Paging Dr. Jonas...


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2006
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If Shawn Christian (Daniel) does not appear in Friday's episode (and he's not listed in the sneak peeks), it will be the first 5-day week without a Daniel sighting since the week of 6/11-6/15/12. Since then, Daniel was also absent for two 3-day weeks (11/19-11/21/12 and 6/2-6/4/14).
Nicole works as a news reporter so can be out and about, on her way to an interview, stopping for coffee, etc. Daniel is a doctor/surgeon, and yet was rarely seen in the hospital.
There is nothing wrong in having him be where he mostly is supposed to be. He does not have to be chasing crooks, following strange doctors to remote cabins, getting caught up in the personal problems of the Deveraux family, the Brady family, the Kiriakis family, etc. etc.

That said, we obviously are seeing longer scenes between characters, the number of short, jumpy, choppy scenes has been cut by over a third. More cohesion, more common sense.
It also seems without seeing him, we don't see Nicole either..I am not a Dr Jonas hater, so I am missing them both. I would be fine though seeing him a little less, rather than not seeing him anymore. I guess even Shawn Christian/Dr Jonas & Arianne Zucker/Nicole get time off.

I'm hopeful that this will change once the new writers put Nicole back in Eric's orbit

It was a double whammy for me. A week of no Daniel AND no Theresa.

Forgive me you all for the gif usage lately but I found a website that has a gif for literally every emotion LOL and I can't help myself. But don't worry, I won't over do it LOL.
OMG cryin4days...... Dwayne Johnson!! Now I could watch him on any show or movie 24/7... oops, sorry, off topic.
If I was Nicole, I would not trust Eric one iota. He has trashed her just once too often. After all they went through together, all that Eric claimed to be feeling about her, blah, blah, he has the nerve to say she is still a vindictive, money grubbing ......well, you all heard it. How many times is he going to call her names, degrade her, not believe her, etc.
I am not all that fond of Daniel, but at least he stood by her today. Yep, I really think now that perhaps Rafe is the man for her. The guy who stepped up when EJ was trying to bully her, who stayed her friend thru thick and thin. However, I don't want anyone rushing into anything. I almost said Brady, but then remembered how Brady's brother/sister kind of relationship was ruined when they suddenly became lovers. Nope. Don't want any of that for anyone.