Murder And Trains

Book 2: Jenelle's Choice, Chapter 1

Ooh, glad you all liked the twist of events. Now, as I said, it only gets weirder from here. And, as I haven't written in a while, I'm giving you a DOUBLE WHAMMY today! That's two, count 'em, TWO chapters of the story today. However, this chapter is much shorter than the previous. Also, from this point on, when Trent's words appear italicized, it is the Ghost Trent, the one who spoke to Jenelle and got her to go back to the beginning. Enjoy:

It was the middle of the night. The first night taht the Salemites were on the train. Jenelle Young was in the coach of the train, in the same compartment as Trent Robbins. She was holding a gun to Trent's chest.
TRENT: You don't have the guts to kill me.
TRENT: You're too soft. You'd never be able to kill anybody. It's probably because you have a conscience.
Jenelle had to think on this for a moment. Trent was right. She was soft. She would never kill anyone. She put the gun down
JENELLE: You're right. You're absolutely right.
TRENT: Good. Now, get out of my sight!
Jenelle left the compartment.
TRENT: You see? Now, you don't have to go to jail with the possibility of death row.
JENELLE: You're right.
This simple event would casue a chain of events leading to a catastrophic ending...
Jenelle's Choice, Chapter 2

Sorry I've been gone for so long. School is getting really hectic right about now. Finals and all taht (joy to the world). But, here is the next chapter of "Murder & Trains"

The next morning, it was dark outside. Trent Robbins was still alive. In fact, he had never been dead. The only person that knew that Trent should be dead right now is Jenelle, and she certainly wasn't going to say anything about it.
Melanie was in her compartment, wondering what she should do. She was considering going down for breakfast. Just then, Trent came in.
TRENT: Ah, there you are. I've been looking for you.
MELANIE: And, unfortunately, you've found me.
TRENT: Well, now, it seems like someone got up on the wrong side of bed this morning.
MELANIE: Sorry, but it's kind of hard to be pleased to see someone. Especially when that someone has tried to pimp me out, not to mention made attempts to kill me.
TRENT: Hey! We agreed never to talk about that ever again.
MELANIE: Whatever.
TRENT: Now, I've got a bit of an...assignment for you. I have some friends in New York who will be very interested in meeting you once we make our stop there.
MELANIE: What do you plan to do? Pimp me out again? Sorry, that's not going to work this time. I've done it in the past, but I'm not going to do that ever again.
TRENT: Oh, I think you will!
MELANIE: Why don't you make me?
Trent went into his coat. After a moment of searching, he pulled out a gun, and pointed it at Melanie.
TRENT: You'll do it. And that is an order.
Meanwhile, Skyler and Silver were eating breakfast. They knew that they were sisters, and everything was fine. Then, Skyler saw a boy, about five years older than her. She turned to Silver.
SKYLER: Who's that?
SKYLER: That boy over there. Who is he?
SILVER: Oh, that's Nick Fallen. He's Maggie and Mickey Horton's nephew.
SKYLER: He's hot!
SILVER: Yeah! Wait a minute, I thought you were...
SKYLER: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not. When I first saw you, I thought I might be. But then I realized something.
SILVER: What did you realize?
SKYLER: I realized that...I wasn't ever in love with you. Or, at least, not in that way. I guess I just felt some kind of special connection between the two of us that I couldn't explain. It's like, I didn't know we were sisters, but at the same time, I kind of subconciously knew.
SILVER: Oh. I see. Well, unfortunately, we can't have Nick Fallen.
SILVER: He's with this one girl named Melanie Layton. Max Brady's sister.
SKYLER: Who's Max Brady?
SILVER: man, I really need to tell you about the Brady-Horton geneology. Ah, well. It's a long train ride, so we'll have plenty of time. Now, it all starts with Alice Horton...
Back in the other train compartment...
MELANIE: I wish Nick had killed you when he had the chance.
TRENT: But, fortunately, he didn't. He's too weak.
MELANIE: No, he's just human, unlike you.
TRENT: Yes, welll, I'm tired of talking about that. Now, get out of here. You have a few days to prepare for my friends. And you'd better be ready.
And so, Melanie left. Trent was looking very smug. Everything was going his way. Then, Jenelle came out of nowhere.
TRENT: Where did you spring from?
JENELLE: I was hiding in the closet, listening to your little talk with my daughter.
TRENT: She's my daughter, too.
JENELLE: You've got a funny way of showing it. What type of person does that? What type of person pimps out his own daughter?
TRENT: The type of man who is in serious debt.
JENELLE; You wouldn't be in so much debt if you would quit gambling.
TRENT: But, I need the money.
JENELLE: Then why do you go off gambling?
TRENT: Listen, I'm not going to go through semantics with you. This conversation is over.
Trent turned to leave.
JENELLE: I want to go back to before.
TRENT: What are you talking about?
JENELLE: You know very well what I'm talking about. I want to go back to how it was before. I want to go back to a reality in which you a dead.
TRENT: I have no idea as to what you are reffering.
JENELLE: Yes, you do! You remember the deal we made! Now, take me back.
TRENT: You really are crazy, aren't you?
And with that, Trent walked away
TRENT: Dumby, of course I'm not going to remember.
JENELLE: But why don't you?
TRENT: Because to that me, it hasn't happened. It has only happened to this me. The one inside your head. Face it, Jenelle. The only one in this reality who knows about our deal is you.
JENELLE: Well, then I'm going to find some way to stop you before you can do anything to Melanie.
TRENT: I highly doubt that.
JENELLE: Really? Just watch me...
I thought you were busy with school and exams. They always happen just before Christmas. Hope they went well.

