Out of Africa



Chapter 1

Readers, please click the link to listen to the theme music while reading the first chapter.



Lexie: I have a request here from Dr. Johnson saying they are running very low on supplies in Eritrea. She’s asking for donations. She enclosed a list of the things they need most.
Lexie passes the list around.
Julie: Motion to approve.
Maggie: Seconded.
Lexie: She also says they are experiencing an outbreak of Hepatitis E and is requesting medical personnel. Philip, do you think the Titan Foundation could fund a mission over there?
Philip: How much money are we talking about?
Julie: The last mission we sent cost three quarters of a million dollars.
Philip: I’ll underwrite a grant for a million. And they can use one of Titan’s jets to carry the supplies and the medical personnel.
Lexie: Thank you. That would be wonderful.
Daniel: Now we need to figure out who to send.
Lexie: I would go, but I don’t want to leave Theo for that long.
Daniel: I’d go, but Chloe’s due to deliver within the month.
Lexie: The only staff we could possibly spare are the juniors.
Daniel: I think this could be a great learning opportunity for both Melanie and Nathan.


Stephanie: Hi Philip. Why the long face?
Philip: I just sealed my own fate.
Stephanie: What are you talking about?
Philip: If I ever had hope that my soon-to-be ex-wife would take me back, it’s about to disappear, thanks to a big fat million dollar check I’m writing.
Stephanie: Maybe it’s my hormones, but I still don’t understand.
Philip: I agreed to underwrite a mission to Eritrea ...
Stephanie: For my mother’s clinic?
Philip: That’s right. Your mom requested volunteers and they’re sending Melanie and Nathan.
Stephanie: No! They can’t go!
Philip: Working under those conditions, they’re bound to get closer than ever. As if they’re not already close enough.
Stephanie: We can’t let that happen.
Philip: How are we going to stop it?
Stephanie: Well you’re right, we probably can’t stop it. But I’m going to go along to Africa.
Philip: In your condition?
Stephanie: Women have babies every day.
Philip: Steph, you’re what? Eight months pregnant? Eritrea is no picnic. There’s death and disease and civil unrest there.
Stephanie: I don’t care. I’m not going to hand the father of my baby to Melanie on a silver platter. Plus, I could really use my mom right now.
Philip: Do your parents even know you’re pregnant?
Stephanie: They’ll know soon. Hey, you should come along too.

To be continued weekdays...

Copyright © 2010 kpatch. All rights reserved.
Yeah another wonderful start to a kpatch story. I can't believe that Stephanie is pregnant and is going to travel to Africa in her condition. Oh wait, this is Miss Insecurity we are talking about. Thanks for the wonderful surprise this morning, can't wait to see how this unfolds.
Sounds like this is gonna be another great story from kpatch! Can't wait to see how Princess Stephanie fares in Africa! This is gonna be good!
Wow awesome start, can't wait to see where this is going to go. So hoping Philip goes to Africa with Mel.
Yay!!!!!! Another kpatch story!!!

Awesome start!! I hate that Stephanie is pregnant tho. Now we have to listen to more of her nonstop whining.
Hmmmm, so Philip & Melanie are divorced??? And Stephanie pregnant by Nathan? heheheheheh. :wink:
Oh no kpatch. Melanie is Philip's soon to be ex wife. (What, How, Help get them back together) So glad that Kayla snd Steve are going to be in the story. Looking forward to seeing them all in Africa. Stephanie and Chloe both about to have babies. Ohh should be so good. Thanks kpatch. I really needed a lift today.
Chapter 2


Nathan: This is really cool. I’ve never been on a private jet before. Have you?
Melanie: Um.
Nathan: Sorry, stupid question. You probably were on this jet when you went on your honeymoon.
Melanie: We never actually went on a honeymoon.
Nathan: Sorry again. Boy, I keep putting my foot in my mouth, don’t I?
Melanie: Well you do seem a little nervous.
Nathan: I guess I am. I’ve never treated any patients outside a hospital setting. It’s going to be very different. I just hope I don’t make any mistakes.
Melanie: Why, Dr. Horton, you’re not admitting to being less than perfect, are you?
Nathan: Me? Of course not. Let’s talk about something else. Hey, I know, let’s talk about our honeymoon.
Melanie: Nathan, I’m not even divorced yet.
Nathan: I know. You said we can’t move forward in our relationship until your divorce is final. But that’s just a technicality as far as I’m concerned. So, where do you want to go on our honeymoon? I’ll take you anywhere in the world you want to go.
Melanie: I’ll have to think about it.
Nathan: Let’s see if I can tune in some music to set the mood.
He starts fiddling with the radio overhead. Philip and Stephanie are sitting a few rows back and Philip is seething with jealousy.

Philip: Hey Horton, cut that out. It’s against federal law to tamper with the sound system.
Stephanie: Geez Philip, you’re the worst travel companion in the world.
Philip: Thanks a lot.
Stephanie: You’ve been doing nothing but craning your neck trying to see what Nathan and Melanie are up to.
Philip: Well aren’t you curious about what they’re discussing?
Stephanie: Of course. But it’s a long flight and I’m not supposed to get excited, so I’m working on my relaxation techniques from my pregnancy book. Check this out. She shows him a page in the book. You should try some of these.
Philip: I was born uptight. I can’t relax.
Stephanie: You can say that again.

