Not important, but Kayla and Steve


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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I know I went to the only high school in a very small town, 40+ years ago, but at no time were my parents allowed to choose my classes and the periods I would take them. Is this a common practice now, or private school, or is it just in soapland?
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The guidance counselors do it at all of the school districts in my county. You are given a list of electives such as languages to choose from, and your parent/parents must sign off on what you pick. However, they do not choose the period, teacher, etc.

If what you pick doesn't fit with your educational plan, then the guidance counselors nix it before getting to your parents. I wanted to take basic woodshop my junior year since it would be handy at home to do some repairs. (my Dad past away the year before) Nope, they made me take college level speech / debate so I'd get college credit for it then, and wouldn't have to take it in college.
If they were going over a schedule, or something, Joey should have been there as well. Otherwise, I agree. parents just do not do that alone. And that has been Joe's complaint. That his parents don't listen to HIM and what HE wants to do.
Back in the stone age when I went to school, my parents had no clue what classes I was taking until I came home with my class schedule. They never once had a say-so; the school pre-selected the required classes. And then I picked my elective classes.
My grandson is in Catholic school so they pick the classes. Next year is high school and it will be public school, so I truly don't know.
There are subjects in high school (or used to be) that are mandatory. Science lst year, English, U.S. History. For me it was 3 years of English, (I took 4), the science course was followed by biology, physics and chemistry. Had to take a year of music, a year of art. Depending on what your course line was, the rest was up to you.
And I think it is still the same. There are certain subjects mandatory, you have to have x amount of credits to graduate (oh, yes, physical education was mandatory for me, too). But you get to choose other subjects which may, or may not, be of interest.
I picked them at my public school but my counselor was, well, stupid? He said (when me and my friend got conflicting classes) "those classes are the same" ummmm, no. We wanted Home and Family but got Food and Nutrition lol. Ended up with the latter.
As an underclassmen in high school (I went to 3 in 3 years), I was tracked, and so classes were decided for me. Once I could just fulfill requirements (music, etc), I had choices (I was in band). Science and math were decided for me.

In private school, I had much more leeway, but we also had really unique classes (Supreme Court, Microeconomics, etc.).

So, while I had some "choices," most of it was pre-determined, and that was 1996-2000.
I'll throw in that in my midwestern public school, I picked my own electives. 2 per semester freshman year, then 3.5 sophomore, 4 junior, and I think 6 open plus 2 social science classes senior year. This was 1992-1996. My mother had no say whatsoever, and really didn't care what I took. LOL

Then again...I actually went to junior high and elementary school, unlike young Mr Johnson. :wink:

Speaking of Kayla/Joey/Steve...the way Patch/Steve talks, it's almost as if they want us to believe Stephanie and Joey are close in age. Steve keeps saying things like, "I left you kids." Um...wasn't Stephanie an adult, living her own life, who-knows-where, when this happened?