The story is getting better and better. I see that Trent has not changed his ways. He is now evening going to kill Mel if she does not do what he wants. I am hoping that Jenelle kills him all over again. No where in the deal did she say that she wouldn't.
Jenelle's Choice, Chapter 3

Well, my final exams are over. And, I thought I'd celebrate by giving you all the next chapter of my story. So, here it is:

The sword fight was going well. Or, at least, Stefano thought so. He enjoyed watching the two men slamming their machettes together. It was quite fun. Almost better than anything seen on TV. But then, things took a serious turn. Tony kicked André in his mid-region. André dropped his machette and fell to the ground. Tony held his own sword at André's neck.
ANDRE: Go on then. Do it. Kill me.
There was a long moment of silence. Tony and André stared into each other's eyes. Then, Tony put his machette down on the ground, and leaned over to speak directly to André's face.
TONY: I never would.
ANDRE: Then you are a fool, my dear cousin.
And with that, André got back up and stabbed Tony in the chest. Tony stared at him for a long moment, before dropping to the ground, dead. Skyler and Silver saw what had happened. They had been watching for a while. Without saying a word, Skyler picked up Tony's sword and stabbed André with it. André glared up at her.
SKYLER: He wouldn't. But I would. I'm not as forgiving as he was. Goodbye, father.
Stefano chuckled and clapped.
STEFANO: Good. Very good. Your father has trained you well, Skyler. You are just as good as André was at his age.
SKYLER: I am nothing like André. André killed people in cold blood. He killed for the fun of it. I had a reason to. He killed Tony. Someone I cared about. True, I didn't know him that well, but he seemed like a nice man. that, and he was Silver's father, and Silver is my sister.
STEFANO: Well, your "father" is dead now. Both of them are. And you know what that means? Well, it means that I am in charge of you now.
SKYLER: No. It means Anna is in charge of us now. She's Silver's mother, and she already told me that she wants to have me as a daughter as well. Looks like your out of luck, Stefano.
STEFANO: We will see about that.
And with that, Slver and Skyler left the room. They went into a different compartment. Silver was in shock. She didn't know what to do. She didn't say anything. She just cried. Her father was dead. She didn't care that André was dead. But she did care that Tony was dead. Tony had been a real father to her. He actually cared about ehr. So, for once, there was a role reversal. Now Skyler had to be the big sister, for a short time anyway. And she did. She and Silver just sat there for a while, and Skyler held her big sister and comforted her. Even though she knew that nothing was ever going to be right again, now that Tony wad dead and Stefano wanted revenge for André's murder...
It was nearly time for the train to be stopping. After almost a week, the train was nearly in New York. For most people, it seemed like the train ride just flew by. But not for Melanie. She was dreading the time when they would stop in New York. She knew what Trent would make her do once she got there. Speaking of which, Trent came into the same train car that Melanie was in. The dining car. Of course, they weren't the only ones there. Almost everyone in Salem was there.
TRENT: Are you ready?
MELANIE: For what?
TRENT: You know what. I just spoke with the conductor, and he said that we will be in New York in just a few hours time. So, you'd better get ready for my friends. They've been dying to meet you.
MELANIE: I don't care about what your "friends" want. I'm not doing it.
TRENT: Oh, but you are. Or have you forgotten about this?
And Trent pulled out his gun. Just then, Jenelle walked over to them.
JENELLE: Put the gun down, Trent...
I was wondering who won the fight. I bet Stefano is going to go after Skyler. You would think with the murder on the train no one would be getting off in New York until everyone was questioned about what happened.
Just love the fact that Jenelle seems to be watching out for Mel.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
Thanks for the story Andre
Jenelle's Choice, Chapter 4