Nathan has left his seat to use the restroom and Philip takes the opportunity to go sit next to Melanie.
Melanie: So have you and Stephanie picked out a name for your baby?

To be continued ...
Philip needs to tell Melanie that he is NOT the father of Stephanie's baby. Her precious Nathan is. Please don't let him keep quiet on this subject. She deserves to know the truth and soon.
Oh no please don't let Philip be the father of Stephanies kid. Can't wait for the next chapter kpatch, I'm enthralled.
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry to scream What? Philip is the father of Stephanie's baby? Something is very wrong here. Yesterday Stephanie is talking to Philip about Mel and Nathan going to Africa and getting even closer so he would have no chance of getting back with Mel. Stephanie said she was not going to hand the father of her baby to Melanie on a silver platter. Poor Mel must be misinformed (Please have her read chapter one) Sure hope Philip sets her right. Thanks kpatch. I am trusting you to make sure my favorite couple stay together. Just like I trusted you to save Mel in the story where Viv buried her alive.
Perhaps she is mistaken about who sat down next to her...you guys know kpatch loves to mess with us.

I think there's a trick up her sleeve...
@ Addicted to DOOL. I never thought of that, but she could have been thinking it was Nathan that returned to his seat. Ohh I hope you are right. Kpatch loves to tease us.
Chapter 3


Nathan has left his seat to use the restroom and Philip takes the opportunity to go sit next to Melanie.
Melanie: So have you and Stephanie picked out a name for your baby?
Philip: Don’t start that again, Mel.
Melanie: I’m sure it will be a beautiful baby, with her for a mother and you for a father. Of course it will also be the devil incarnate.
Philip: How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not her baby’s father. Nathan is.
Melanie: That’s funny. I mean, okay, why would I believe you over Nathan? Nathan and I are honest and open with each other. He would have told me if he was the father. Besides, I know what I heard.
Philip: Well, you heard wrong.
Philip flashes back to the conversation that Melanie thinks she overheard.


Philip: Things are great. Why wouldn’t would they be?
Stephanie: Things had better be great between you and Melanie because if they’re not ...
Philip: Give it a rest, Stephanie.
Stephanie: ... Melanie’s going to go running straight to Nathan and I don’t need that. Things are perfect between me and Nathan right now.
Philip: Glad to hear it.
Stephanie: What I can’t figure out is why you’ve been acting so jumpy lately. And why did you call yourself a basstard and say you were the guilty party that day I found you drinking a bottle of wine at the Pub?
Philip: I told you to drop it, Steph.
Stephanie: Oh my god. I just figured it out. You cheated on Melanie, didn’t you?
Philip: What? I did not.
Stephanie: I know you, Philip. I’m right. You had an affair.
Philip: Shhhh!
Stephanie: Who with? Who did you have an affair with?
Philip: You’re just unbelievable. Listen, I need you to promise me that you will never tell Melanie. She can’t find out about it or it will be very bad for both of us.
Stephanie: You don’t have to tell me twice, Philip. I have just as much to lose as you.


Philip: Well, you heard wrong.
Melanie: I don’t think so.
Melanie flashes back to the conversation that she overheard between Philip and Stephanie.


Melanie is coming out of a patient’s room and sees Philip and Stephanie having a heated discussion.
Philip: Shhhh!
Stephanie whispers something to Philip that Melanie can’t hear.
Philip: You were unbelievable, baby. I need you. Promise me that you will never tell Melanie. She can’t find out about us.
Stephanie: You don’t know what it’s like, Philip. I just don’t want to lose you.


Philip: Well, you’re wrong.
Melanie: Yet you admitted you had an affair.
Philip: No, it wasn’t an affair. It was a one-time mistake. Like I told you, it happened after I saw you and Nathan kissing and I went out and got drunk.
Melanie: Then if it wasn’t with Stephanie, who was it?
Philip: I already told you that it’s not important.
Melanie: You know the truth always comes out, Philip. You may as well admit you and Stephanie slept together.
Philip: We just can’t have a pleasant conversation anymore, can we?

To be continued ...
Come on Philip, just tell her already. Melanie is never going to believe you didn't get Stephanie pregnant if you don't tell her you might be the father of Chloe's baby. Great story kpatch. Can't wait till tomorrow's chapter.
Ok so the one night stand happened in this story. Not looking good for my Philip and Mel. He is not the father of Stephanie's baby, but maybe the father of Chloe's. I just don't know how you are going to straighten this out Kpatch, but am going to enjoy you doing it. Thanks for the chapter.
So Nathan must think Stephanie was still taking her birth control when they were together. He doesn't seem the type that would just abandon Stephanie if she were pregnant with his baby. I think he is honest to Mel in saying it is not his because he truly believes that. He doesn't know Stephanie's evil ways.