Nick's photos of EJ and Abigail


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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Has it been addressed as to where these photos are? Did Percy leave the country with them? Are they on Nick's phone? Computer? In the real world, would the police be looking at Nick's phone/computer to find any info they could? Looks like someone (perhaps Kate) would realize that Percy has disappeared?
right now, Nick's phone is missing. And so far, have not heard a word of any search of Nick's room/apt. But then, this is Salem PD,isn't it? Everyone had to get a good night's sleep, so Hope could call in those in the square, but only those she knew personally. Strangers were given a free pass. And those she knew thus would have ample time (if they were guilty) to dispose of guns, ammo, and get stories straight with others. ahhh, amazing, isn't it?
I thought Nick told EJ that he had a plan should anything happen to him..... well something did... perhaps the post office isn't as efficient as Salem PD in getting security cam photos developed and delivered... Or perhaps the crew EJ hired has found the thumb/jump drives and removed them from Nick's....I wouldn't bet the PD would be able to find where he was living let alone have an idea to perhaps search it... they only think of him as the victim..
right now, Nick's phone is missing. And so far, have not heard a word of any search of Nick's room/apt. But then, this is Salem PD,isn't it? Everyone had to get a good night's sleep, so Hope could call in those in the square, but only those she knew personally. Strangers were given a free pass. And those she knew thus would have ample time (if they were guilty) to dispose of guns, ammo, and get stories straight with others. ahhh, amazing, isn't it?
Amazing indeed. In The Town, Ben Affleck's crew of armed robbers went to great lengths to avoid leaving the Boston P.D. any fingerprint and DNA evidence. They burned their get-away vehicles after a robbery was committed and had arranged bought-and-paid-for alibis before pulling a job. Thanks to the pathetic police work of Hope and her colleagues, all this effort would be unnecessary in Salem. Probably the only reason why Salem isn't at the top of the charts for thefts, burglaries, and and armed robberies is that the DiMeras have warned other professional criminals that they have a monopoly on serious crimes committed in their home town.
I realize they aren't looking for the photos, just thought they would come across them while going through his things. If the police aren't searching for clues as to who might have a grudge against him, someone (Julie?) will eventually be responsible for cleaning out his apartment (room?). Just wondering if the photos will ever show up again.
If they ever show up, it won't be because of the Salem PD and I doubt it will be Julie who finds them. By next week, Julie will be back on one of the infamous cruises her and Doug go on. So, my guess is that Sami herself will get her hands on them just by opening the darn drawer where EJ keeps them in the Dimera mansion's living room. All she'll have to do is use a pen, or a nail file. :rolleyes: Seriously, EJ would be better off getting rid of the photos precisely at Nick's apartment then leaving them in his own house and constantly gawking at them. :rolleyes:
Yes, EJ did order his goons to delete everything on Nick's computer, but am guessing there is a set of photos sent to an attorney, in a safety deposit box, or maybe with Percy, ...maybe even hidden out on the island.
what im wondering is how did Hope know of Lucas & Nick's texts in today's episode if Nicks phone was missing? Maybe i didn't see that part where she said how she acquired the phone.. not sure
When Hope asked Lucas today about if he had any communication with Nick that day & he said no, she said that his service provider showed texts between the 2 of them & gave the times of the texts compared to Nick's time of death.