Well, here is the next chapter of the story:

JENELLE: I said put that gun down, Trent!
TRENT: Why don't you make me, Jenelle?
MELANIE: Who is she?
TRENT: You two have met before.
MELANIE: I'm sure we have, now who is she?
TRENT: She's your mother.
MELANIE: My mother? Wow, Trent! I knew you were one to tell lies, but this really is one big whopper. You know as well as I do that you killed my mother years ago.
TRENT: Not quite.
MELANIE: Yes you did! But, then again, if you did, then how come she's still alive?
TRENT: Good question. Why don't you answer that for the both of us, Jenelle?
JENELLE: Okay. You see, Melanie, you are almost right in saying that Trent killed me. He made a darn good attempt, and was almost able to. So, I faked my death. Then I went on teh run. I knew I couldnt hide forever. Even if I did, no-one would recognize me. Trent and literally scarred me for life. My face was horribly disfigured. So, after hiding out for a few years, I went to a hospital and got some reconstructive surgery done. My face would never be the same as it used to be, but they did a pretty good job of getting rid of the scars...
MELANIE: So, if you were alive the whole time, then why did you abandon me?
JENELLE: Well, honey, I never completely abandoned you. After the reconstructive surgery was over, I started watching you. Keeping tabs on you. First in Versailles and then after Max found you and you moved to Salem.
MELANIE: But, why would you choose to show yourself now?
JENELLE: Because I'm sick and tired of watching the way Trent treats you and never doing anything about it. I'm tired of watching him pimp you out!
TRENT: Hey, I have every right to do whatever I want to her. I'm her father!
jJENELLE: Well, that's where your wrong, Trent. Or, at least, half wrong. Melanie is over the age of 18, and can therefore do what she wants. You have little control over her now. And, for the last time, put that gun down.
Trent points the gun at Melanie's head.
TRENT: I don't think so, Jenelle. Now you jsut stay right there. One false move, and Melanie is dead...
Stefano had quite a lot of thinking to do. He had to think of a way to get Silver and Skyler away from Anna so he could control the two of them. They were, after all, his grandchildren. Okay, so they were his great-neices. Not too much diference, or at least not in Stefano's mind. They were still heirs to the DiMera throne. He was just thinking of an idea, when it hit him...a massive pain in his chest. The pain kept getting worse and worse. He was having a heart attack. He tried to reach his cell phone, to call for help. But he never got to make that call. The pain hit a crescendo, and then it ended.
Stefano DiMera was finally dead.
TRENT: All the cards are in yoru hands now, Jenelle. It's up to you. We can either never speak of this again and I will continue to allow Melanie to live. Or, I can kill Melanie where she stands.
The voice in Jenelle's head laughed at her
TRENT: I'm going to have control of Melanie. You would never allow your daughter to die.
JENELLE: No, I wouldn't.
MELANIE: Mom, who are you talking to?
TRENT: She's crazy. She's hearing voices in her head.
Jenelle got out her gun and pointed it at Trent.
TRENT: Go on. Do it. I dare you.
TRENT: Ooh, bad move. Such a naughty girl, Jenelle. Say goodbye to your daughter.
Jenelle stared from Trent to Melanie. Then back at Trent.
TRENT: Ha! Ha! Ha! I knew it! You're going to chicken out, just like you did last time.
JENELLE: No, I'm not!
The next few seconds seemed to move in slow motion to Melanie. Trent's grip on ehr loosened slightly, just enough to where she could run to her mother's side. Then, there was a loud bang! Trent dropped his own gun and slumped to the floor, dead.
TRENT: What the hell ahve you done!?
JENELLE: I've ended it. It's all over, now.
And then, the voice disappeared. Just like a bad dream, it was gone. Jenelle wrapped her arms around her daughter for the first time in years. She was shaking. Both of them were. In a way, neither of them should have been glad that Trent was dead, as he was Melanie's father and Jenelle's husband. But right now, they were just glad they were together.
MELANIE: Mom, I'm so glad you're back.
JENELLE: Me too, sweetheart. Me, too.
BO: Um, I hate to interrupt such a wonderful moment, here, but I beleive a murder has just been commited.
JENELLE: Yes. It has. And I plead guilty to the murder of Trent Robbins.
BO: Very well. In that case, you've made it easy on yourself. Your name is?
JENELLE: Young. Jenelle Young.
BO: Very well. Jenelle Young, you are charged with the murder of Trent Robbins. I, personally, feel that you should receive a reward for this, but, unfortuantely, we still have to go through this whole ordeal.
Melanie walked away from her mother. Nick came up to her and held her. Roman cuffed Jenelle while Bo continued reading her her rights.
BO: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You also have the right to an attourney. If you cannot afford an attourney one will be given to you...
Wow, powerful episode Andre. Both Stefano and Trent -- offed in the same chapter. Bravo. But are they really dead?

