She seems a little too interested in me.
ANNA: I think she was just trying to be nice.
SILVER: Well, she seemed a bit too nice to me.
TONY: What I don't understand is why she was with Barrabus. I wonder what that was all about...
One of the cleaning ladies knocked on the door. "house keeping" she announced. As no-one answered, she assumed it was okay to go in. When she did, she was met with a grizzly sight. She quickly ran from the room and tried to find everyone else.
As was said earlier, everybody else was in the dining car having breakfast. Suddenly, the cleaning lady burst through the door screaming.
CLEANING LADY: Murder! Murder! Murder! There has been a murder on this train!
Where was Barabbas? He could have done it. Unscramble Miread and it becomes Dimera. :cool: Looks like Skyler is another Dimera offspring. :)
Thanks for chapter two. Like Nurse Hamster I too am wondering about Barabbas. He is a Dimera after all. Very interesting about Skyer's name. I did not see that until Nurse Hamster pointed it out.
LOL, Love that André likes anagrams. I also caught it immediately. I am an anagram nut.
Thanks for Chapter 2. Already a murder so soon, who can it be and why. Look forward to more.
Hey, André.....did you vanish into the secret tunnels under the DiMeara mansion? I would have thought you would have posted the next chapter before now, maybe over this past weekend. :)
Part 3

Don't worry, Poirot, I am still here. I have not yet gotten lost in the DiMera Mansion. Just a little troble thinking up my plans for the story. But, now that I've had a good think, I'll let you all see what happens next...

It wasn't very long afterwards that they figured out who had been killed. It was Trent Robbins, a dean at Salem University College. And everybody knew why he had been killed. There wasn't a single person in Salem that liked him. Everyone knew what he had done to both Max and Nicole in his past, so they all despised him. It was just unfortunate that the Salem P.D. had no idea who killed him. Trent had been murdered by a gunshot wound to the heart, and the bullet was un-traceable.
BO: We would need a detective for something like this. A serious detective. I don't think a regular police officer would work very well with this.
Just then, a man in a very Sherlock Holmes-esque outfit stepped into the Dining Car
MAN: Did someone say they needed a detective?
ROMAN: Who are you?
MAN: I am Detective Pierre At, snooper extroadinaire!
BO: Hm, then maybe you can help us. See...
PIERRE: Wait, don't tell me. I deduce there has been a murder on this train, and that you would like me to assist in finding the culprit.
JOHN: That's a fact.
PIERRE: All right, I'll do it. I shall question each and every single one of you in turn until I find out who the culprit is. And I shall start off!
Everyone on the train was shocked at who Pierre pointed to first. He pointed to one of the most wonderful women in the world.
He pointed to Alice Horton...
I bet it is because he knows that she will tell him the truth about what she has seen. I am glad that he started off with Alice. Am am so anxious to hear what she has to say.Thanks for chapter 3 Andre.
I think what gringosgirl meant is the fact that my detective's name is Pierre At, and that in "Murder on the Orient Express", the detective is Poirot. If I am correct, and please correct me if I'm wrong, she meant that she liked the pun on the detective's name.
Detective Pierre At, snooper extroadinaire -sorry Andre Poroit is right because it rhymes. I am not sure to hear it in Tony/Andre's voice or british. I read all your stories in their voices. I loved that it rhymed. Pierre-extroadinaire maybe I am just reading it wrong with the pronunciation? Unless it is pronounced like the water.
So........o.k. André - I did get that Pierre At was a takeoff on Poirot. Honest I did. I just did not figure how it rhymed . And yes, Hercule Poirot is the detective who solves the crime in that story. I love, tho, how you have the Sherlock Holmes reference. Too cool. (have I ever said I am also a fan of his?)

And Gringosgirl.......Pierre & extroradinaire. Sorry I did not make the connection, as it did not seem to rhyme to me....being as the name was Pierre AT.
Part 4

gringosgirl, you are correct. Pierre and extroadinaire do rhyme. I didn't catch that either.
And, now, here is Part 4:

Pierre At and Alice Horton had gone into a different compartment of the train. Pierre began his questioning.
PIERRE: Your name?
ALICE: Alice Horton.
PIERRE: Well, Mrs. Horton, where were you on the night of the 10th?
ALICE: I was in my sleeper compartment getting some much-needed rest.
PIERRE: A likely story. Were you aware at the time that a man by the name of Trent Robbins was on board the same train?
ALICE: I was.
PIERRE: Did you have any grudge against Trent Robbins, Mrs. Horton?
ALICE: Well, yes, I did.
PIERRE: Aha! So, why did you have a grudge against Trent Robbins?
ALICE: Because of how cruel and mean he was to my grnadson, Max Brady.
PIERRE: Would you have done anything to protect your grandson, Mrs. Horton?
ALICE: Anything within my power, yes.
PIERRE: Is that a confession?
ALICE: I beg your pardon?
PIERRE: You killed Trent Robbins, didn't you, Mrs. Horton. You couldn't stand to see how evil he was, so you murdered him in his sleep!
ALICE: That is enough, Mr. At. Now, I do not know who you are, or think you are, but all I can say is that I am ashamed of you! How dare you accuse an old lady of murder!? Why, I have never heard such a ridiculous hing in all my life! Now, I may not have liked Trent Robbins, but that does not mean I would murder him! I do not even carry a weapon on me! Do I look at all like the type of womam who would kill somebody, Mr. At!? You should be ashamed of yourself! Do you have anything to say?!
By the time Alice had finished, Pierre was cowering in a corner.
PIERRE: Y-you're f-free to g-go.
So, Alice left. It took quite a while for Pierre to regain his composure. He couldn't beleive he had just been yelled at by a lady who was old enough to be his great-grandmother. He was sure of one thing, though. Whoever did commit this murder, it wasn't Alice! So, it was time to call in the next person for questioning. He went outside and called on Max Brady.
Meanwhile, in a compartment in a different part of the train, Barrabus and Skyler were having a discussion...
BARRABUS: What do you think you are doing, talking to that girl?
SKYLER: I was trying to get to know her.
BARRABUS: Skyler, I thought I told you not too get close to her!
SKYLER: But she's so beatiful, and very nice.
BARRABUS: Need I remind you that that girl you think is "beautiful" is your cousin?
SKYLER: Need I remind you that she is really my second-cousin?
BARRABUS: I do not understand you, Skyler. Do you want everyone to know who you are? Where you came from?
SKYLER: No! I...I'm not sure what I want. I mean, part of me doesn't wnat anyone to know who I am, but the other part wants me to be happy. And, I think I could be happy if I was with Silver.
BARRABUS: Skyler, you need to get Silver out of your head. She's your cousin. Not only that, but she's not that kind of girl.
SKYLER: And how would you know?
BARRABUS: I can tell. Now, you listen to me, you will stop thinking about your cousin like that, or I'll have to send you back to your father.
SKYLER: No! No! Please...please don't send me back to my father!
BARRABUS: Then do as I tell you, and get her out of your head. Otherwise, you and your father will have a little meeting...
Hmmmm, the Skyler thing sounds rather intriguing.

However, what are you up to André? Since when is Max Brady a grandson of Alice Horton? Did you think I would not notice that? Heheheheh. (now I wonder who Max's mother was..)
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