New movie Spoiler Alert starring Sally Field (Days related)


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2015
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Brooklyn, NY
Last night I saw the new film "Spoiler Alert", adapted from the memoir written by television journalist Michael Ausiello. Great movie. In the movie Mike grew up watching Days of our Lives and he had a big crush on Bo Brady. There was a scene in the movie where Michael brings his new boyfriend to his apartment and when they show the kitchen there is a big black and white face shot of Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) on his refrigerator.

Jim Parsons, known from the Big Bang Theory, plays Michael in the film. He was amazing and so were the other actors - Sally Field, Ben Aldridge.
I'm going with my gay friend (hopefully more than friend soon..) when I get back home. I'm expecting to be really sad or cry, which I normally don't in movies.
He was on the Today show last week or so to talk about the movie. It looks really good.