I choked up during the part where Jenelle and Melanie hugged for the first time in years. Lots of emotions and action going on. Well done. :clap:
Wow. Thanks for the chapter. I was so happy when Jenelle killed Trent and huged Mel. It made my cry. Hope the judge goes easy on her. They do have Mel hearing Trent say she is crazy and hears voices. That should help with an insanity plea.
I am sure that Stefano will be back somehow.
That was an excellent chapter! I wonder too if Stephano is really dead. It would be ironic if after all this time he died of something as natural as a heart attack. I don't think Jenelle should go to prison at all. She was protecting Mel and herself, so it should be something like self defense.

Thanks Andre.
Jenelle's Choice, Chapter 5

I'm glad you al liked that chapter. And, now, here's another one for you:

The two cops examined the body.
ROMAN: Looks like we got a double murder on our hands.
BO: Nah. Kayla examined him already. This isn't Jenelle's doing. He died of a heart attack.
ROMAN: How do we know that Stefano is really dead?
BO: Roman, we've got the man's body lying, dead, on the ground right in front of us.
ROMAN: Yes, we do. However, we've had his "dead" body in front of us several times. You should know that best of all, little brother.
BO: Yeah, well, I got a feeling that this time he really is dead.
As the train was still moving and wouldn't be arriving in New York until later that day, there was no place Jenelle could go. And even if there was a way for her to escape, she wouldn't take it. She knew exactly what she had to do. After all, even if she was put in jail for murder, it wouldn't be for too long. After all, the only reason she had killed Trent was to protect Melanie. However, the police still didn't fully trust her, so there had to be at least one police officer in the room with her at all times. Roman, Bo, Abe, and even Patch and John, both of whome were technically ISA Agents, not cops, all took turns watching over her. Most of Jenelle's time was spent with her daughter, Melanie. The two of them became very close. And, on the rare occasions when she was not with Melanie, Jenelle was figuring out jsut how to win her case.
Bo and Roman continued on to another compartment. Patch was watching Jenelle, so they knew she wouldn't be any trouble. The two cops and brothers were going to examine Tony's body now. Silver and Skyler were with them. What the two cops found, surprised them a bit.
BO: Well, now, what's all this, then?
ROMAN: Looks like we've got some double trouble on our hands. Girls, did you know that André was in this comparment?
BO: Then why didn't you tell us?
SKYLER: Well, we got so caught up in Tony's death, that we kind of forgot.
This was not entirely untrue. The girls were very caught up in Tony's death. However, it was untrue in that they had not forgotten that André had been killed as well. It was merely that, they knew that André was dead, but weren't as greatly impacted by it as they were by Tony's death.
ROMAN: Understandable.
BO: Looks like they were both killed in a sword fight.
ROMAN: Must have ended up killing each other.
SKYLER: They didn't kill each other.
BO: Then who did?
SILVER: Well, André killed Tony...
BO: And who killed André?
SKYLER: I did.
ROMAN: Will you excuse us for a moment?
Bo and Roman went into the hallway.
BO: Roman, we can't take her in. She's a fifteen-year-old girl.
ROMAN: Bo, I realize how old she is, but we've gotta do this by the book. Now, Skyler committed a crime and she needs to be arrested for it. At least she'll still have a fair trial.
BO: I suppose.
ROMAN: Now, let's get back in there.
So, Bo and Roman went back in.
ROMAN: I'm sorry, Skyler, but you know what we have to do, don't you?
SKYLER: Yes. I know. And I understand why you do as well.
ROMAN: Very well, then...
Bo cuffed Skyler as Roman began to read her her rights.
ROMAN: Skyler DiMera, you are under arrest for the murder of André DiMera. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law...
Oh why did Skyler have to say anything about killing Andre. It was just Stefano, Tony and Andre in the room with her at the time. Silver was with Anna She was stabbed as well in the fight. No one else was there so if Skyler said nothing it would have gone down as Tony and Andre were killed in a fight. Oh well I am hoping that Mickey will get her off.
Thanks for the chapter Andre Dimera it was exciting.
I just had a thought...depending on where this train is traveling, legal jurisdictions could be changing every so many miles. Will these arrests hold up in court?
I just had a thought...depending on where this train is traveling, legal jurisdictions could be changing every so many miles. Will these arrests hold up in court?

That's a very good point there, Nurse Hamster! I'd like to know that also!
Jenelle's Choice, Chapter 6

Well, you'll just have to wait and find out. But, you won't have to wait too long...

The train had finally come to a stop. Finally, after about a week of rather interesting and intesnse train travel, the train pulled in to New York's main station. Kimberly was there waiting to greet the whole family.
KIMBERLY: How was the trip?
KAYLA: it was...interesting.
KIMBERLY: How do you mean/
BO: There'll be plenty of time for that later, sis. Right now, we'll just celebrate Christmas.
Bo and Roman had taken their own rental car together. Roman was driving. Earlier that day, Bo had recieved a letter from Kimberly...
KIMBERLY: This came for you in the male.
BO: Waht is it?
KIMBERLY: I don't know. But, whoever sent it must have known you were going to be comign here...
ROMAN: So, what is it?
BO: It's from that Salem Spectator Website. It's a petition, signed by every single member of the Salem Spectator Forum. "Sirs Bo and Roman Brady, we the people of the Salem Spectator Forums, wish for the two people who have recently been arrested, Skyler DiMera and Jenelle Young, to go free. The attached is a petition signed by every member of our forums. We feel that it is impossible that either of these two people could have been in thier right minds when committing the murders of André DiMera and Trent Robbins. We hope you will bring this petition into consideration when it comes time for their trials. Sincerely, the members of the Salem Spectator Forum."
ROMAN: Well, looks like some people really want to make sure that our two criminals are set free.
(NOTE: You'll want to play this whilst reading this section of the chapter:
But it was no time to worry about that. It was Christmas Eve. Soon, everybody had gotten to their hotels, got their things un-packed, and went over to Kimberly and Shane's. There, they decorated to Brady-Horton Christmas Tree. The trials and all of the other woories of the world could wait for another day. Right now, all that mattered to the good people of Salem was taht they were all together. That they could all celebrate Christmas as one big, happy family. They hung thier ornaments, and watched as others hung theirs. They conversed with their family and fellow friends who were there. They had what was probably the best Christmas they had had for a long time. And it was all because they were together. And, when the Christmas Tree was all decorated, dear old Alice Horton spoke the words she had spoken on every Christmas since anyone could remmber...
ALICE: To those we know, and love, near or far, have a merry Christmas nwo, and all the days of our lives...
Andre, that gave me goosebumps. I loved how you directed us to the Manheim Steamroller song. It was the perfect backdrop for the scene. Nicely done!
Ah, André.......when you had all the Salemites gathered in New York, I thought at first you were going for the "Alone in New York"........but gave us the Hortons, the beautiful music by Manheim Steamroller, and our beloved Alice with her unforgetable Christmas greeting.

And just an aside to whoever asked.....maybe a train is like a ship. The Conductor is able to make arrests, etc. just like the Ship's captain. But let's not get all legal and just enjoy whatever André has in store for us.